Oral Cavity-Exam II Flashcards
What are the five Wayne’s World Rules?
- Tensor 2.Palatal 3. Glossus 4. Styloid 5. Pharyngeal
What is the Tensor Rule?
Anything with Tensor is innervated by V3 (& Chorda Tympani)
What is the Palatal Rule?
Anything with Palate in the name is X (Including Uvula)
What is the Glossus Rule?
Anything with Glossus is XII Including Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
What is the Styloid Rule?
Anything with styloid is IX EXCEPT stylohyoid which is VII
What is the Pharyngeal Rule?
Anything left with Pharyngeal in the name is X
What supplies the submandibular gland with blood?
Ext Carotid->Facial Artery->Submental Artery
What supplies the sublingual gland with blood?
Ext Carotid->Lingual Artery->Sublingual Artery
What are the four Intrinisic Muscles of the tongue?
Superior Longitudinal, Inferior Longitudinal, Vertical, Transverse
What is the function of the superior longitudinal intrinsic tongue muscle?
curl tongue superiorly and shorten
What is the function of the inferior longitudinal intrinsic tongue muscle?
curl inferiorly and shorten
What do the vertical and transverse intrinsic tongue muscles do respectively?
flatten and narrow tongue…respectively.
What are the 4 extrinsic tongue muscles? What are their functions?
Genioglossus (different question), Hyoglossus (retrude tongue raise the hyoid), Styloglossus (retrude tongue), Palatoglossus (elevate tongue, depress palate)
What are the three fibers of the Genioglossus? What are their functions?
Superior fibers-Retract tip of tongue, Middle Fibers-Depress Dorsum, Inferior Fibers-Protrude tongue
What structure is just deep to the hyoglossus muscle?
Lingual Artery