Self Studied TOEFL Vocab (Cram) Flashcards
n. a person who takes part in s.t.:
* He was a ~ in the discussion.
n. 1 a hole or hollow place:
* The explosion left a ~ in the ground.
2 a hole caused by decay in a tooth:
- I went to the dentist to have two ~es filled.
n. 1 an ability, esp. of the mind:
* She has the ~ to express herself well.
2 pl. mental powers:
- The old man has lost his ~ies and cannot take care of himself.
3 used with a sing. or pl. v. the teaching staff at a school or college:
- That university has an excellent ~.
adj 1 cruelly violent
- ~ animals, such as the lion and bear, are very frightening when they attack.
2 powerful, intense:
- A ~ storm struck the coastline
n. v. [I] to stop, be unwilling to continue:
* He ~ed at the high price of the car and refused to buy it.
n. [C;U] an act of breaking a law, contract, rule, etc.:
* A violation of a law can bring punishment
n. a circular tube or band:
* Basketball players shoot the ball through a hoop.
a superhighway usu. with six to eight lanes and few roads leading to it:
- The expressway takes you into Boston quickly and avoids all those back streets.
to retract
1 to take s.t. back formally, withdraw s.t.:
- A woman wanted to buy my car, but later she retracted her offer.
2 to pull back in:
- The turtle retracted its head into its shell
adv. as it seems, so it is assumed:
* They will_ supposedly arrive_ in time for dinner.
1 domesticated
docile, evcil
- Dogs and house cats are tame animals.
2 harmless
- The party was noisy but actually quite tame.
3. too controlled and not exciting - His TV show is very tame in comparison with his live performances.
to scamper
also n.
(used without object) 1. to run or go hastily or quickly, with small steps, like a child or a small animal ; to run playfully about, as a child, kaçışmak, especially through fear or excitement
scamper away/down/off, etc
also n.
- The dim, yellow light each one was shedding cast shadows off the crates and barrels carelessly piled along the length of the alley, and occasionally a squeak and a scamper echoed throughout the area
to intervene
to stop an action happening between other people:
- Would you intervene if you saw a parent hit a child?
to christen
1 to make s.o., usu. a child, a Christian and/or give them a first name in a church ceremony,
to baptize
- The minister christened our son and we named him Joseph.
2 to formally name and launch a new ship
to debut
to appear for the first time, esp. a play, film, or artist:
- The actress debuted on Broadway last year.
1 tending to pervade or spread; moving into or through everywhere or everything; widespread, common, influential
- a pervasive odor
- There is a pervasive trend toward casual dress in businesses
- the pervasive influence of television