Muscles Facial and Neck IN, A, O, I Flashcards
Levator Palpebrae superioris
Action and innervation
Elevates and retracts the upper eyelid
Oculomotor nerve CN III
Elevates and retracts the upper eyelid
Oculomotor nerve CN III
Compresses cheeks during mastication and sucking
Branch of facial nerve CN VII
Action and Innervation
A: Depress lower jaw
IN Branch of facial nerve CN VII
The Zygomaticus Major NOTE: Cheek dimples are due to a ____ (split/double) Zygomaticus Major
Zygomaticus Major
Action and Innervation
A draws the angle of the mouth laterally and upward (as a smile)
IN: Branch of facial nerve CN VII
Occipitofrontalis (Frontalis and Occipitalis)
The Frontalis A/IN
the Occipitalis A/IN
A:Draws the scalp anteriorly; raises eyebrows and skin over nose and eyes
A:Draws scalp posteriorly
IN: Branch of facial nerve CN VII
Orbicularis oris
Action and Innervation (Superficial and Deep portion)
Superficial: closes lips, protrudes lips (kiss)
Deep portion presses lips against teeth
IN = Branch of the facial Nerve CN VII
Branch of facial nerve CN VII
Orbicularis Oculi:
Action and Innervation
Action Closes Eyelid (wink)
Branch of facial Nerve CN VII