Sanchez - Curia and Parish (Prepared: Hastings) Flashcards
What is a diocesan synod (c. 460)?
• An assembly of selected priests and other Christifideles or a particular Church which, for the good of the community, assists the Diocesan bishop
Name some who must be called and who may be called to a diocesan synod (c. 463).
• Must: o Coadjutors and Auxiliaries o VGs, EVs, JVs o Cathedral canons o Council of Priests o Lay members in number determined by Diocesan Bishop, either elected by pastoral council, or where PCouncil does not exist, in manner determined by DB o Rector of major seminary o VFs o One priest from each deanery, elected by the pastors (an alternate must also be elected) o Some superiors of rel.institutes and SALs which have a house in the diocese: elected in number and manner determined by diocesan Bishop • May: o Other Christifideles o Non-Catholic, Christian observers
What legislative power is exercised by a diocesan synod (c. 466)?
- The members of the synod have a consultative vote
* DBish is the sole legislator
What is a diocesan curia (c. 469)?
• The institutes and persons who assist the Bishop in governing the entire diocese, especially in directing pastoral actions, in providing for the administration of the diocese, and in exercising judicial power
Distinguish the power exercised by the vicar general and an episcopal vicar. How many vicars general and episcopal vicars must be appointed? How many may be appointed (cc. 475-476, and 479)?
• VG: ordinary power, must appoint at least one, though more can used as necessary
o Same executive power throughout the whole diocese as what belongs by law to DBishop. He can perform all administrative acts, with the exception of those which the DB has reserved to himself or which by law require a special mandate from the DB
• EV: ordinary power, limited to a determined part of the diocese or to a specific type of activity, or to the faithful of a particular rite, or to certain groups of people
o Same executive power as VG, but only for the determined part of diocese for which he was appointed, not including those things reserved by DB to himself or VG, or those things which require a special mandate from the DB
What is a chancellor (c. 482)?
• Principal office, unless part law states otherwise: to ensure that the acts of the curia are drawn up and dispatched, and that they are kept safe in the archive of the curia.
Describe the duties of the diocesan finance officer and the diocesan finance council (cc. 492-494).
- Finance Committee: Presided over by DB or delegate. At least three Christifideles, expert in finance and civil law, of outstanding integrity, appointed by the DB, for terms of five years, and not related to the DB within fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity
- Finance Committee: Prepares annual income/expenditure budget for whole diocese and account at end of the year for income and expenditure
- Financial Administrator: Appointed after consulting college of consultors and finance committee, expert in financial matters and integrity, appointed for five year terms, not removed from office without grave reason and consult with consultors and finance committee.
- Financial Administrator: Under authority of DB, to administer goods of diocese according to plans of finance committee, to make payments from diocesan funds authorized by bishop or his delegate; must give annual account of income/expenditure to finance committee
Describe the role of the presbyteral council and the college of consultors (cc. 495 and 502).
- Presbyteral Council: in every diocese who are to be the bishop’s senate. Their role is to assist the Bishop, in accordance with the law, in the governance of the diocese, so that the pastoral welfare of that portion of the people of God entrusted to the Bishop may be most effecticvely promoted
- College of Consultors: From the Priest’s Council are 6-12 priests who are for five years the College of Consultors. What belong to it are the functions determined by law (duh).
How are the members of the presbyteral council and the college of consultors chosen (cc. 497 and 502)?
- PCouncil: About half freely elected by priests. Some are ex officio. Some are freely appointed.
- Consultors: Freely appointed by DB from PCouncil
Name a few circumstances when a diocesan bishop is to consult with the presbyteral council or seek their consent (cc. 461 §1, 515 §2, 531, 536 §1, 1215 §2, 1222 §2, 1263, and 1742).
- When calling a diocesan dynod (461.1)
- When establishing, suppressing or notably altering parishes (515.2)
- When changing regulations on the destination of offerings (531)
- When establishing a pastoral council in each parish (536.1)
- When deciding to build a new church (1215.2)
- When reducing a church building to secular but not profane use (1222.2)
- When imposing taxes (1263)
- When wanting to remove a pastor (1742)
Name a few circumstances in which the college of consultors must act (cc. 272, 377 §3, 382 §3, 419, 421, 485, 494, 1018 §1 2º, 1277, and 1292 §1).
- When see is vacant for a year and diocesan administrator wants to grant incard/excard or permission to move to another church (272)
- When a coadjutor is to be appointed, papal legate talks to consultors (377.3)
- When a bishop takes canonical possession, he shows apostolic letter to consultors, and they nod solemnly (382.2)
- When see is vacant until administrator named in absence of auxiliaries (419)
- To elect diocesan administrator (421.1)
- When DAdministrator wants to remoce chancellor and other notaries (485)
- When appointing a diocesan financial administrator (494)
- When ApAdministor gives dimissorial letters (1018.1.2)
- When DBishop carries out acts of administration which are of major importance (1277)
- When alienating goods which belong to the diocese (1292.1)
Compare and contrast the diocesan finance council and the parish finance council (cc. 492-493 and 537).
- Diocesan Finance Committee: Presided over by DB or delegate. At least three Christifideles, expert in finance and civil law, of outstanding integrity, appointed by the DB, for terms of five years, and not related to the DB within fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity
- Diocesan Finance Committee: Prepares annual income/expenditure budget for whole diocese and account at end of the year for income and expenditure
- Parish Finance Committee: Helps parish priest in administration. It is ruled by universal law and by the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop, and it is comprised of members of Christ’s faithful selected according to these norms
Compare and contrast the diocesan pastoral council and the parish pastoral council (cc. 511-514 and 536).
- Diocesan PC: Function: to study and weigh those matters which concern the pastoral works in the diocese, and to propose practical conclusions concerning them
- Diocesan PC: Reflects the entire portion of people of God, but members are outstanding in faith, high moral standards and prudence.
- Diocesan PC: Appointed for a determined period, lapsing when see is vacant and has a consultative vote, convened at least once a year
- Parish PC: Optional for the bishop, presided over by parish priest, to foster pastoral action, by Christifideles and those engaged in pastoral care o the parish by their office. Has consultative vote. Follows norms from bishop.
What is a parish (c. 515)?
• A parish is a certain community of Christ’s faithful, stably established within a particular church, whose pastoral care, under the authority of the diocesan bishop, is entrusted to a parish priest as its proper pastor.
Explain the role and authority exercised by a lay “parish coordinator” who is appointed when there is a lack of priests (c. 517 §2).
- A moderator priests is appointed for pastoral care.
- Parish Coordinator: deacon, non-deacon, community of persons, entrusted with a share in the exercise of pastoral care of parish
How might a parish be defined if it is not territorial (c. 518)?
• Personal: rite, language, nationality, some other basis
Canon 519 says that “the pastor is the proper pastor of the parish entrusted to him.” What is the difference between a parochus and a pastor? (Answer may not be correct…)
- Pastors have care of souls.
* Parochus has care of souls of a parish.
What is stability (c. 522)? Name one consequence of the fact that the pastor must possess stability (e.g. cc. 193 §§1 and 2, 538 or 1740-1752)?
- He cannot be removed without grave cause
- 193.1: Explains this…he is not subject to removal without grave cause
- Must be overcome before transfer, removal, either by resignation for a just reason, after lapse of time, or grave cause
- Cf. 1740-1752 for the gory details
Who are some of the persons mentioned in the code who can freely confer, present, or confirm a priest in the office of pastor (cc. 523, 525, and 682)?
- Diocesan Bishop (523)
- Diocesan Administrator after one year vacancy (525)
- Competent Superior (presentation) if for a member of a religious institute (682)
How does a pastor acquire his office (c. 527)?
• By taking possession
Name some of the obligations that bind a pastor and those functions that are specially entrusted to him (cc. 528-530, 532-535, and 1281-1288).
- Ensuring the proclamation of the word of God, preaching, apostolic works, education, young people, bring Gospel to everyone in his parish (528.1)
- Make sure that the Eucharist is the center of parish assembly, provide sacraments, encourage especially eucharist and penance, lead people in prayer, direct liturgy (528.2)
- Know his faithful by visiting, help to sick and the dying, seek the poor and the suffering, encourage spouses, foster growth of Christian life (529.1)
- Recognize and promote special role of laity, cooperate with Bishop, other priests, make parish part of local and universal Church (529.2
- Administration of Baptism, Confirmation in danger of death, Viaticum and anointing, apostolic blessing, assistance at marriage and the nuptial blessing, funerals, blessing of the font at paschal time, processions outside the church, solemn blessings outside the church, more solemn celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays and Holy Days. (530)
- In juridic matters, to act in the person of the parish. To ensure that the parish goods are administered ad normam iuris (532)
- To reside in parochial house, near the Church (533.1)
- only go only vacation for a month or less. Make annual retreat. (533.2)
- Missa pro popolo on Sundays and holy days (534.1)
- Ensure parish registers are kept up (535.1)
- Take care of the parish seal and use it well! (535.3)
- Maintain the archive (535.4)
- The administration of Goods (1281-1288)
In what ways can a pastor lose his office (cc. 538, 682 §2, 184 §1)? Is a pastor required to resign after reaching a certain age?
- Removal, Transfer, Resignation, Deprivation, Laspe of Time (538.1)
- At 75, he submits his resignation
What rights and duties does a parochial administrator possess (c. 540)?
- Same obligations as parish priest, unless DBishop provides otherwise
- Cannot do anything to prejudice the rights of the parish priest or harm parochial property
- Must give an account to parish priest after having discharged his office
What is a vicar forane (c. 553)? What are some of the duties of a vicar forane (c. 555)?
• Priest placed in charge of a vicariate forane
• Duties:
o To promote and coordinate common pastoral action in vicariate
o See that the clerics lead a life befitting of their state and discharge their duties carefully
o Ensure liturgical norms are followed, churches are clean and maintained, registers are kept and safeguarded, goods administered carefully and parish house is looked after with care
o Encourage clergy to attend lectures, conferences, etc.
o See to it that spiritual assistance is available to priests of his district with particular solicitude for those with difficulties
o Provide material and spiritual help to those who are seriously ill, and upon death, to make sure books, docs, goods do not disappear from a parish
o Must visit parishes
What is a rector (c. 556)?
• Priests who have care of some church which is neither capitular, parochial, attached to a religious community or society of apostolic life
A rector is prohibited from performing certain parochial functions without the permission or delegation of the local pastor. Name some of these parochial functions (cc. 558 and 530 1º-6º).
• Baptism, confirmation to those in danger of death, Viaticum and Anointing and apostolic blessing, assistance at marriages and nuptial blessing, funerals, baptismal font at paschaltide, processions, solemn blessings outside of church, more solemn Sunday and Holy Day Eucharist
What is a chaplain (c. 564)?
• A priest to whom is entrusted in a stable manner the pastoral care, at least in part, of some community or special group of Christ’s faithful to be exercised in accordance with universal and particular law
Name some groups for whom a chaplain might be appointed to provide pastoral care (see cc. 566 §2, 567, 568, and 569).
• Hospital, prison, sea voyages, armed forces, houses of lay religious institute