NeckInnervation&Blood Supply-Exam I Flashcards
What nerves of the Brachial Plexus innervate the neck?
Ventral Rami of C5-T1
What are the four C.N.’s that innervate the neck?
9,10,11,12 (IX,X,XI,XII)(Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Acc, Hypoglossal)
What nerves of the Cervical Plexus innervate the neck?
Ventral Rami of C1-C4
Does the sympathetic chain innervate the neck?
Which two triangles will I find CN IX Glossopharyngeal?
Submandibular and Carotid
What two types of innervation does IX provide to the neck? What does it innervate? REALLY COOL STUFF!
Branchial Motor to the StyloPharyngeus muscle and Visceral Sensory to Pharynx, Carotid Sinus (Baroreceptor), Carotid Body (Chemoreceptor)
When I say innervation to “Larynx” you say?
“Vagus” “Go nerves!”
What two triangles does the Vagus pass through?
Submandibular and Carotid
AND IT BRANCHES! What are the 3 Vagus branches in the neck?
Pharyngeal, Superior Laryngeal (more to come), Recurrent Laryngeal (more to come)
What are the two BRANCHES off the Vagus-> Superior Laryngeal N?
Internal Laryngeal (general sensory to pharynx) AND External Laryngeal (branchial motor to 1 muscle)
What type of nerve is the Recurrent Laryngeal? What does it do on the Left? Right?
Branchial motor Left: Loops under the arch of the Aorta (on left side!!) and ascends to larynx Right: Loops under subclavian artery then ascends to larynx
What two neck muscles does XI Spinal Accessory innervate?
Banchial Motor of Trapezius and SternoClidoMastoid
Which subdivision of the Anterior Triangle does the XII Hypoglossal go to? What two muscles does it have to pass to reach the tongue?
Submandibular Triangle…Mylohyoid and hyoglossus
Where can I find the Cervical Plexus?
UNDER the s.c.m., AnterioMedial to L.Scapulae&MidScalene (so superior to BrachialPlex??)
What are the 4 nerves involved in the Cervical Plexus?
Ventral Rami of C1-C4
What do the superficial branches of the CervPlex innervate? What about the deep branches?
Superfi:Cutaneous, General Sensory….Deep:Motor
Which nerves of the C.P. form the Ansa Cervicalis? What muscles do they innervate?
C1,C2,C3…They innervate SternoThyroid,SternoHyoid,OmoHyoid (ALL Infrahyoids except ThryoHyoid which is innervated by IX)
What are the 4 nerves of the superficial C.P.? (Ascending AND Descending)
3 Ascending (Lesser Occipital, Greater Auricular, Transverse Cervical) 1 Descending (SupraClavicular)
What are the 3 groups of deep motor muscles from the C.P.?
- C1 muscles 2. Ansa Cerv Muscles 3. All of my “addition” muscles
What color communicating branches does the C.P. receive? Where are most of them found?
Grey Comm Branches most from SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION
What are the three sympathetic chain ganglion of the neck? EXREMELY EASY
Inferior Cervical Ganglion (C7,C8), Middle Cervical Ganglion (C5,C6) Superior Cervical Ganglion (C1-C4)
What are the THREE layers of the Cervical Viscera? What are in each compartment?
Superficial: Thyroid Gland, ParaThyroid Gland, Thymus Middle:Larynx, Trachea Deep:Pharynx, Esophagus
What are the four landmarks of the thyroid gland?
Left Lobe, Right Lobe, Isthmus, and Pyramidal Lobe
How many ParaThyroid Glands are there? Where are they located?
There are four and two are located on each side of the POSTERIOR portion of the Thyroid
What is another name for the Deep Layer of the neck? Oh and its not Elementary…
Alimentary Layer- Holds the Pharynx and Esophagus
What are the names for clean lymph vessels and dirty lymph vessels, respectively?
Clean: Afferent (To the Lymph system) Dirty: Efferent
Where does lymph go from the RIGHT side of the head and neck?
Where does the lymph from the Left side of the Head and Neck drain?
LEFT THORACIC DUCT–>Left lymphatic duct–>left subclavian vein