De Ordine 1008-1054 Flashcards
What happened to can. 1009 in 2009?
Added paragraph 3: those who are consecrated in the order of the episcopate or the presbyterate receive the mission and capacity (facultatem) to act in the person of Christ the head, whereas deacons are empowered to serve the people of God in the ministries of the liturgy, the word, and charity.
Document that changed cann. 1008 and 1009
Omnium in mentem, oct 26 2009 p. Benedict 16
Confusion in using the term “ordo” (ordo, ordinis, M)
Used in can. 95 as a rule of order
Can 604: ordo virginum
It’s used in liturgical law
The cause and end for the difference between sacred ministers and other faithful
Can. 1008:
Cause: through the sacrament of orders
End: that they may serve the people of god by a new and specific title.
The two modes of participation in the one priesthood of Christ (baptismal & ministerial) differ in:
Essence (not grade)
Why the priest isn’t a mediator or bridge like Jesus:
The priest participates in the one mediation of Christ in the sacraments and the faithful participate in it in their personal sacrifice, while it is the priests actions that guarantee a valid sacrifice, he cannot be a pure mediator like Christ since his salvation (confessing his sins and being baptized) depended on another priest.
Decree in Trent that distinguishes (or doesn’t) the grades of orders
C.6 decr. De sacram. Ordinis session 23
Lg 21 priest:bishop
Bishop is the fullness of the priesthood
CIC ‘17 changes words from Trent on the grades
Divina ordinatione instituta (Trent)
- can 108$3 (CIC 17) ex divina institutione
Jerome school of jurisdictional difference in episcopal ordination, list others and the counter school
Jerome school: Grazianus, Lombard, bonaventure, Albert the great, aquinas,
Other school, Dionysus and later the decree commentary of uguccio. - structure is divine right.
The sacramentality of the bishop ordination is the theological base for these 2 doctrinal points
Collegiality (LG 22), the ordination to episcopate is a “sine qua non” for entry into the episcopal college
The use of all 3 munera without jurisdiction
Order of concentration of MUNUS as written in LG
- Apostles (19)
- College of bishops (20-23)
- Priests (28)
- Deacons (28) does not reference acts 6 (different thing)
Participation in the ontological power of Christ
Power to govern and teach (jurisdictional)
Benedict’s retirement in terms of potesta and munera
He was afforded a special jurisdiction of potesta as pope that he no longer has, but his munera was the same, as a bishop
Can. 1012
Lg 26, ordinary minister, no invalidating clause. Could use analogy of can 882, ordinary minister of confirmation.
Validity of acts for a bishop outside the college
Eucharist: valid
Act of governance: invalid (can. 124 not habiles)
The two munera who’s potesta or jurisdiction can be taken away
Teach and govern (past. Greg 8,9)
Can you say that the Orthodox Church has hierarchical communion but to a lesser degree?
You probably shouldn’t, their bishops don’t have a pontifical mandate so their juridical acts are invalid (teaching and governing). But the spirit is always pushing toward unity.