Teaching mission (dill) Flashcards
3 conditions for infallibility (can. 749)
- Pope acts as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful
- he proclaims that a determined doctrine in faith or customs must be accepted with assent of faith.
- he declares it with a clear and formal act
what is infallible teaching (5 things)
- supernatural prerogative
- by the church (RP with or without college)
- a charism (with particular divine assistance)
- cannot be in error about revealed doctrine (faith and morals)
- definitive act
- pastor aeternus c.4 and LG25
can. 211
All Christ’s faithful have the obligation and the right to strive so that the divine message of salvation may more and more reach all people of all times and places.
Parents and education
can. 226 §2 and can. 774 §2
can. 226 §2 Because they gave life to their children, parents have the most serious obligation and the right to educate them. It is therefore primarily the responsibility of Christian parents to ensure the Christian education of their children in accordance with the teaching of the Church.
Can. 774 §2, Before all others, parents are bound to form their children, by word and example, in faith and in Christian living. The same obligation binds sponsors of those who take the place of parents.
missionary activity is:
can. 786, Missionary activity properly so called, whereby the Church is founded amongst peoples or groups where it has not taken root before, is performed principally by the Church sending heralds of the Gospel, until such time as the new Churches are fully constituted, that is, have their own resources and sufficient means, so that they themselves can carry on the work of evangelization.
Bible: jesus commands us to teach
several places but in particular, Mt. 28, 18-20.
LG 12 talks about what office
ufficio profetico del popolo di Dio
early councils: 3 things they were preoccupied with
Faith, teaching, definitions
medieval times 3 characteristics for teaching:
ordo rationalis, university, strengthened central authority
modernity, 1 characterstic
strengthened central authority.
dogma and magisterium
dogma shows that it is not from us but was revealed, its the Church’s mission to spread it and she cannot fail in this.
CIC17 c. 1322
custodire et esporre (safeguard and present or explain) the faith. It is the root for canon. 747.
What document affirms that encyclicals do not require assent
Humani generis, Pius XII, (1950) - because in an encyclical pope does not act as supreme teacher.
who is the authentic magisterium?
bishops LG25
Order of priority of actions within book III
preaching, catechesis, mission work (order of titles)
what section did the CIC83 drop from the CIC17
prohibition of books
possible translations for munus
ufficio, compito, missione, obbligo. Asti prefers mission.
announcing vs. preaching
can. 216 vs. 762-767,
preaching is primarily for sacred ministers and helps the laity exercise their entitlement to hear the word of God (can. 762)
It is the right of bishops to preach (763) and the right of priests and deacons who have not had suspended faculties (764)
the laity may be allowed to preach in specific circumstances (766).
can. 211, all faithful have duty to announce the divine message
can. 229 §1, duty to announce christian teaching
can. 759, The lay members of Christ’s faithful, by reason of their baptism and confirmation, are witnesses to the good news of the Gospel, by their words and by the example of their Christian life. They can also be called upon to cooperate with Bishops and priests in the exercise of the ministry of the word.
can. 756, The office of announcing the Gospel to the universal Church has been committed principally to the RP and the college of Bishops.
cycle of understanding
(df. cann. 229,
- hear divine word
- study teaching approved by magisterium
- spread the word
- hear the word again
this applies to all faithful, including the Pope.
how is munus docendi specifically for bishops?
can. 375 §2, by their episcopal consecration Bishops receive, together with the office of sanctifying, the offices also of teaching and ruling, which however, by their nature, can be exercised only in hierarchical communion with the head of the College and its members.
who is the active subject of can. 747, what are the consequences of this regarding «custodiret»
not just bishops with handguns ready to shoot down heretics
presumption: is a document assumed to be infallible or non-infallible
ordinary magisterium (3 characteristics)
- common doctrinal intervention
- relative to faith and morals
- w/o recourse to specific definitive acts (infallible comes when many come to see the same conclusions)
extraordinary magisterium (3 characteristics)
- nature of document (how many passive subjects)
- frequent re-propositions of the same doctrine (after debates)
- key words used like “define”
examples of secondary faith
- ordination reserved to men
- illiceity of euthanesia, prostitution, fornicaiton
- legitimacy of election of RP (historical)
- the logic of the infallibility of RP before the definition
examples of primary faith
- articles to creed
- Christological or Marian dogma
- foundation of Church through Christ
- institution of Sacraments
- infallibility of RP
root problems with heresy, apostasy, schism
- offense against unity of the church
2. denies that the authority of the Church which was divinely revealed
effects of heresy, apostacy, schism
excommunication: can. 1364
removal from office: 194
no ecclesial funeral: 1184 §1, 1°
expulsion from IVC 694
does heresy deal with 750 §2?
what type of association of the faithful does asti compare teaching mandate and canonical mission with
mandate = non public, "recommended" mission = Public (in name of the church)
Mandatum from AA24
leave space for laity to have their own initiative in the apostolate in their own name but with some recognition from the church
What document talks about canonical mission?
Sap. Christiana 27
How do you request a “canonical mission?”
Gran cancelliere who represents the Holy See, this is after the profession of faith and oath.
subject and response: can. 752
subject: 1. RP, 2. Coll of bishops
response: religious obsequium of the intellect and will
subject and response: can. 753
subject: 1. Individual bishops, 2. groups of bishops
response: religious obsequium of animo (mind and spirit)
subject and response: can. 754
subject: Authority of the Church
Response: observance
subject and response: can. 227
subject: lay people
response: freedom in worldly affairs.
does obsequium = respect?
yes, but more than respect, it implies a desire to assent through faith and a desire for the common good.
can 756: moderatores
Asti compared this to the possible usage of titulare- This is because the bishop is part of the cyclical process of listening and teaching too. He is helped by others in the diocese, including the baptized who have right and duty to announce.
What is catechisis
comprehensible instruction of the faith.
revolves around the creed
it is to develop a seminal faith
can. 773: it is not just technical instruction but experience of Christian life.