Topic 2 Flashcards
What are the primary functions of the brain?
- behaviour
- receiving and translating info
Afferent is ______ and efferent is _____
Neuron structure
- dendrites
- cell body (nucleus)
- axon hillock
- axon
- myelin sheath
- axon terminal
Nucleus vs Ganglion
Nucleus - a group of cell bodies in the CNS
Ganglion - group of cell bodies in the PNS
Tract vs Nerve
Tract - bundle of axons in the CNS
Nerve - bundle of axons in the PNS
Grey vs white matter
Grey - contains nuclei and ganglion and is unmyelinated
White - contains tracks and nerves and is myelinated
Meninge layers
- Dura mater
- tough outer layer - Arachnoid mater
- network of connective tissue
- sub space has CSF - Pia mater
- thin inner layer
- tight against the brain
Gyrus vs sulcus
Gyrus - ridges/hills
Sulcus - furrows/valleys
- fissures are deeper sulcus
*allows for greater surface area
More folds = more intelligence
Important fissures and sulci
Central sulcus - top of the brain separating the parietal and frontal lobe
Longitudinal fissure - separates the hemispheres
Lateral fissure - separates the frontal and temporal lobes
*refer to slides
Lobes of the brain
- Frontal
- motor function
- executive function - Parietal
- somatosensory function
- sensory integration - Temporal
- auditory
- taste
- smell
- memory - Occipital
- visual
Phineas Gage incident
- bar through his right frontal lobe to his left cheek
- survived and lived 12 more years
- had a complete change in behaviour and personality
Motor and Sensory regions
Primary motor cortex
- output info (efferent)
Primary sensory cortex
- input info (afferent)
Boca’s area
- production of speech
- produce coherent speech
Wernicke’s area
- understand speech
- doesn’t allow for physical speech
Cerebral ventricles
- Lateral ventricles (left and right)
- 2 ventricles - Third ventricle
- under the lateral ventricles - Fourth ventricle
- connected to third by the cerebral aqueduct
Where is CSF produced and what is its function?
Produced in the choroid plexus in the ventricles
Used to suspend the brain
Corpus collosum
Bands of white matter that connect the hemispheres and allows them to communicate