Superficial&DeepFace-Exam II Flashcards
What divides the Partoid Gland into Superficial and Deep?
The Facial Nerve
What is the deep investing fascia of the neck that covers the Parotid Gland?
The fibrous capsule
What muscle does Stenson’s Duct pierce through to get to the max 2nd molar region of the oral cavity?
What provides General Sensory to the Parotid Gland?
V3 and Cervical Plexus<–(Greater Auricular)
How is the Parotid Sympathetically Stimulated? Describe the pathway…
T1-L2–>Sym Chain–>Superior Cervical Ganglion–>Ride External Carotid Artery
What are the three nerves of the Temporal Fossa? Hint: 1 from V2 and 2 from V3.
V2: ZygomaticoTemporal V3: AuriculoTemporal (IX too!!!), Deep Temporal
How are the nerves of the InfraTemporal Fossa categorized?
4 Main Trunk Mostly Motor, 4 Anterior Mostly Motor, 3 Posterior Mostly Sensory
What are the 4 Nerves of the main trunk of the InfraTemporal Fossa?
- Recurrent Meningeal-nervous spinosus (sensation to dura) 2.Tensor Tympani 3. Tensor Veli Palatini 4. Medial Pterygoid
What are the 4 nerves of the Anterior Division in the I.T.F?
1.Lateral Pterygoid 2. masseter 3. Temporalis 4. Long Buccal ( the only sensory to cheek, buccal gingiva)<–ANASTHETIC
What are the 3/4 :) nerves of the Posterior division of the ITF?
AuriculoTemporal, Inferior Alveolar–>Mylohyoid (only motor nerve here) , Lingual
What is the ONLY nerve in the InfraTemporalFossa that is NOT V3?
Chorda Tympani of the Otic Ganglion (lesser petrosal)
What is the space superior to the superior nasal conchae? What is its opening?
SphenoEthmoidal Recess…The Spheniod Sinus
What is the region below the superior nasal concha? What is its opening?
Superior Meatus….Posterior Ethmoid Air Cells
What is the region below the middle nasal concha? What are its 3 openings?
Middle Meatus…1.Frontal Sinus 2.Maxillary Sinus 3. Anterior Ethmoid Air Cells
What is the region below the lower nasal concha? What is its opening?
Inferior Meatus…NasoLacrimal Duct
What 3 groups of arteries supply the superior and anterior septum and lateral walls?
- Anterior and Posterior Ethmoid Arteries 2. Branches of the Facial Artery 3. Greater Palatine
What supplies blood to the Posterior and Inferior aspects of the Nasal Cavity?
The SphenoPalatine Artery which branches to those Lateral Nasal Arteries
What is the innervation, blood supply and drainage to the Frontal sinus?
V1, Opthalmic Branches off the Int. Carotid, Drains to the Middle Meatus
What is the innervation, blood supply, and drainage to the ethmoidal sinus?
V1, Opthalmic, Anterior Drainage: Middle Meatus Posterior Drainage: Superior meatus
What is the bulge in the middle meatus that is made by ethmoid air cells?
Ethmoid Bulla
What is the semilunar opening inferior to the ethmoid bulla?
Hiatus SemiLunares
What is the innervation, blood supply, and drainage of the Sphenoid Sinus?
V1,V2…Internal Carotid…SphenoEthmoidal Recess
What is the innervation, blood supply, and drainage for the MAXILLARY sinus? He emphasized these…
V2…PSA, MSA, ASA…Middle Meatus (which is the STUPEDEST place for the opening)
What are the boarders of the Maxillary Sinus?
Superior: Floor of the Eye Orbit Medial: Nasal Cavity Inferior: Teeth.