De Ordine - Ghirlanda (The Canonical Oracle) (Prepared: Hastings) Flashcards
1008: From among whom are the sacred ministers established?
The Christian faithful
“inter christifideles quidam”
1008: What is the significance of sacred ministers having come from among the Christian faithful? (Hint: VatII)
There are two important points here:
- There is a starting equality, a fundamental identity as Christian faithful first and sacred minister second
- This is not an order that is separate from the Christian faithful in fractured way, but in a way that is directed to the service of the Christian faithful
1008: What three things happen to the sacred minister when he becomes one?
He is constituted, consecrated and deputed
1008: To what end is the sacred minister established as such?
-->To serve the people of God What kind of service? 1. Service that is nourishing 2. Service that is fatherly 3. Service that is connected to Christ via the apostles (n.b. the threefold munera mentioned in the canon)
1008: By what cause are sacred ministers established?
By the sacrament of orders (“sacramento ordinis”: note the ablative absolute of sacramento)
1008: What does the Sacrament of orders give?
an indelible character that cannot be taken away
1008: How does the sacrament of orders set a man apart? How does it not set a man apart?
It is not done in a strictly functional way, but in such a way that the consecration affects a man’s being
1008: Deacons: Is the character of the sacrament of orders for deacons defined? How does to code answer this?
Not yet solemnly. The CIC aassumes that there is a character, as does the CCC.
1008: Important notes: Why does the canon start out with “ex divina insitutione”?
Because we can’t tinker with the Sacrament. It is from God.
1008: Important notes: Why does the canon say “pro suo quisque gradu”?
The hierarchical distinctions are important because the nature of the Church is hierarchical. These are not cosmetic distinctions.
1008: Quaestio: What are the two types of priesthood?
Baptismal and Ministerial
1008: Quaestio: How many priesthoods does Our Lord have?
1008: Quaestio: How can the two priesthoods in the Church exist when Our Lord has only one priesthood?
- Both are ways to share in the priesthood of Christ
- They are ordered to each other
- They are difference in essence, not just degree
1008: Quaestio: What is specific to the ministerial priesthood? How can the priest act in relation to Christ?
- In the name of Christ: The origin of jurisdiction
2. In the person of Christ: For the Sacraments when they function ex opere operato
1008: Pastores Gregis: Which paragraph of this is Ghirlanda’s favorite?
1008: What does PG 10 explain about the two priesthoods?
- They are two ways of participating in Christ’s priesthood.
- They are supremely joined in the Holy Cross.
- What is new about Christianity is that the priesthood is not just cultic, exercised only in the sacred places, but exercised in everyday life by those who are not cultic priests. Both types are essential.
1008: What does PG 10 say about the fundamental objective of each type of priesthood?
Common: Offering of self and life
Ministerial: Mediation of the life of Christ
1008: Talk a bit about how LG 10’s “different in essence, not only in degree” for the two priesthoods can be resolved.
Well, it can’t be both. For example, an acorn and an oak tree differ in degree and not essence. An acorn and a rock differ in essence and cannot differ in degree qua essence. In other words, the rock can never be more or less like a the acorn qua acorn. So, this must simply be emphatic. The two priesthoods aren’t merely different in degree, but are different in essence. In other words, don’t read what it isn’t saying.
1009: What is the burning questione Ghirlandese?
What is the difference between Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Deacons?
1009: Are bishops and priests (presbyter not sacerdos) different in degree or essence?
1009: Are (bishops and priests) different from deacons in essence or degree?
1009: How are apostles and bishops different?
Apostles: Each has the fullness of the priesthood of Christ and each has the charism of infallibility
Bishops: Each has the gullness of the priesthood of Christ, but only the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops gathered together have the charism of infallibility
1009: How are bishops and priest different?
They have differing shares in the apostolic munus, but the same sacra potestas
1009: So, what is the logic ratio or apostles, bishops and priests?
1009: Which munera come from the sacrament of order?
Docendi and Regendi
1009: Does jurisdiction come from orders?
1009: Which are true and which are false:
- Bishops have more sacra potestas than priests.
- Bishops have more power of jurisdiction than priests.
- Bishops have more apostolic munus than priests.
- False
- False
- True
1009: Deacons: To what are deacons ordained?
Sacred Ministry
1009: Deacons: To what are deacons not ordained?
1009: Deacons: Do they receive grace and character?
1009: Deacons: Are they part of the hierarchy?
1009: Bishops and Priests: What two things do bishops have that priests don’t? What do they give?
Episcopal Consecration and Pontifical Mandate
They give: communion and membership in the college of bishops
1009: Talk about the two types of sacerdotium.
o Wider sense: omni-comprehensive, the divine mission conferred sacramentally, which includes the three functions of sanctifying, teaching and governing .
o Stricter sense: Tridentine, the function of sanctifying, particularly referring to the power to consecrate the Body and Blood of Christ and to remove sins .
1009: Deacons: How are deacons part of the sacerdotium and how not?
o Deacon is not part of the sacerdotium in the second sense, but are part of the sacerdotium in the first sense because they are ordained ad ministerium episcopi.
1009: Summary: How are deacons different from (Bishops and Priests) in degree?
they have a lesser share of the munus ministerii apostolici.
1009: Summary: How are deacons different from (Bishops and Priests) in essence?
they don’t share in the power of orders (=power to do sacraments).
1009: Deacons: If not ordered to sacraments, to what are they ordered?
1012: What doesn’t this canon say? (Three key things)
- Who isn’t a minister (i.e., the list is not exclusive)
- This is not by divine law
- This is not ad validitatem
1012: What did P. Pius XII say about matter of sacrament of orders in 1947 with “Sacramentum ordinis”?
He said that the matter of the sacrament is the imposition of the bishop’s hands. So, the bishop is constitutive of the sacrament.
1012: Is imposition of hands divine law or positive ecclesiastical law?
Positive ecclesiastical law
1024: The ordination of women: What level of definitive teaching is this?
De fide tenenda
c. 752: Can. 752 Although not an assent of faith, a religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals when they exercise the authentic magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim it by definitive act; therefore, the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.
1024: What two documents back up teaching on ordination of women?
1994: Ordinatio sacerdotalis (JPII)
1995: CDF Clarification–>yes, definitive
1024: What does 1976 “Inter Insigniores” tell us about the main arguments against ordination of women?
- The Church takes as her model the example of Christ
- All of Church history tells us that this is limited to men
1024: Does anyone have a right to ordination?
1024: Do the Orthodox ordain women? Why?
Nope. Same reasons as us, minus the infallible part.
1024: Can women be deacons?
Historically unclear.
1024: Do Orthodox allow women deacons?
Some yes, some no.
1025: What is the standard for being ordained to the priesthood?
“ad Ecclesiae ministerium utilis habeatur”
The man must be useful.
1025: How is this different from CIC17?
IN CIC17, the standard was being useful in the local church. Now, just in any church, e.g., ordained for missionary work elsewhere.
1025: What is required for moral certainty before ordination?
There must be reasons to think that a man is a good candidate, not simply no reasons to think that he is bad.
Psych Stuff: Can a bishop ask for a psych eval before ordination?
Psych Stuff: Can a bishop compel for a psych eval before ordination, using the lack of one as a threat or means of coercion?
Psych Stuff: Can a bishop tell a man that he has insufficient info to make a positive determination of a man’s suitableness without a psych eval?
Psych Stuff: When does a bishop need consent to view psych info? (c. 220)
Before and after the evaluation
Are irregularities permanent or temporary?
Are impediments permanent or temporary?
What two things to irregularities cover?
Some cover ordination and some cover exercise
Psych Stuff: Can a seminary require that all men do extensive counseling?
Psych Stuff: Can a seminary propose extensive counseling in particular cases?
Yes (2008, “Omne vocazione cristiana”)
Psych Stuff: As regards formation, what is a “psychological consultation”?
A few tests and a visit
Psych Stuff: As regards formation, what is a “psychological investigation”?
An in-depth study used to overcome psychological wounds, as cases warrant. It is an extraordinary measure.
Psych Stuff: What are the four characteristics of consent:
Free, informed, previous, explicit
Psych Stuff: What kind of variety does seminary have to provide?
The student should be able to choose among experts and be informed of their methods
Psych Stuff: Priests: Why does Ghirlanda think that the bishop can compel a priest to go to an expert?
Since the law requires experts, the bishop can compel that the law be followed.
Psych Stuff: Priests: What can bishop do if a priest refuses?
Not much. He still has to support the priest.
Seminarians and Homosexuality: What are the three prohibitions for admitting homosexuals to the seminary:
Any of these within the past three years:
- Homosexual Acts
- Auto-identification with the “gay lifestyle”
- Deep-seated inclinations that persist for some time
Seminarians and Homosexuality: What is the standard for admitting a homosexual person to the seminary?
Not chastity, but no longer a significant problem. In other words, homosexuality is no longer a driving problem for the individual.
Psych Stuff:
Seminary is not the place for extensive psychotherapy