Topic 11 - Ecology and the Environment Flashcards
Green plants that can make their own food through photosynthesis
Compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen that are absorbed by plants
These are organisms such as bacteria and fungi that decay dead and waste matter.
They break material down into ammonia in the nitrogen cycle.
An important element found in proteins, amino acids, and DNA
Nitrifying bacteria
These are found in the soil and convert ammonia to nitrites and then nitrates, which can be reused by plants.
Where an organism lives
All the organisms of one species found in an ecosystem
Denitrifying bacteria
These are found in waterlogged soils and they turn nitrates into nitrogen gas
Animals that eat plants or another animals
A self-supporting system. The interaction of the environment with the organisms which exist in it.
Fossil fuels
Formed when organisms are prevented from decaying. Coal, oil, natural gas, and peat
Energy efficiency
The percentage of energy that comes out of a food chain compared to the energy that went into it
The breakdown/decay of dead and waste material by decomposers
The total mass of a living organism
The element found in all organic compounds including carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
Burning – this uses oxygen in the air and produces carbon dioxide
Abiotic factor
The non-living factors that affect an ecosystem. Can affect a range of species as each organism is adapted to certain environments.
Examples: Light intensity, soil pH, CO2/oxygen levels, temp.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
These are found in the root nodules of some plants. They convert unreactive nitrogen gas into nitrates, which the plants they grow on can then use
Indicator species
Species whose presence or absence can give information about pollution levels
The chemical reaction that takes place in cells releasing energy from food
The loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil
All the organisms of all the species found in an ecosystem