Topic 12: Leisure and Work Flashcards
- Employment undertaken by an individuals or finical compensation
- Studying
- Looking for work
- Unpaid housework
- Care giving
- Bardering
Relationship between work and leisure: industrial revolution
work in factories, sued leisure as escape from work. 60’s-70’s technology in workforce was increased so greater amounts of free time were being predicted
Some theorized increasing automation in the workplace would result in..
feelings of boredom, alienation and loss of meaning in ones work and leisure would replace work as the central focus in life leading to a leisure society
Spill over hypothesis (wilensky)
Proposed that qualities, characteristics and attitudes toward tasks people perform at work would be carried over or reflected in their leisure choices
Spillover optimistic
individuals highly engaged in their work become actively involved in a variety of personally and or socially beneficial leisure actives
Spilleover pessimistic
individuals with negative attitudes and experience at work would spill over into their leisure
Compensation hypothesis
suggests that leisure experience are chosen that satisfy needs not addressed in the work environment
Compensation aggressive
choosing risk taking activities to compensate for a dull routine at work
Compensation upgrading
choosing activities that allow for creativity or meaning not found at work
Compartmentalization (parker)
built on wilenskys theories. added third component, neutrality or compartmentalization where work and leisure remain separate entities and are unrelated to each other
Work leisure researches 2 types
- time budget studies
- socioeconomic perspective
Time budget studies
understand work leisure based on time devoted to work and leisure
Socioeconomic perspective
trade off between having more leisure, fewer work hours, and lower income or having less leisure, longer work hours and more money (fails to recognize other non work obligations like caregiving and domestic responsibilities which are usually done by women)`
Since the industrial revolution most paid work has taken place away from..
the home involved different groups or people and has been associated with different behavioural expectations
Today there are ..
- advances in technology make work more mobile, offices in other location, home and over seas
- structure of traditional employment has changed as has implication for leisure. growth in casual, part time and self employment
Models of employment post war era ..
most works had a traditional employment model: full time year round with regular hours during mon-fri
Models of employment today..
- part time
- temporary
- self employment
- multiple jobs
Time in employment
max number of working hours a week, busyness has become new badge of honour, longer work hours contributed to higher levels of time pressure. women experience more pressure
Timing in employment
in response to changes in the economy many workplaces have expanded hours of operation. non standard work schedules are defined as employment occurring primly during evenings, weekends or all the above.
1/3 Canadian population between 18-54 have ..
non standard work schedule and were more likely to be employed in blue collar or sales. additionally 1/3 of those above have children under 16 years of age
Women in the workplace
often have second work shift where mothers spend more time than men on household labour and caregiving; employed women have less leisure time per day
In Canada, female participation rate in labour market grew from 23% in 1953 to
76% in 1990 than slower growth to 82% in 2014 (men 91%)
Dual earner families
more time spent on paid work, household labour and other commitments have little time for leisure.
Employed parents of young children report the
highest level of time pressure and lowest level of work life balance
Aging workplace in Canadas last census 2016
seniors made up bigger share of population than children
By 2031 nearly 1 in 4 Canadians will be..
over the age of 65
Transitions in process for aging workplace
- Abolishing mandatory retirement
- Research indicates that older workers will increasingly choose to remain employed
- Intergenerational workplaces
- Blurry boundaries between work and leisure
Characteristics of todays employees
- Starting early
- Leaving late
- Taking work home
- Available through email, mobile devices
- What seems like work to one person may be viewed as leisure to another
Flex time
employees can begin and end their work day around core work time
Compressed work week
total number of weekly work hours are compressed into fewer days so you get day off every week or two
Job sharing
2 or more individuals share same job on part time basis
employee works from home or at a telecenter for all or some of their work during the employers business hours