TOEFL 381 (Cram) Flashcards
n. a requirement, s.t. that must be done before doing s.t. else: The ~ for the advanced course in math is basic math.
v. [T] 1 to keep in existence by providing support, strength, or necessities: This poor diet is not enough to ~ the population in this country. 2 to keep up or maintain an activity: Do you think we can ~ our commitment to delivering the newspapers on time? 3 to suffer or endure: The passengers ~ed severe wounds from the train crash.
n. [U] the business and process of taking minerals out of the earth: ~ requires a big investment in land, equipment, and labor.
v. [I;T] to (make s.t.) go in all directions: The newspapers ~ed in the wind. –n. [C] scattering.
v. 1 [I;T] to take hold of and fight or struggle with s.o. or s.t.: The two wrestlers ~d with each other. 2 [I] to try hard to solve a problem, (syn.) to struggle: The technicians ~d with the broken computers all day.
n. a meaningful connection between things: There is a direct ~ between an increase in sales volume and an increase in profits.
adj.1 rough, unfinished: He lives in a cabin with ~ chairs and a table made of unpainted wood. 2 ill–mannered, offensive: The child was sent to his room because of his ~ behavior –adv. crudely; –n. [C;U] crudity /krudti/; [U] crudeness.
adj 1. of or like crystal; clear; transparent. 2. formed by crystallization. 3. composed of crystals. 4. pertaining to crystals or their formation.
n. 1 the side area of a human’s or animal’s body between the ribs and hip 2 the outer sides or ends of a military formation: The enemy went around our right ~.
adj 1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of sediment. 2. Geology. formed by the deposition of sediment, as certain rocks.
n. [U] a type of rock composed of calcium carbonate: ~ is often used in building construction.
adj. between or in the middle of two extreme points, such as highest and lowest, or beginning and end: She took swimming lessons last year and is now in an ~ class.
n. a false belief, (syns.) misconception, misinterpretation: It is a ~ that everyone is equal before the law, because people with money hire expensive lawyers to keep them out of jail.
v. [T] cedes to come before, appear earlier: The dark skies ~d a thunderstorm.
adj. great in amount or area, considerable: She has ~ knowledge of Chinese history. –adv. extensively.
n. [U] the degree, strength of s.t.: He showed the ~ of his love with roses and poems.
n. a curved line or surface: From outer space you can see the ~ of the earth’s surface.
n.v. [T] 1 s.o. or s.t. (a layer, an area, etc.) that softens or stops a blow, (syn.) a cushion: The mountains are a ~ against the storms from the sea. 2 a tool used to shine: a fingernail ~ adj. ~ed: a chemical that stops (neutralizes) the effect of an acid or a base: ~ aspirin is supposed to avoid damage to the stomach.
nothing more than
simple: The frame buffer is ~ ~ ~ a giant image mamory for viewing a single frame.
v. [T] 1 to take s.o. or s.t. by force: The police ~d a criminal. 2 to hold the attention of: The thought of going to the moon ~d her imagination. 3 to preserve information: Cameras ~ special memories. n. [U] an act of capturing s.o. or s.t.: The ~ of the criminal involved a fight.
n. [C;U] frml. a sign, symbol: Warm temperatures and budding flowers are ~s of spring.
n. 1 [C] a flaw, defect: The vase has several ~s that make it unable to hold water. 2 [C;U] a general lack of perfection: ~s spoil his writing.
n/ a cloud of a class characterized by a gray, horizontal layer with a uniform base, found at a lower altitude than altostratus, usually below 8000 feet (2400 m).
conj.frml. but, in fact, (syns.) by contrast, on the contrary: He says that he paid me, ~ I have not received money from him.
v. [T] to achieve, reach: The salesperson ~ed her sales goal for the month. –adj. attainable; n. [U] attainment.
adj. 1 related to making changes or reforming old ways, (syn.) alternative: She attended a new ~ school, where grades were optional. 2 increasing in number: Progressive economic sanctions against a government forced it to cooperate with other nations. 3 moving forward n. a person who believes in reform of government, education, etc.: She is a ~ in politics and a member of the Progressive Party.
n. a sudden appearance of a disease or s.t. negative, such as crime: There was an ~ of influenza last week in the city’s schools.
noun Biology. a soft, white, fatty material in the membrane of Schwann cells and certain neuroglial cells
- a technique of painting with opaque watercolors prepared with gum. 2. an opaque color used in painting a gouache. 3. a work painted using gouache.
n/ the act or power of moving from place to place.
n. 1 [C;U] the border of a piece of clothing, rug, tablecloth, etc., made of hanging threads or other material: His jacket had ~s on the arms. 2 [C] the outer edge or limit of s.t.: The building is located on the ~s of the city.||The criminal lives on the ~ of society. adj. minor, very unlike most of the other members of a particular group: She is a member of a liberal ~ group within the Republican Party. v. [T] to add, be a border: Trees ~ the park.
v. [T] 1 to send away for a reason, (syns.) to dismiss, eject: The principal ~led the troublemaking student from school. 2 frml. to force out, (syns.) to emit, discharge: The volcano ~s smoke.
v. [I;T] 1 to make firmer or stronger: We need to ~ the old barn, because it is leaning to one side. 2 to reach a calm, undisturbed state: Her health ~s when she takes her medicine.
adj 1. designed or fit for going to sea, as a vessel. 2. going to sea; seafaring. n . the activity of a person who travels by sea.
n. 1 a tube that carries fluid: the blood ~s 2 a container, such as a cup: a ~ used in religious services 3 a ship: Cargo ~s sail the Atlantic.
n. [U] 1 (in biology) a dramatic change from one stage of life to another, as in the butterfly’s change from a cocoon to a winged insect: Ancient people believed that humans could undergo ~ from human form to animal form. 2 [C] fig. a dramatic change in character, appearance, etc.: He underwent a real ~ in his teenage years from a weak boy to a strong young man. –v. [I;T] metamorphose /mtmrfoz/.
dwell v. [I] 1 frml. to live, (syn.) to reside: The princess ~s in a castle. 2 to ~ on: to continue thinking or speaking about: The teacher ~ on the topic too long.
v.frml. [T] to eat, swallow: A baby ~ed poison, and the doctor had to pump her stomach.
v. [I;T] to change the condition or status of s.t.: The owner converted the hotel into an apartment building.||He wants to ~ to Catholicism. n. a person who changes status, esp. religions: He was Catholic, but now he is a ~ to Buddhism.
n.[C;U] 1 an increase in sound level: The ~ of the sound on the stereo was too high. 2 more information about s.t., an explanation: The teacher gave an ~ of her thoughts to the class. –v. [I;T] amplify
n. [C;U] a type of dancing with formal movements, usu. to classical music: We went to see the ~. (or) we went to the ~ last evening
adj. of or relating to a time before history was recorded through pictures or writing: Dinosaurs lived in prehistoric times. –n. [U] prehistory
v.frml. [T] 1 to make beautiful, to decorate: She ~d the dinner table with flowers. 2 fig. to enliven, (syn.) to ornament: Many interesting people ~d the party. –n.[C;U] adornment
adv. without exception or change: ~, her advice is excellent; we always do what she says. –adj. invariable.
n. [U] the greatest, without holding back: She tries her ~ to do a good job.
n. 1 [C;U] the degree of thickness, softness, etc., of s.t.: The ~ of a steak is firm and thick. 2 [U] the condition of doing things in the same way: The ~ of the teacher’s making the students work hard helps them learn a lot.
adj. extremely important, (syns.) critical, decisive: It is of ~ importance that we sign that contract for our future success. –adv. crucially.
v. 1 [I;T] to hit s.t. repeatedly with force, to hammer: The worker ~ed nails into the wall with a hammer. 2 [I] to beat or throb strongly: My head is ~ing from a headache.
–adj1. taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance. 2. finicky; fussy: meticulous adherence to technicalities.
v. [T] to press with the fingers and hands: A baker ~s flour and milk together to make bread dough.
n. a lessening of s.t.’s size: ~ in a skirt
n. 1 the outside of s.t., surface: The ~ of the house needs painting. 2 appearance, looks: He has a rough ~, but inside, he has a heart of gold. adj. outside: The ~ walls of the building are made of glass and steel.
adj. 1 outside, ~: The ~ surface of the airplane is very smooth and shiny. 2 coming from the outside: Children’s experiences in school are affected by many ~ influences. –adv. externally; –n. externality
v,1. to cut into; cut marks, figures, etc., upon. 2. to make (marks, figures, etc.) by cutting; engrave; carve.
n. 1 a fireplace, esp. used for cooking: The ~ glowed red from the wood fire. 2 symbol for the pleasures of daily life: Away at sea for months, the sailor missed ~ and home
v. 1 [T] to cover or fit with glass: We ~ed the windows with new glass. 2 [T] to put a thin (usu. shiny) cover over s.t.: I ~ed the donut with sugar.||After making the ceramic plate, he ~ed it to protect it.
adj 1. beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established: ~ costs. 2. exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable: ~ speed; ~ man. 3. (of an official, employee, etc.) outside of or additional to the ordinary staff; having a special, often temporary task or responsibility: minister ~ and plenipotentiary.
n. a sudden rush, increase: Our company had an ~ in sales this month.
v. [I;T] to cut down and collect, (syn.) to harvest: In the fall, farmers ~ their crops.
v. [I;T] –es to beat grain stalks to separate grain: Farmers ~ grain with threshing machines
n. s.t. that causes an action or response: The desire for a good education was the ~ for my studying hard.
v. 1 [T] to follow s.o. or s.t., usu. waiting for a chance to attack: a hunter who ~s deer in the woods 2 [I] to walk in an angry way: I tried to tell her I was sorry, but she just ~ed away.
n. [U] strong, coarse string: We wrapped the packages with ~
v. [I;T] 1 to make larger, expand the size of: We ~d our house by adding two new rooms. 2 (in photography) to make a picture bigger –n. [C;U] enlargement
adj. slow moving, awkward, dull: Bureaucracies move in a ~ way.||He wrote a long, ~ paper on a subject of no interest. –adv. ponderously.
v. 1 [I] to jump with strength by bending and then straightening the knees, (syn.) to leap: A ballet dancer ~ into the other dancer’s arms. 2 phrasal v. insep. [T] to spring at s.o.: to jump toward, (syn.) to attack: The dog growled and ~ at the robber. 3 to spring at the chance: to happily take the opportunity: When the boss offered her a business trip, she ~ at the chance to go. 4 to spring a trap: to trick s.o.: Government agents lured the criminal to a hotel and gave him a bribe; then they ~ a trap on him and arrested him. 5 to spring a leak: to get a hole and let air or water through: The little boat ~ a leak and sank. 6 to spring into action: to begin to act quickly: When the general gives the order, his army ~s into action against the enemy. 7 phrasal v. [I] to spring open or shut: to open or shut with a quick, sudden motion 8 to spring to life: to become more active and lively: The crocodile appeared to be asleep, then he ~ to life and captured a fish. 9 phrasal v. insep. [T] to spring s.t. on s.o.: to surprise s.o. with s.t.: We ~ the news that we were having a baby on our parents.
adj/providing an advantage; furnishing convenience or opportunity; favorable; profitable; useful; beneficial
adv. easily, without difficulty: Good food is ~ available anywhere in the country
v. 1 [I] to become rich, grow strong: People have ~ed in America for centuries.||Many plants ~ in warm, humid climates. 2 [T] to wave s.t. in a showy way: The soldier ~ed his sword.
n/ wharfs a long platform built over the water, where ships can pull up to load or unload: Boats sailed up to the ~, and the passengers got off.
–n 1. the process or act of migrating. 2. a migratory movement: preparations for the migration. 3. a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. 4. Chemistry. a movement or change of position of atoms within a molecule. 5. Physics. diffusion
n. a type of extinct hairy elephant: ~s once lived in parts of the USA. adj. huge in size: The national debt is ~.
n. [U] a dark, thick, oily liquid usu. found between layers of rock in the earth and used to make fuels for heating, lighting, or engines: Gasoline is made from ~.
v. [T] 1 to remove, pull out (s.t. firmly fixed): The dentist ~ed a bad tooth. 2 to get by using force or coercion: The police ~ed a confession from the criminal. n. 1 [C;U] a concentration or essence of a food or other substance: I use vanilla ~ in baking cakes. 2 [C] an excerpt from a written work: She used an ~ from a novel in her term paper.
v. [T] 1 to accept and begin work on s.t. usu. large and serious: The government will ~ the building of a large courthouse. 2 to try, (syn.) to endeavor: He ~ the job of trying to have the government pass a law against polluters.
adj. having a spine: ~ animals n. an animal with a spine: The ~s include lions and elephants.
adj. snarled, knotted up: Traffic is all ~ up at the bridge.
n/ animals with a proboscis or long nose
n. Any of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genus Mammut (sometimes Mastodon), resembling the elephant but having molar teeth of a different structure.
v. [I] (for a liquid) to flow slowly through s.t., to ooze: Water is ~ing through cracks in the ceiling. –n. [U] seepage.
unwary unsuspecting, not watching for danger: A cheat can steal from an unwary person (or) the ~. –n. [U] unwariness.
n 1. an animal or other organism that feeds on dead organic matter. 2. a person who searches through and collects items from discarded material. 3. a street cleaner. 4. Chemistry. a chemical that consumes or renders inactive the impurities in a mixture.
n. an animal that eats only plants: Cows and horses are ~. –adj. herbivorous
n. a kind of wolf similar to a medium–sized dog found mainly in western North and Central America: ~s often hunt rats and mice at night.
v. 1 [I;T] to put s.t., like sugar or powder, into a liquid and make it seem to disappear: The powder ~d in water. 2 [T] to end (an association, group, or contract): to ~ a marriage (a formal meeting, business, etc.) 3 [I] fig. to break down emotionally: She ~d into tears at the
v. [T] to fertilize, make pregnant: The male cat ~d the female, and she had five kittens.
v. [T] 1 to soak s.t. with a liquid until no more can be absorbed: The rain is so heavy that it ~s the ground. 2 fig. to be completely full of s.t.: He was ~d with alcohol; he was so drunk he could not walk. –n. [U] saturation.
n. a drawing or interpretation of s.t.: The artist showed us some of his ~s of our property.
v. [T] 1 to view, watch, esp. for anything unusual: A policeman ~d the activity on the street. 2 to remark, express an opinion: Our professor ~d that we all did well on the examination. 3 to see, notice: She ~d a man with a large suitcase getting into a car. 4 to respect or follow laws, rules, or customs: We ~d Memorial Day by going to church and praying for the dead. Thesaurus: observe1 to survey, inspect 2 to note, comment 3 to spot, detect 4 to celebrate, commemorate.
v. [T] to make unclean, impure, unfit for use or consumption: The drinking water was contaminated with gasoline. –n. [U] contamination
adj. related to the sea: ~ laws govern international shipping.
n. [C;U] 1 a manner, way, condition of doing s.t.: We were in a panic ~ when the computer crashed. 2 [U] fashion: She always dresses in the latest ~; she’s very stylish.
v. [I] (esp. of animals) to search for food: The deer ~d for food beneath the snow.
adj. plentiful, (syn.) profuse: Food is in ~ supply in this country. –adv. abundantly.
n. [C;U] any water animal with an outer shell (oyster, clam, mussel, lobster, crab, etc.)
n. any of a variety of shellfish, some of which are edible: ~ are found on the sea rocks on the shores of America and Europe.
v. [T] 1 to guard, protect from harm or change: The government ~s the rights of the individual person. 2 to maintain, keep in good condition: She ~s her health by eating sensibly and exercising. 3 to prevent food from spoiling: Keeping food in the refrigerator ~s its freshness. –n. [U] preservation 1 an area of land or seashore used to protect wildlife from people, esp. hunters, a reserve: Huge game ~s in Africa help protect wild animals. 2 pl. preserves fruit, usu. in large pieces, cooked with a lot of sugar and stored in a jar: peach ~s
adj. 1 odd, strange: His ~ behavior puzzles everyone who knows him. 2 belonging only to one specific person, group of people, place, etc.: Bright orange tail feathers are ~ to that type of bird. –adv. peculiarly.
n. a tool or implement, esp. for eating food: ~s for eating include knives, forks, and spoons.
v. 1 [I;T] to make thicker (wider, deeper, etc.): Workers ~ed the walls around the fort by adding more dirt to them. 2 [I;T] to make rich and heavy: The cook ~d the gravy by adding more butter and flour. 3 [I] to become more complex: The novel’s plot ~d as more characters appeared. –n. [C] thickener.
n. 1 [C] a situation of not being present: His ~ from work was because of his illness. 2 [U] a lack of s.t.: An ~ of sleep left her tired. 3 a leave of absence: an approved time of being absent: She took a three–month leave of ~ from her job to have a baby.
n. [U] 1 a type of deer 2 fish eggs: Salmon swim upstream to lay their ~ each year.
adj. capable of being understood, (syns.) clear, intelligible: Her writing is quite ~.
adj. done on purpose, (syn.) deliberate: Meeting for dinner at a vegetarian restaurant was ~; I am a vegetarian.
adj. successful in business, flourishing: That family grew ~ as its business grew.
adj. 1 in good supply: Food is ~ in the USA. 2 great, bountiful: We had a ~ harvest of wheat this fall. –adv. plentifully.
n. a small, short, printed booklet describing a company’s products or services: The travel agency mails out ~s about trips to wonderful places.
n. [U] a political and social system in which a king and the people of the upper classes owned the land and people of the lower classes worked it: ~ existed in Europe from the ninth century to the fifteenth century.
v. [I;T] to come out or push out with force: Bad words ~ed from his mouth when he hit his thumb with a hammer.||
adj.& past part. of melt, melted by a great heat: ~ lava flows from the volcano.
adj. containing carbon dioxide gas bubbles: Soft drinks, like Coca–Cola, are ~. See: fizz.
n.frml. a drink, usu. not water: Restaurants and hotels serve hot and cold ~.
adj. 1 too difficult, painful, unbearable: The heat in August is ~. 2 objectionable, offensive: Her bad language is ~ to her parents.
adj. tasting good, usu. juicy: a ~ peach n. a type of plant, including the cactus family, that holds water in thick leaves
n. [U] 1 a place (closet, warehouse, etc.) for keeping items until they are needed: Our business puts old financial records in ~ until tax time. 2 the placement of these items: My books are dusty from ~.
n. [U] a feeling of anger about s.t., unhappiness, (syn.) bitterness: There was a feeling of ~ in the office after everyone’s pay was lowered.
n. [U] 1 a brownish red metal and basic chemical element: The pipes in that building are made of ~. 2 slang a police officer See: cop. adj. related to or made of copper: a ~ mine.
n. [C;U] 1 physical objects owned by s.o.: His personal ~ consists of clothes, a wallet, and a watch. 2 land and buildings, real estate: She owns ~ in California. 3 a characteristic, trait: Chemicals have certain ~ies, like cleaners that dissolve grease.
n. 1 [U] great tiredness: He is suffering from ~ and wants to go to bed early. 2 pl. military clothes: Soldiers wear ~. v. –[T] to make tired, (syn.) to exhaust: The child has so much energy that she ~s her mother.
n.v. [T] a thick, heavy metal bar used to open things: A worker pushed a ~ into the stuck door and forced it open.
n. a small cart with one wheel and handles for pushing, used for moving small loads: Gardeners put dirt into a ~ to move it across the garden.
n. 1 frml. an arm, leg, or wing of an animal: Diabetes limits blood circulation in the ~s. 2 a tree branch: A broken ~ fell on the road. 3 out on a limb: alone in a risky position (in a discussion, argument, etc.): I don’t dare go out on a ~ to predict a winner in this election. 4 frml.suffix having limbs, such as legs: He’s a long–~ed basketball player.
n. 1 a piece of furniture with drawers, a dresser: She keeps her towels and sheets in a ~. 2 a government agency: the Federal ~ of Investigation 3 a business with a purpose: travel ~
n. the part of a plant or animal’s cells that contains the characteristics that are passed on from parent to offspring: ~s look like tiny threads and contain the DNA in each cell.
n. [U] a combination of fluorine and another chemical element: Manufacturers add ~ to toothpaste to reduce cavities.
v. [T] to slow s.t., hold it back: Lack of good food ~ed the boy’s growth. n. a mentally handicapped person
v. [I;T] 1 to rot: Fallen leaves and trees ~ into the ground over time. 2 to fall into ruin or poor condition: The Roman Empire slowly ~ed and lost its power. n. [U] 1 rot or breakdown of a substance: Tooth ~ can result from poor care of your teeth. 2 ruin: That old house is in complete ~. 3 lowering of standards of behavior, decline, decadence: The moral ~ of the leadership destroyed the nation.
n. a freshwater game fish related to but smaller than the salmon: ~ have a nutty, sweet taste when cooked properly.
n. [U] a yellowish, solid, nonmetallic, and poisonous element that glows in the dark, catches fire easily, and is used to make matches, fertilizers, etc.
n. [U] a yellowish, solid, nonmetallic, and poisonous element that glows in the dark, catches fire easily, and is used to make matches, fertilizers, etc.
adj. 1 not enough, (syn.) insufficient: Her diet is ~ in protein. 2 of poor quality, substandard: They fired him because his work was ~. –adv. deficiently.
n. [C;U] usu. sing. tiny pieces of rock, sand, dirt, food, etc., that collect at the bottom of a liquid: I washed the ~ out of my wine glass.
v. [I] (of plants) to flower: Our apple tree ~ed last week.
v. [T] 1 to make rich or richer: The growth of industry ~ed the small town. 2 to add good things to: The farmer ~ed the soil with fertilizer. –adj. enriching; –n. [U] enrichment.
–n 1. a person or thing that decomposes. 2. Ecology. an organism, usually a bacterium or fungus, that breaks down the cells of dead plants and animals into simpler substances.
n. [U] waste and liquid that goes from toilets to pipes underground
n. [C;U] a chemical or natural substance used to make the soil richer and increase the productivity of plants: That farmer uses natural ~ from his cows.
n.adj. 1 [C] a final contest between winners of earlier contests to choose the winner: The two candidates had a ~ (or) ~ election. 2 [U] water that doesn’t go into the ground, but runs from higher to lower ground, (syn.) drainage: This pond collects ~.
–n/ any American plant of the genus Pontederia, esp. P. cordata, having spikes of blue flowers, common in shallow fresh water.
v. [T] to make an action or behavior difficult: Her shyness ~s her social life. –n. inhibitor; –adj. inhibitive.
v. [I] 1 to perform a task, serve as: She ~s as both administrator and teacher. 2 to work (well, poorly, etc.): The new computer has been ~ing well. n. 1 purpose, use: The computer has a number of important ~s. 2 a formal social occasion: They attended a ~ at the museum last night. 3 A pair (or set) of variables that have a relationship in which defining a value for one of the variables determines the value for the second variable (or others):
adj. related to thinking (not emotion) and learned knowledge: If you read more books, you will have more ~ powers. n. a thinker, person who studies and uses his or her mind: That bar near the university is full of ~s talking about politics. –n. [U] intellectualism; –v. [T] intellectualize.
–n 1. the act or practice of segregating. 2. the state or condition of being segregated: the ~ of private clubs. 3. something segregated. 4. Genetics. the separation of allelic genes into different gametes during meiosis.
adj. plain, clear, obvious: It is ~ that he is guilty; his fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
v. –fined, –fining, –fines [T] to keep within certain limits, (syn.) to restrict: You should stop making jokes and confine your attention to what the teacher is saying.||The police confined the criminal to a jail cell. n. pl. the limit(s) of s.t.: The criminals must stay within the confines of the prison.
n. [U] attention to detail: Parts of machines are made to ~. adj. made with or producing accurate measurements: Computers are ~ instruments.
adj. related to understanding and liking beauty and art: As an artist, she has a well–developed ~ sense. –adv. aesthetically; –n. [U] aestheticism
v. [T] to stop or block s.o. or s.t., (syn.) to thwart: Our company needs to buy new computers, but we are ~d, because we don’t know much about them.
adj. showing or presented in pictures: a ~ exhibit
boded well
v.frml. [I;T] to try, attempt: He ~s to do his best work all the time. n. 1 effort, attempt: Despite his best ~s, the company failed. 2 a project, affair, (syn.) a venture: She has many business ~s; she is a partner in three businesses.
n. 1 beauty of motion or style: She dances with. 2 kindness: My mother had the ~ not to tell my father that I had crashed his car. 3 a short prayer of gratitude said before a meal: I said grace before Thanksgiving dinner. 4 favor, (syn.) mercy: The prisoners asked for the King’s grace. 5 a form of address of a duke, duchess, archbishop, or bishop: What is your wish, Your Grace? 6 to be in the good/bad graces of s.o.: to be on good/bad terms with: She is an excellent student and in the good graces of all her teachers. 7 with good grace: nicely, willingly: He took his daughter’s bad exam results with good grace. v. [T] graces to favor, decorate: The beautiful lady graced us with her company.
v. [I;T] stoked, stoking, stokes to add fuel to a fire or furnace: Please cut more wood; we need to ~ the fire.
n. a machine that creates power, such as the engine in a car: An air conditioner uses an electric ~ to cool the air and turn a fan. v. [I;T] to travel in a vehicle: For our vacation, we ~ed through California. adj. related to movement of the muscles: She has good ~ coordination.
v. [T] 1 to give examples, explain: The teacher ~d the history lesson by telling a story about George Washington. 2 to provide with pictures, drawings, etc.: The history book was ~d with many maps and photographs. –adj. illustrative
n. a young girl or boy older than a baby and younger than a teenager: That couple has two ~, ages eight and ten.
v. [I;T] 1 to move around s.t., esp. in a circle: Planets ~ around the sun. 2 to do s.t. by turns, one after another: I had the tires on my car ~d so they would wear evenly.
n. 1 the figure formed by two or more straight lines coming together at one point: A 90–degree ~ has one line that is straight up which meets with another line that is level with the floor. 2 infrml.fig. to have an angle on s.t.: to hold an opinion or (syn.) perspective on s.t.: What’s your ~ on this problem? 3 infrml.fig. to have an angle: to have an improper method for gaining personal profit or advantage: That guy has an ~ in everything he does. v. [I] 1 to be shaped like an angle: One road angles to the left while the other continues in a straight line 2 to fish: He angles in Bear Lake in the summer. See: angling.
v.frml. [I] to talk: Two officials ~d about their government’s interests.
adj. causing disagreement: Religion and politics are very personal and ~ subjects.
n. [C;U] an educated guess based on some information: I made an ~ about the child’s height when I met her tall parents. –adj. inferential
adj/ rough, hard: His feet were ~ from walking barefoot. 2 vulg.slang wanting sex, (syn.) lustful
adj. equal, the same: The two computers are ~ in speed. n. [U] s.t. that is the same: What is the ~ of one US dollar in Japanese yen? –n. equivalence.
adj. 1 shaped like a hook, curved: He has a ~ nose. 2 addicted, obsessed: She is ~ on television; she watches it 12 hours a day.
n. [U] 1 the structure of living organisms and the study of it: Medical students study human ~. 2 the study of word formations: Linguists study ~ and syntax. –adj. morphological /mrfldkl/.
adj. between or in the middle of two extreme points, such as highest and lowest, or beginning and end: She took swimming lessons last year and is now in an ~ class.
n. 1 a period of time within a longer process of change, a stage of development: The time you spend in high school is an important ~ of your education. 2 a stage in the regularly changing appearance of the moon: We studied the ~s of the moon in school. 3 to go through a phase: to behave in an unusual way for a brief time while growing up: She is going through a ~ in which she is always impatient. v. [T] phased, phasing, phases 1 to plan to do s.t. in phases: They ~d the project in three sections. 2 phrasal v. sep. to phase s.t. in or out: to introduce or remove s.t. in gradual steps: They are ~ing out that old model of TV.
n.frml. a supporter, s.o. who favors s.t.: That Senator is a ~ of lowering taxes.
n. s.o. or s.t. living in a particular place: A bear is a ~ of the forest
v. [I;T] to move up and down, or sideways: Birds ~ their wings. n. 1 an up–and–down or side–to–side motion: The bird took off with a ~ of its wings. 2 a piece of material used as a covering: The ~s on my jacket pockets keep things from falling out. 3 infrml.fig. a dispute, minor scandal, (syn.) controversy: Every year, there is a ~ in Washington over salary increases for government employees.
v. [T] to strike with a flat object or the hand: She ~ed the flies with an old newspaper. n. an act of swatting: He gave his dog a ~ to keep it from barking.
adj 1. widely and unfavorably known: a ~ gambler. 2. publicly or generally known, as for a particular trait: a newspaper that is ~ for its sensationalism.
adj. 1 not able to be changed or persuaded: You keep saying, “No, no”; you’re ~. 2 hard to control: We couldn’t teach the ~ dog to sit or come. –n. [U] intractability.
in flux
n. [U] 1 a flow 2 to be in flux or to be in a state of flux: to be always changing: Because our son is sick, our vacation plans are in flux.
n. a statement of beliefs or principles made to guide human behavior or relations between countries: The Monroe ~ of 1823 says that no foreign power may create a colony on the American continents.
n. the side of a river, esp. land, holding water back from the area around the river: When the Mississippi overflowed its ~, many towns were flooded with water.
1 [T] to make a line: Trees border the road on both sides. 2 [I] phrasal v. insep. to border on/upon s.t.: to seem like s.t.: His behavior ~s on being crazy.
v. [T] to make unclean, impure, unfit for use or consumption: The drinking water was ~d with gasoline. –n. [U] contamination
n. [U] greater importance, (syn.) priority: My family’s health takes ~ over my job.
n. [C;U] a change, (syn.) an alteration: Architects made ~s in the building by taking down walls to make larger rooms.
v. 1 [I] to win, triumph: Our team ~ed over our rival in a tough game. 2 [I] to be common: A love of fried foods ~s in North America. 3 to prevail upon or on: to influence or persuade s.o.: They prevailed on their son to finish college.
n. a person who supervises or manages: She is an ~ in the Department of Health.
v. [T] 1 to set aside, ignore, (syn.) to overrule: The Congress ~ the President’s objection and passed the law. 2 to be more important than, (syn.) to take precedence over: A concern for safety ~ all other considerations. –adj. overriding.
v. [T] 1 to allow, authorize: That pass ~s you to enter the concert for free. 2 to call, name: That book is ~d Gone with the Wind.
–n 1. any of various natural substances, as asphalt, maltha, or gilsonite, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons. 2. (formerly) an asphalt of Asia Minor used as cement and mortar.
n. 1 a shape or object with a flat, circular top and bottom and straight sides 2 a usu. hollow metal object with this shape, esp. a mechanical part: One of the ~s in my car engine does not work. –adj. cylindrical
n. 1 a safety device designed to break if an excessive amount of electricity passes through it: The air conditioner caused a ~ to blow. 2 a flammable string or other device used to set off an explosive: The miner lit the ~ that set off the dynamite. 3 to blow a fuse: a. to cause a fuse to break: When we had the electric heater and the microwave on at the same time, we blew a fuse. b. fig. to become angry suddenly, (syn.) to lose one’s temper: He blew a fuse when his flight was canceled. 4 to have a short fuse: short–tempered, to become angry quickly: You have to be careful with him, because he has a short fuse. v. [I;T] to melt together, become one: A worker ~d together two hot metals into an alloy.
–n 1. the act or process of ossifying. 2. the state of being ossified. 3. something that has ossified; a bony formation.
n 1. a propelling agent. 2. the charge of explosive used to propel the projectile from a gun. 3. a substance, usually a mixture of fuel and oxidizer, for propelling a rocket. 4. a compressed inert gas that serves to dispense the contents of an aerosol container when the pressure is released.
n. [U] 1.ability of s.t. to return to its original shape: Rubber has a lot of ~. 2 the ability to restore one’s energy: He works very hard, but his ~ keeps his strength up. –n. [U] resiliency.
n 1. the state or quality of being elastic. 2. flexibility; resilience; adaptability: a statement with a great elasticity of meaning. 3. buoyancy; ability to resist or overcome depression. 4. Physics. the property of a substance that enables it to change its length, volume, or shape in direct response to a force effecting such a change and to recover its original form upon the removal of the force.
tensile strength
n the resistance of a material to longitudinal stress, measured by the minimum amount of longitudinal stress required to rupture the material.
adj. 1 allowing light to pass through so images can be clearly seen: Window glass is ~. 2 fig. obvious: His lies are ~. –adv. transparently.
v. [T]to make unclean, impure, unfit for use or consumption: The drinking water was ~d with gasoline. –n. [U] contamination
adj. 1 not permitting the passage of light: Some glass is so thick that it is ~. 2 dense, difficult to understand: His writing style can be ~ in places. –adv. opaquely; –n. [U] opaqueness.
n, 1. the state or quality of being absurd. 2. something absurd.
–n 1. immortal condition or quality; unending life. 2. enduring fame.
adj. related to water: ~ sports include swimming, diving, and boating.
n. 1 a condition (fact, situation, etc.) that affects s.t. else: Icy roads and a bad storm are ~s that may lead to car accidents. 2 in difficult circumstances: in trouble, such as with money: He is in difficult circumstances because he has no job. 3 under no circumstances: never, in no way: The mother told her daughter that under no circumstances is she to go out alone at night. 4 under the circumstances: because the situation requires it: His father was having his eyes operated on; so under the circumstances, the son stayed with him until he could see. –adj. circumstantial
v. 1 [I] to become worse, decline: His health ~s daily. 2 [T] to make worse: The bad weather ~s our mood.
n. 1 [U] a gas, usu. one that cannot be seen: Boiling water turns into ~ in the air. 2 [C;U] a mist, haze, or smog that is barely visible. –adj. vaporous
n. a poem addressed to s.o. or s.t., usu. with a grand subject and tone: Many countries have ~s that praise the bravery of their heroes of long ago.
adj. 1 high in elevation: The eagle’s nest is on a ~ perch on the mountain. 2 fig. high in relation to others, (syn.) elevated: She has ~ ambitions to be rich and famous. –n. [U] loftiness
n. an artist, s.o. who draws: ~s create pictures and charts for magazine articles.
adjective 1. flesh–eating: A dog is a ~ animal. 2. of the carnivores.
n. [U] rain, snow, sleet, or hail, or the amount of this that has fallen: ~ was low this summer.
–adj 1. of or of the nature of a continent. 2. (usually initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the mainland of Europe, to Europeans, or to European customs and attitudes. 3. (initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the 13 original American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolution. 4. of or pertaining to the continent of North America. –noun 5. (initial capital letter) a soldier of the Continental Army in the American Revolution. 6. a piece of paper currency issued by the Continental Congress during the American Revolution. 7. a small amount: advice that’s not worth a continental. 8. an inhabitant of a continent. 9. (usually initial capital letter) an inhabitant of the mainland of Europe.
n. 1 a flat piece of wood, metal, etc. that is attached to a wall or other support and is used to hold objects: My bookcase has six ~s. 2 off the shelf: on hand, ready to sell: The store didn’t need to order the stereo; I bought it off the ~ (or) it was an off–the–shelf item. 3 on the shelf: put away, inactive: We worked hard on a new idea, but the boss put it on the shelf as too expensive. v. See: shelve.
adj. next to, (syn.) neighboring: We live in the house ~ to the church.
n. (in chemistry) the smallest unit of the elements of a substance: The structure of ~s can be seen under an electron microscope. –adj. molecular
adj 1. of or pertaining to physiology. 2. consistent with the normal functioning of an organism. Also, phys·i·o·log·ic.
n. [C;U] 1 giving out, distribution: She is responsible for the ~ of funds to each department in the company. 2 a breaking up and sending or going away: Police began the ~ of the crowd around the scene of the accident.
adj. 1 able to be dissolved in a liquid: Sugar is ~ in water. 2 able to be solved, (syn.) solvable: Is this math problem ~? It seems too hard.
adj. having many people, heavily populated: Beijing and Tokyo are very ~ cities.
n. a part of the atom with a negative charge: ~s are parts outside the nucleus of an atom.
n. [U] 1 a wearing away, (syn.) a deterioration: ~ has washed away the earth from the hill. 2 a weakening, lessening: The Presidency has suffered a steady ~ of power taken by the legislature.
n. a hallway, a walkway inside a ship or between buildings: The narrow ~ between the two buildings is used as a shortcut.
v. 1 [I;T] to pass or cut a way into or through: The child cried as the doctor’s needle ~d his skin. 2 [T] to break or enter into with force: The army ~d the city’s walls. 3 [T] to see into, understand, esp. s.t. difficult: A spy ~d the secrets of the Defense Department. 4 [I;T] to spread through s.t., (syn.) to permeate: The smell of frying fish penetrated the hallway. –adj. penetrable
v. [I] to change, move up and down: During this past week, temperatures have ~d 50 degrees. –n. [C;U] fluctuation
v 1. to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow. 2. to damage, as by breaking or crushing: ships shattered by storms. 3. to impair or destroy (health, nerves, etc.): The incident shattered his composure. 4. to weaken, destroy, or refute (ideas, opinions, etc.): He wanted to shatter her illusions. –verb (used without object) 5. to be broken into fragments or become weak or insubstantial. –noun 6. Usually, shatters. fragments made by shattering.
v. [T] to cause to happen, esp. suddenly or sooner than expected: His climbing 15 flights of stairs ~d his heart attack. adj. done suddenly or in a hurry, (syn.) hasty: Her decision to leave her job seemed overly ~. –adv. precipitately.
–n 1. the act or process of evaporating. 2. the state of being evaporated. 3. Archaic. matter or the quantity of matter evaporated or passed off in vapor.
v. [T] 1 to interrupt, cause a break in the flow of: The storm ~ed our telephone service, so we could not make phone calls for two days. 2 to cause a disorder in, upset: A protester ~ed a meeting of the Board of Directors by shouting slogans. –n.[C;U] disruption.
v. 1 [I;T] to move back and forth, to rock: The trees ~ed in the strong breeze. 2 [T] to influence, persuade: He tried to ~ my opinion in favor of the new immigration laws. n. [U] 1 a swaying movement: the sway of the boat tipped me over. 2 authority, power: A dangerous tyrant holds ~ in the country.
–n/ the science dealing with the study of the annual rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events.
–adj 1. occurring or coming later or after (often fol. by to): ~ events; Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car. 2. following in order or succession; succeeding: a ~ section in a treaty.
n. a list or description of events in the order in which they happen: That history book gives a ~ of battles in World War II.
n. 1 (Spanish for) a community, esp. in the American Southwest: This ~ in Arizona is known for making fine silver jewelry. 2 the adobe buildings in a pueblo: Some Native American ~s were built hundreds of years ago.
adj. having the same center.
v 1. to draw a line around; encircle: to ~ a city on a map. 2. to enclose within bounds; limit or confine, esp. narrowly: Her social activities are ~d by school regulations. 3. to mark off; define; delimit: to ~ the area of a science. 4. Geometry.
adj. 1 with high–class tastes and understanding: My cousins are very ~, since they have lived in Paris and Rome. 2 intricate, complex: ~ computer equipment –n. [U] sophistication
v. [I;T] to show or see how one thing relates meaningfully to another: We can ~ the increase in profits to the increase in our sales.
turn out
v/to produce
n. an old piece of cloth: I use a ~ to dust the wooden furniture. v.inf [T] to kid, tease s.o.: My friend ~ed me about flunking an exam
v. 1 [T] to cover (with material that surrounds s.t.): The butcher ~ed the meat in waxed paper. 2 phrasal v. sep. [T] to wrap s.t. up: to finish: We ~ed up the class with a review of the lessons. 3 phrasal v. [I] to wrap up: to wear warm clothes: We should wrap up well in the winter. adj. wrapped up in: giving complete attention to: She is so wrapped up in her boyfriend that she has no time for her other friends. n. (clothing) an outer covering: She wears a shawl as an evening wrap.
v. 1 [T] to make into small pieces or powder by rubbing: The worker is ~ing metal. 2 [T] to rub two hard surfaces together, usu. to make smooth: He ~s his teeth together when he sleeps. 3 fig. [I] to work very hard, usu. for a long time without pleasure: She ~s at her studies, day and night. n. 1 the process of grinding 2 infrml.fig. a tiring job: Her job is a daily ~; she works on the computer eight hours a day.
adv. from or toward the side: I had to turn ~ to fit through the opening in the fence.
adj. lower in quality: Most wine from Switzerland is ~ to wine from France. n. a person of lower rank or ability: The general is unkind to his ~s. –n. [U] inferiority
adj 1. able to resist wear, decay, etc., well; lasting; enduring.
n. [U] 1 the soft inside of fruits and vegetables: After you squeeze the juice from an orange, ~ is left over. 2 any thick soup–like mass: Paper is made from wood ~. v. [T] to crush or mix into a mass: Paper mills ~ wood to make paper.
adj. hard and easy to break, (syn.) fragile: The bones of elderly people become ~ and easily broken. –n. [U] brittleness.
n. [U] a sticky substance found in some plants: The ~ that comes out when a rubber tree is cut is used to make rubber. –adj. resinous. See: rosin.
n. 1 [C;U] a type of evergreen tree 2 [U] the poison made from the ~ tree: People drank hemlock to commit suicide in ancient times.
n. 1 [C] a type of softwood tree that is tall and thin with light green bark:~ trees fall over easily in high winds. 2 [U] the wood of this tree
adv. 1 nearly, almost: He has ~ finished his term paper. 2 in a practical way
adj occurring among members of a family usually by heredity; “an ~ disease”; “familial traits”; “genetically transmitted features”
n. an odd habit or characteristic: One of her ~es is that she sleeps in her clothes. –adj. idiosyncratic
in terms of
with regard to; concerning: The book offers nothing ~ ~ ~ a satisfactory conclusion.
v. [T] 1 to chase, go after s.o. to capture: A police officer ~d the speeding car and stopped it. 2 to work hard at s.t., strive for: She is ~ing a college degree.
n. 1 a person who worked in a job before the person working in it now: My ~ left to start her own company. 2 an ancestor
adj. whole, not in pieces: The eggs were in the bottom of the bag, but they did not break; they remained ~.
–adj of, pertaining to, or signifying the combination or interaction of social and cultural elements.
adv. mostly, to a great degree: He is ~ responsible for the success of the business.
v. to cooperate with a requirement (law, wish): Her husband complied with her wishes that he stop drinking.
adj. 1 having similar feelings, ideas, tastes: I was happy to see my friend, and he said the feeling was ~. 2 sharing business or other interests: We have a ~ interest in a bakery that is managed by a ~ friend.
n. [C;U] 1 a block of hard clay used as building material: Apartment buildings are made of thousands of ~s. 2 s.t. shaped like a brick: a ~ of cheese
n 1. pottery of baked or hardened clay, esp. any of the coarse, opaque varieties. 2. clay for making such pottery.
adj.frml. useful, (syn.) functional: That old car is of little ~ value. –n. [U] utilitarianism.
n. 1 the movement and sound of a liquid as it falls or is hit: I can hear the ~ of water in the sink. 2 a mark of s.t.: a ~ of green in the brown desert 3 brief excitement and publicity: The singing star made a ~ in a new musical. v. [I;T] (of a liquid) 1 to fly into the air: Water ~ed down a waterfall. 2 to throw liquid, to cause a splash: I gently ~ed water over the baby’s legs.
v. 1 [T] to cover or fit with glass: We ~d the windows with new glass. 2 [T] to put a thin (usu. shiny) cover over s.t.: I ~d the donut with sugar 3 to glaze over (of eyes): to look uninterested, dreamy, usu. when tired or bored: The audience was so bored that you could see their eyes ~ over. n. a thin, shiny cover on s.t. (ceramics, food, etc.) –n. glazing.
adj 1. animated, vivacious, or gay; lively. –adverb 2. in a sprightly manner.
–n 1. something inscribed. 2. a historical, religious, or other record cut, impressed, painted, or written on stone, brick, metal, or other hard surface. 3. a brief, usually informal dedication, as of a book or a work of art. 4. a note, as a dedication, that is written and signed by hand in a book. 5. the act of inscribing. 6. Pharmacology. the part of a prescription indicating the drugs and the amounts to be mixed. 7. British. a. an issue of securities or stocks. b. a block of shares in a stock, as bought or sold by one person.
n. a tall, round container with an open top and large handle, used for holding and pouring liquids: A waiter poured water from a pitcher into my glass.
n/ 1. a technique of ornamentation in which a surface layer of paint, plaster, slip, etc., is incised to reveal a ground of contrasting color. 2. an object, esp. pottery, decorated by this technique.
n. 1 a large bird feather 2 a pen made from a bird feather: People used to write with a ~ pen. 3 a sharp spine or spike: The ~s of a porcupine protect it.
n.frml. a theme or design element used repeatedly in literature, music, art, and architecture: The building was decorated with a ~ of flowers and circles.
n. [U] the traditional customs, beliefs, stories, etc. of a people, country, or region: People are fascinated by Native American folklore. –adj. folkloric –n. [C] folklorist.
adj. 1 not allowing anything to pass through or cause damage, (syn.) impenetrable: Two coats of paint make the house ~ to bad weather. 2 not affected by s.o. or s.t. because of inner strength or confidence: The child seems ~ to the teacher’s criticism.
adv. following as a result: She lost a lot of weight and ~ feels better.
adj. 1 of poor quality: The poor woman could only afford ~ clothing. 2 rough, not smooth: That sweater is made of coarse wool. 3 made of large particles: ~ sand 4 lacking good manners, crude, rude: He is a ~ man who uses dirty language. –v. [I;T] coarsen
to put off
don’t drag one’s feet
hurry up
touch the nerve
not domitory. homestay
off campus
able to get along well
back out
80% cancel
count me out
100% cancel
don’t care for
don’t like
worn out
under the weather
put in
write in the wall
at door
at the door of the place
well advanced
well organized