Time #3 Flashcards
Age-old - adj
Giving much priority is age-old custom, but not in modern days.
very old, or having existed for a long time
Be (all) out of time - p
I’d like to continue this discussion but we’re all out of time.
to not have enough minutes, etc.
Have/take time off - pv
I asked my boss if I could have some time off to go to the dentist.
to stop work, in order to do something
At your time of life - p
At his time of life, he ought to be taking things easy.
at a person’s present age
From time to time - p
From time to time I still think of her.
sometimes, but not often
All the time in the world - idiom
The doctor made me feel as if she had all the time in the world to listen to my problems.
a large amount of time
Be pressed for time - idiom
I’d love to stop and talk, but I’m pressed for time.
to be in a hurry
Time is of the essence - p
Environmentalists argue that time is of the essence in redirecting transportation money from roads to transit.
you should not wait or waste time
before doing something important or urgent
Timely - adj
The change in the exchange rate provided a timely boost to the company’s falling profits.
happening at the best possible moment
Up-to-the-minute - p
Now we’re going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the- minute news on the crisis.
most recent; containing the most
recent information
Time on your hands - idiom
Now that she was retired, Mary found that she had a lot of time on her hands.
a period when you have
nothing you must do
Time flies - idiom
Time flies when you’re having fun.
time passes surprisingly quickly
Better late than never - idiom
“Dan finally paid me the money he owed me.” “Well, better late than never.”
it is better for someone to
arrive or do something late than not to arrive or do it at all
Have a lot of time for someone - idiom
She’s really nice - I have a lot of time for Helen.
to like someone and be interested in them
Change with/keep up with/move with the times - idiom
I don’t really like using the Internet, but you have to keep up with the times, I guess.
to change your ideas, opinions, or way of living or working to make them modern
Before your time - p
The Beatles were way before my time.
something or someone that happened
or existed before you were born
Against time - p
We are working against time to get the stadium finished for the opening ceremony.
if you do something ___, you have to work
very hard to finish it by the agreed time or date
In good time - p
Remember to send your tax form to us in good time.
early, or allowing more than enough time for
something to happen
Nine times out of ten/99 times out of 100 - p
Nine times out of ten, if you propose an idea, someone will argue with it.
used to say that something nearly always happens in a particular way or nearly always produces a particular result