Medicine 0.5 Flashcards
We’re hoping that the tests will show that the lump in your breast is benign.
not harmful (not cancerous)
The biopsy ruled out a number of illnesses.
removal of human tissue in order to conduct certain medical tests
blood count
You will be happy to know that your blood count is almost back to normal.
the amount of red and white blood cells a person has
blood donor
Blood donors have to answer questions about their medical history.
a person who gives blood to a blood bank or other person
blood pressure
High blood pressure puts you at risk of having a heart attack.
the rate at which blood flows through the body (high/low)
You will probably always have to wear a brace on your ankle when you jog.
a device that holds injured body parts in place/a set of connected wires that is attached to a person’s teeth in order to make them straight
We thought it was going to be a breech birth, but the baby turned himself around.
position of an unborn baby in which the feet are down and the head is up
bruise (noun)
bruised (adj)
The woman was badly bruised when she came into the emergency room.
an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
[кардиопулмонери ресасетейшн]
You saved your brother’s life by performing CPR.
restoring a person’s breath and circulation
My leg was in a cast for graduation.
a hard bandage that is wrapped around a broken bone to keep it in place
If you want a place to pray, the chapel is on the third floor.
a place where loved ones can go to pray for a patient’s recovery/a priest who visits patients in the hospital
My mother has already had three rounds of chemotherapy.
type of treatment used on cancer patients
It is best to get chickenpox as a child so that you don’t get it worse as an adult.
a virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the bod (an infectious disease that causes a slight fever and red spots on the skin)
We only call the coroner if we think a death is suspicious.
an official who examines the reasons for a person’s death, especially if it was violent or unexpected
critical condition
You can’t see her right now; she’s in critical condition.
requiring immediate and constant medical attention
I’d rather hop on one foot than use crutches.
objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk