Healthy diets/fast food - 2 Flashcards
There are still many poor people who suffer from malnutrition.
physical weakness and bad health caused by having too little food, or too little of the types of food necessary for good health
Healthy diet gives us all the nutrients we need.
a substance in food that is necessary for good health
Japanese food is both nutritious and delicious.
(of food or drinks) containing substances we need in order to be healthy
Why are so many people in Australia obese these days?
very fat; far above a healthy weight
if marketing junk food to kids causes obesity, why isn’t it banned?
the state of being very overweight, or the medical condition related to this
If I didn’t overeat, I wouldn’t be overweight.
to eat more food than the body needs
How can I stop my kids from becoming overweight?
above a normal or healthy weight
My cousin thinks farming animals and chickens is cruel and bad for the planet, so he’s pescetarian.
(of a diet) including vegetarian food and fish, but no other meat
Many processed foods have added preservatives and artificial colourings and flavourings.
a chemical substance used for preventing food from spoiling or wood from decaying
Companies will do whatever’s necessary to increase their profits.
money made by selling a product or service
Risk factor
Smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer.
something that increases your chances of developing a disease or being injured
Saturated fat
Reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet can help you live longer.
a type of fat that’s found in butter, cheese, red meat, etc.
After he had a stroke, Harry couldn’t walk or talk normally.
the sudden bursting of a blood vessel in the brain that can cause serious illness or death
Drop the gun, put your hands in the air, and don’t make any sudden movements.
happening or done quickly and without warning
Trans fat
Trans fats are banned in many places because they’re so bad for our health.
an artificial fat that makes food last longer and taste better but is very bad for health
Let’s try sticking to a vegan diet.
(of a diet) with plant foods only; without animal products, including meat, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, cheese, etc
Most people I met in India were vegetarian.
(of a diet) with plant foods and sometimes dairy products, but without meat, fish, or seafood