Topic 2 - EQ1 - Glaciation (Mr W) Flashcards
What state has the earth been in for 90% of its existence?
Greenhouse state (no ice on earth whatsoever)
How old is the Earth?
4.5 billion years old
What state is the earth currently in?
It’s icehouse state (we have ice on earth)
What happens in the icehouse state?
The climate fluctuates between cooler glacial periods of ice advance and warmer interglacial periods of ice retreat (we are in the warmer interglacial period)
What was the name of the last glacial period?
Pleistocene epoch (it lasted until approx. 11,500 years ago)
What is the name of the current epoch we are in?
The Holocene epoch (interglacial epoch which began approx. 10,000 years ago)
What was the Devensian?
The last glacial maximum which occurred approx. 18,000 years ago
What are stadials?
Relatively short lived pulses of ice
What was the Loch Lomond Stadial?
The last glacial advance (glacial advance up to Loch Lomond) and marked the end of the Pleistocene epoch.
When did the quaternary period start?
2.6 million years ago
What caused the quaternary period to start?
The collision of S and N America which redirected the Gulf Stream warming the Western European shores
What are the three orbital variation cycles known as the Milankovitch cycles?
Axial tilt, eccentricity (the shape of the Earth’s orbit can vary from circular to more oval shaped) and precession (wobble)
Do the Milankovitch cycles have an impact individually?
Individually they have a very limited impact on Earth’s weather
How often do the Milankovitch cycles combine? What’s the impact?
Every 100,000 years. This combination of oscillations causes major temperature changes leading to dramatic variations in global ice volumes.
How much is the Earth’s temperature actually changed by the Milankovitch cycles alone?
The actual impact of combines orbital changes on solar radiation amount and distribution is small and probably only enough to change global temperatures between 0.5°C to 1°C.
What is the positive feedback of the Milankovitch cycles coinciding?
The change of 0.5°-1°C leads to small increases in snow and ice levels which increases surface albedo (reflectivity) so more solar energy is reflected back into space leading to further cooling and more snow and ice and more reflectivity. This positive feedback can cause temperature drops of up to 5°C because of the Milankovitch cycles.
What are two major short term causes of climate change?
Sun spot activity and Volcanic activity
How does volcanic activity affect climate change?
- Ash is released in large quantities causing blocking of the suns radiation to the surface of the Earth but the ash settles within months
- Sulphur dioxide is emitted in large quantities by large eruptions, Sulphur dioxide forms sulphate aerosols and these aerosols increase the reflection of the Sun’s radiation back into space which cools Earth’s lower atmosphere. The aerosols remain in the atmosphere for as long as 3 years.
Example is: Mount Tambora in the 19th C
How do sunspots cause climate change?
Sunspots are caused by intense magnetic activity in the Sun’s interior and an increase in sunspots means the Sun is giving off more energy so the climate is warmed. A lack of sunspot activity then leads to cooler periods, one of the theories for the cause of the little ice age.
What is the cause of the Loch Lomond Stadial?
-Drainage of a huge Canadian proglacial lake, disrupting the Thermo-Haline Circulation which could have cut off the heat transport of the Gulf Stream causing major cooling
What were the characteristics of the Loch Lomond stadial?
6-7°C lower average temperatures and glaciers re-advanced and ice caps formed in the Scottish highlands
What was the cause of the Little Ice Age?
One potential cause is volcanic activity causing cooling. The most likely cause is a lack of sunspot activity causing lower levels of solar radiation
What were the characteristics of the Little Ice Age?
Period between approx 1350 and 1850 of 1-2°C cooler temperatures. Colder winters led to the freezing of British and Dutch rivers allowing for ice skating. Swiss alpine farms were destroyed by farms, many upland Scandinavian farms had to be abandoned, Iceland’s cereal crop failed so switched from a grain based diet, Iceland and Greenland were cut off by ice for centuries, positive net mass of glacial mass.
Where are high latitude ice sheets distributed?
Within the Arctic and Antarctic circle exclusively. Greenland and Antarctica are notable examples.
Where is the high latitude tundra distributed?
All located within the North of the Northern hemisphere. Stretches through northern Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. On the other side of the Atlantic the tundra stretches across Northern Canada to Alaska.
Where are the high altitude glaciers located?
Mountainous regions of high altitude, e.g. Rocky Mountains, Himalayas, European Alps. Nothing to do with latitude.
Compare present day and Pleistocene high latitude ice sheet extension?
- Pleistocene maximum ice cover was 3x today
- Ice coverage was similar in Greenland and Antarctica, Pleistocene slightly greater
- Pleistocene era saw ice sheets in North America and Scandinavian continents/subcontinent
What is the cryosphere.
The frozen part of the Earth’s hydrological system, e.g. ice sheets and glaciers
Why is the cryosphere important?
- The cryosphere is a very visible barometer of climate change
- Snow and ice help to regulate the Earth’s temperature through the albedo effect
- Mass and energy are constantly exchanged between the cryosphere and other major components of Earth’s systems
How are ice masses classified?
By scale and location, also sometimes by their thermal characteristics
What is the size progression of glaciers?
Niche -> Cirque -> Valley -> Piedmont
What is the size order of ice masses (not including glaciers)?
Ice fields -> Ice caps -> Ice shelfs (ice masses that extend over water) -> Ice sheets (only 2, Greenland and Antarctica)
What are warm based glaciers?
Glaciers which occur at high altitudes outside the polar region. The effects of pressure, geothermal energy and percolation of meltwater (caused by temperatures fluctuating above and below zero) all contribute to prevent the glacier freezing to its bed. Warm based glaciers have a debris rich meltwater basal layer. The meltwater layer acts as a lubricant making it easier for the glacier to move downhill with the collection of debris and erode the surface beneath.
What are cold based glaciers?
Glaciers which occur in high latitudes and because of the extremely low surface temperatures the temperature at the base of the glacier does not rise to 0°C and so the glacier is permanently frozen to its base. The glacier has no debris rich basal layer. The only meltwater occurs during the cool polar summers but there is very little percolation to affect the glacier. Thus, they have little erosion.
What are constrained ice masses?
Ice masses that are constrained to the shape of the land that they exist in. E.g. Ice fields and all glaciers
What are unconstrained ice masses?
Ice masses that are not limited to the shape of the environment they exist in (e.g. ice shelves, ice caps, ice sheets)
What are the main types of cold environments?
- Polar (high latitude) regions of permanent ice (effectively just the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica)
- Periglacial (tundra) regions characterised by permanently frozen ground
- High altitude (alpine) regions
- Glacial environments
What latitude is continuous permafrost most commonly found at? How deep is this permafrost?
65°N to 75°N. Permafrost here is can be up to 800m deep and has an active layer no deeper than 1m (usually).
What latitude is discontinuous permafrost most commonly found at? How deep is this permafrost?
60°N to 65°N. Permafrost only about 45m deep at most, active layer is 1.5 to 1m deep.
What is the name of the unfrozen ground between bands of discontinuous permafrost?
How is latitude, temperature, depth of permafrost and depth of active layer linked?
Higher latitudes = Lower temperatures = Greater Depth of Permafrost = Thinner Active layer
How does climate control the distribution and character of permafrost?
Temperature and amount of moisture available determines the presence or absence of permafrost and the depth/extent of permafrost
What are the local factors affecting permafrost coverage?
- Position of water bodies like lakes (water insulates ground below so no permafrost beneath water bodies like lakes)
- Slope orientation (Northern slopes more likely to have more permafrost as they receive less sunlight during the day so are colder than Southern slopes)
- Character of ground surface (bare, dark ground absorbs the sun’s radiation so more fragmented and shallower permafrost beneath)
- Vegetation cover (coniferous trees shed needles onto the forest floor and these needles accumulate creating a layer of insulation meaning more fragmented and shallower permafrost)
- Snow cover (Albedo effect so sun’s radiation is reflected and the ground beneath snow is cooler and more likely to be continuously and much deeper frozen)
- Proximity to oceans (warm ocean currents may result in less permafrost)
How much does water expand by when it freezes during freeze thaw weathering?
How are tors and scree formed from freeze thaw weathering?
Tors are formed from more resistant rock that when the area was all rock this resistant rock was more resistant to freeze thaw weathering than the other rock. The other less resistant rock is broken away by freeze thaw weathering and this is the scree we see on slopes beneath the resistant tors.
How does freeze thaw weathering form Felsenmeer/blockfields?
Felsenmeers are formed from freeze thaw weathering breaking up the top layer of rock revealing the underlying jagged boulder formations of more resistant rock. The block fields are formed of a combination of frost heave pushing up bedrock and the freeze thaw weathering.
What is Nivation?
A combination of processes which weaken and erode the ground under a snow patch. These processes include freeze thaw weathering, meltwater erosion and solifluction.
Due to fluctuating temperatures in summer, the presence of meltwater from the snow promotes freeze thaw weathering. Meltwater also carries away any debris so that the hollow can be enlarged again.
How often do the Milankovitch cycles coincide?
Every 100,000 years
How do Milankovitch cycles cause glacials and a big increase in ice on earth?
The cycles coinciding effects on solar radiation amount and distribution is between 0.5° and 1°C. However, this small change leads to positive feedback, the small change leads to slightly more snow and ice cover which increase surface albedo cooling the earth more. Positive feedback of cycles causes the larger temperature changed of up to 5°C.
What is solifluction?
The downslope movement of the unfrozen saturated active layer under the influence of gravity.
What does solifluction result in?
Solifluction lobes forming on slopes
What is loess?
The extensive accumulation of wind blown deposits of fine, dry sediment from the ground surface. Less vegetation enables easier movement.
How is meltwater erosion significant in regards to the formation of braided streams?
Thawing in summer creates meltwater which erodes stream or river channels. Refreshing at the onset of winter causes a reduction in discharge and sediment deposition in the channel. Braided streams are formed with multiple channels separated by islands of deposited material.
How is a closed system pingo formed?
These form in the continuous zone of permafrost. They form as a lake becomes infilled with sediment. The sediment then freezes over the lake. The lake then freezes (and expands) in the winter pushing the sediment above it up creating a mound. In the summer the lake melts and the mound collapses.
How is an open system pingo formed?
These occur in the discontinuous zone of permafrost or valley floors. They are formed by the freezing of water in the upper layers of the soil leading to expansion of ice within the soil heaving up the overlying sediments creating a mound up to 50 metres high.
What are pingos?
Ice core mounds 3-70m in height and 100m to 500m in diameter. They are formed from ice cores pushing up sediments or ground above them.
What is frost heaving?
Frost heaving is when the ground freezes and the stones in the ground chill quicker than the soil and so the water below the stones freezes forming ice lenses, and this heaves up the stones creating a mound in the ground.
What causes stone polygon and stone stripe formations?
The process of frost heaving and the upward movement of stones heaves stones up to the surface. When they reach the surface the shape of the stone is reflected on the ground of the mound, however, as the heaving creates mounds if the stone surfaces at a portion of land with a gradient >6 degrees then a striped pattern is left on the ground. Smaller particles are moved away by wind and meltwater and do not make a pattern.
What is ground contraction? How does it lead to ice wedges?
When dry areas of the active layer refreeze, the ground contracts and cracks. Meltwater then fills the cracks and when winter comes the water freezes and expands by 9% widening the gap.
How do ice wedges cause polygons to form on the ground?
After multiple winters the cracks in the ground get larger and some soil is pushed up to make tiny mounds in the ground either side of the original crack which has been filled with ice. These mounds are what create this polygon pattern on the ground similar to the polygons formed by frost heaving.
What are two major causes of long term natural climate change?
- Milankovitch cycles
- Plate tectonics
How have plate tectonics led to long term climate change?
Collision of N and S American plates 3 million years ago rerouted Gulf Stream, brought moisture to Arctic which led to increased snowfall in Greenland, causing the Greenland ice sheet which in turn triggered the last ice age.