Peripheral&AutonomicNS-Exam I Flashcards
Which root of the spinal cord receives Sensory (afferent) signals?
Dorsal Root
Which root of the spinal cord sends out Motor (efferent) signals?
Ventral Root
When I say “ganglion” you say:
“peripheral” “go nerves!”
What is going on in an Sensory ganglion?
A group of sensory nerve CELL BODIES
What is going on in an Autonomic ganglion?
A group of SYNAPSES!
When I say “Nucleus” you say:
“Central” “go nerves!”
Where is the cell body of a motor nerve?
In the CNS!
What are the two types of neurons that have ganglion? What separates the two?
Sensory Neurons and Autonomic Neurons have ganglion. A Sensory Ganglion is a CELL BODY whereas an Autonomic Ganglion is a SYNAPSE
What is happening in a CNS nerve nucleus?
Synapses AND Cell Bodies (UNIPOLAR neurons, I get it!!)
What are the two parts to a motor nerve pathway?
Upper Motor Neuron synapses with Lower Motor Neuron
What are the three parts to a sensory nerve pathway?
1st order neuron synapses with a 2nd order neuron in the Spinal Cord, then synapses with a 3rd order neuron to get to the Brain.
What are in 1st order sensory ganglion in the PNS? Cell bodies or synapses?
Where does a sympathetic signal HAVE to originate from?
INTER-MEDIO-LATERAL cell columns of T1—L2
What vertebral levels do we find the sympathetic chain?
What are the five rules of the Sympathetic NS?
1)Originates T1-L2 2)Always uses the Chain 3)Synapse in Chain/”Pre-Vertebral” ganglion 4.Innervates Somatic & Visceral Smooth Muscle 5. Use ACh at ganglion &&& NorEpi at Neuron
What are the five rules of the Parasympathetic NS?
- ONLY CN III, VII, IX, X 2. Never Uses the Chain 3. Synapse can be in the CN ganglion or near the organ 4.ONLY visceral Smooth Muscle 5. Only uses ACh
What are the Parasympathetic nerves that go directly to organs that the Sympathetic system can “hitch a ride” on?
Splanchnic Nerves
What are the four CNs with Parasympathetic activity? You should DOMINATE THIS.. Also, what is the other source of Parasympathetic Activity in the Sacrum?
III Oculomotor, VII Facial, IX Hypoglossal, X Vagus…Sacral Nerves S2, S3, S4 and they travel on the Pelvic Splancnic
Which parasympathetic ganglion does CN III use? What does it do?
Ciliary Ganglion! Constrict the eye, accommodates lens
Which two parasympathetic ganglia does VII use? Think Location! (What are the functions?)
Pterygopalatine (Cry Lacrimal, Snot mucous of nasal cav, Spit oral glands) & Submandibular (Spit submand, sub ling)
What parasympathetic ganglion does IX use? (Function?)
OTIC ganglion (Parotid Gland Increase Secretions SPIT)