TMJ-Exam III Flashcards
Is the articular eminence anterior or posterior in the TMJ?
The articular eminence is ANTERIOR to the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
Is the tympanic plate anterior or posterior in the TMJ?
The tympanic plate is the Posterior boarder of the TMJ
What muscle attaches in the Pterygoid Fovea?
The Lateral Pterygoid
What is the medial boarder of the TMJ?
The spine of the sphenoid
What are the two fissures that make up the posterior portion of the TMJ? Hint: same fissure, but changes names
- SquamoTympanic Fissure—-> 2. PterygoTympanic Fissure
What is the sock (or shower curtain) like structure that attaches the joint from the temporal bone to the neck of the mandible?
The Capsule
What are the superior (ant. & post) and inferior attachments of the capsule?
Superior Post: SquamoTympanic Fissure….. Superoir Anterior: Articular Eminence….Inferior: Neck of the Condyle
What is the thick ligament that prevents Posterior and inferior displacement of the TMJ?
TemproMandibular Ligament (ITS Lateral)
What are the two extrinsic ligaments that help stabilize the TMJ?
SphenoMandibular and StyloMandibular Ligaments
If the articular disc of the TMJ is avascular, then how does it receive nutrients?
The synovial Fluid
Is the TMJ load bearing?
Nope, the TMJ is non load bearing.
Where does the posterior thickening of the articular disc sit at rest? Where does the anterior?
Posterior: Atop the Condyle Anterior: Below the articular eminence.
How does the Articular Disc attach to the walls of the capsule?
Superior and Inferior Sheets/Lamellae
What does the Aurticular Disc attach to anteriorly?
The fibers of the capsule, THEN the articular eminence and the condyle head SO it SPLITS
What does the lamella of the articular disc attach to posteriorly? What space does it create?
ANOTHER SPLIT: The SquamoTympanic Fissue superiorly and the neck of the condyle inferiorly making the RetroDiscal Space