Titles of the code by Book, Part and Section. Flashcards
Book 1 (De Normis Generalibus) list the 11 titles
- Ecclesiastical Laws
- Custom
- General Decrees and Instructions
- Single Administrative Acts
- Statutes and Rules of Order
- Physical and Juridic Persons
- Juridic Acts
- The Power of Governance
- Ecclesiastical Offices
- Prescription
- Computation of Time
Book 2 (De Populo Dei) list the 3 parts
Part I: De Christifidelibus
Part II: De Ecclesiae Constitutione Hierarchica
Part III: De Institutis Vitae Consecratae et de Societatibus Vitae Apostolicae
Book 2 part I (De Christifidelibus)
list the 5 titles
- The Obligations and Rights of All the Christian Faithful
- The Obligations and Rights of the Lay Christian Faithful
- Sacred Ministers or Clerics
- Personal Prelatures
- Associations of the Christian Faithful
Book 2 part II (De Ecclesiae Constitutione Hierarchica)
list the 2 Sections and 3 Titles
Section I. The Supreme Authority of the Church
Section II. Particular Churches and Their Groupings
1. Particular Churches and the Authority Established in Them
2. Groupings of Particular Churches
3. The Internal Ordering of Particular Churches
Book 2 part III (De Institutis Vitae Consecratae et de Societatibus Vitae Apostolicae)
list the 2 Sections and 3 Titles
Section I. Institutes of Consecrated Life
1. Norms Common to All Institutes of Consecrated Life
2. Religious Institutes
3. Secular Institutes
Section II. Societies of Apostolic Life
Book III (De Ecclesiae Munere Docendi) list the 5 Titles
- The Ministry of the Divine Word
- The Missionary Action of the Church
- Catholic Education
- Instruments of Social Communication and Books in Particular
- The Profession of Faith
Book IV (De Ecclesiae Munere Sanctificandi) list the 3 Parts
Part I: The Sacraments
Part II: Other Acts of Divine Worship
Part III: Sacred Places and Times
Book IV part I (De Sacramentis)
list the 7 Titles
- Baptism
- The Sacrament of Confirmation
- The Most Holy Eucharist
- The Sacrament of Penance
- The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
- Orders
- Marriage
Book IV parts II (De Ceteris Actibus Cultus Divini) & III (De Locis et Temporibus Sacris)
list the 7 total Titles
Part II: 1. Sacramentals 2. The Liturgy of the Hours 3. Ecclesiastical Funerals 4. The Veneration of the Saints, Sacred Images, and Relics 5. A Vow and An Oath Part II: 1. Sacred Places 2. Sacred Times
Book V (De Bonis Ecclesiae Temporalibus) list the 4 Titles:
- The Acquisition of Goods
- The Administration of Goods
- Contracts and Especially Alienation
- Pious Wills in General and Pious Foundations
Book VI (De Sanctionibus in Ecclesia) List the 6 Titles in Part I (De Delictorum Punitione Generatim)
- The Punishment of Delicts in General
- Penal Law and Penal Precept
- The Subject Liable to Penal Sanctions
- Penalties and Other Punishments
- The Application of Penalties
- The Cessation of Penalties
Book VI (De Sanctionibus in Ecclesia) List the 7 Titles in Part II (De Poenis in Singula Delicta)
- Delicts Against Religion and the Unity of the Church
- Delicts Against Ecclesiastical Authorities and the Freedom of the Church
- Usurpation of Ecclesiastical Functions and Delicts in Their Exercise
- The Crime of Falsehood
- Delicts Against Special Obligations
- Delicts Against Human Life and Freedom
- General Norm
Book VII (De Processibus) list the 5 Parts
Part I: Iudiciis in Genere
Part II: De Iudicio Contentioso
Part III: De Quibusdam Processibus Specialibus
Part IV: De Processu Poenali
Part V: De Ratione Procedendi In Recursibus Administrativis Atque in Parochi Amovendis vel Transferendis
Book VII, Part I
list the 5 Titles
- The Competent Forum
- Different Grades and Kinds of Tribunals
- The Discipline to be Observed in Tribunals
- The Parties in a Case
- Actions and Exceptions
Book VII, Part II
list the 2 Sections and 11 Titles
Section I: The Ordinary Contentious Trial
1. The Introduction of the Case (libelllus)
2. The Joinder of the Issue (contestatio litis)
3. The Trial of the Litigation (begins with citation)
4. Proofs
5. Incidental Cases (side questions)
6. The Publication of the Acts, The Conclusion of the Case, and the Discussion of the Case
7. The Pronouncements of the Judge
8. Challenge of the Sentence
9. Res Iudicata and Restitutio in Integrum
10. Judicial Expenses and Gratuitous
11. The Execution of the Sentence
Section II: The Oral Contentious Process
Book VII Parts III, IV, & V
list the 2 Sections and 3 Titles
Part III:
1. Matrimonial Process
2. Cases for Delcaring the Nullity of Sacred Ordination
3. Methods of Avoiding Trials
Part IV:
Part V:
Section I: Recourse Against Administrative Decrees
Section II: The Procedure in the Removal or Transfer of Pastors