CN&AutoAttempt2-Exam I&II Flashcards
Fxn for CN I
Special Senstory (visceral)-Smell
Fxn for CN II
Special Sensory (somatic)-Vision
2 Fnx for CN III
Somatic Motor & Parasympathetic
Trace the Somatic Motor path of CN III
Cell Body of LMN midbrain->Cavernous Sinus->Superior Orbital Fissure->BRANCHES
Trace the Parasym path of CN III
LMN midbrain -> cavernous sinus->superior orbital fissure->eye->ciliary & pupil muscles
Fxn & Innervation of CN IV
Somatic Motor (Superior Oblique Muscle)
Trace CN IV
Tochlear Nucleus midbrain->cavernous sinus->superior orbital fissure->S.O. muscle
Fxn & Innervation of CN VI
Somatic Motor (Lateral Rectus muscle)
Trace CN VI
Abducens nucleus (pons)->cavernous sinus->superior orbital fissure->L.R.
Fxn & Innervation of XI
Branchial Motor (Trapezuius & S.C.M.)
Trace CN XI
Accessory Spinal Nucleus (CRAZY NAME, I KNOW) C1-C6-> up through Foramen Magnum-> out theJugular Foramen->Trap&SCM (TRYING TO GET IN THE COOL CN CLUB)
Fxn & Innervation of XII
Somatic Motor (All Tongue Muscles EXCEPT PALATO-GLOSSUS mucscle)
Trace XII
Hypoglossal Nucleus->Hypoglossal Canal->muscles
What are the two fxns of CN V?
Branchial Motor & General Sensory
What are the fxns & homes for the 3 divisions of CN V?
V1-General Sensory (The Orbit) V2-General Sensory (PterygoPalatine Fossa for all things Maxillary) V3-General Sensory&&&Branchial Motor (InfraTemporal Fossa for all things Mandibular)
Trace the Branchial Motor innervations of CN V
Trigeminal Motor Nucleus (pons)->foramen ovale->InfraTemporal Fossa->BRANCHES
What are the muscle innervations of the Branchial Motor CN V?
Muscles of Mastication (M,L Pterygoids Masseter Temporalis) Others: tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, ANT belly of Digastric
Trace V1
Sesory Cell bodies in Trigeminal Ganglion->cranial cavity->cavernous sinus->superior orbital fissure->orbit->BRANCHES
Trace V2
Trigeminal ganglion->cranial cavity->F. Rotundum-PterygoPalatine Fossa (ALL THINGS MAXILLARY)->BRANCHES (InfraOrbital Fissure, Canal, Fossa)
Trace V3
Trigeminal ganglion->cranial cavity->F.Ovale->InfraTemporal Fossa(ALL THINGS MANDIBULAR)->I.A. Nerve->Mandibular Foramen->Mandibular Canal->Mental Foramen
What are the four fxns of CN VII? This is a Big One :)
Branchial Motor, Parasympathetic, General Sensory, Special Sensory
Trace CN VII
Exits brain->Internal Acoustic Meatus->Facial Canal in Temporal Bone->BRANCHES(3)->StyloMastoid Foramen->BRANCHES (Separate FlashCard)
What are the five BRANCHES of CN VII at the StyloMastoid Foramen?
To Zanzibar By Motor Car
What are the three branches of CN VII in the Facial Canal? BIG ONE What nerves do the main two ride on?
1.Greater Petrosal Nerve (ALL THINGS MAXILLARY) so it rides on V2 from the P.P.Fossa 2. Stapedius Muscle Nerve 3.Chorda Tympani (ALL THINGS MANDIBULAR) so it rides on V3 I.T.Fossa
(Easy)Trace the Branchial Motor path for CN VII to TZBMC
motor nucleus of VII (pons)->internal acoustic meatus->stylomastoid foramen->BRANCHES (TZBMC)
(Easy)Trace the Banchial Motor path for CN VII to Stapedius Muscle
motor nucleus of VII->internal acoustic meatus-> fascial canal-> BRANCHES to Stapedius
ARE YOU READY?! Trace the Parasym Path of CN VII to Lacrimal, Mucous, and Palate
Superior Salvatory Nucleus->internal acoustic meatus->fascial canal->greater petrosal nerve + deep petrosal @ pterygoid canal -> pterygopalatine fossa -> ptergopalatine fossa ->BRANCHES 1.Up V2 to V1 to Lacrimal 2. V2 to nose