Human body - upper limbs (arms) Flashcards
attach - verb
Use this cable to attach the printer to the computer.
to fasten, join, or connect something
shoulder - noun
Then she put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss.
one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body
armpit/underarm - noun
sweaty armpits
the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body
These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.
one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement
triceps - noun
the large muscle at the back of the upper arm
biceps - noun
the large muscle at the front of the upper arm
halfway - noun
New York City is halfway between Boston and Washington, DC.
in the middle of something, or at a place that is equally far from two other places
elbow - noun
The sleeve of his shirt was torn at the elbow.
the part in the middle of the arm where it bends, or the part of a piece of clothing that covers this area
wrist - noun
I sprained my wrist playing tennis.
the part of the body between the hand and the arm
forearm - noun
the lower part of the arm, between the wrist and the elbow (= the middle of the arm where it bends)
finger - noun
any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand, especially those that are not thumbs
thumb - noun
the short, thick finger on the side of your hand that makes it possible to hold and pick things up easily
index finger/forefinger -noun
the finger next to the thumb
middle finger - noun
the longest finger on the hand
ring finger - noun
She broke the middle finger on her left hand.
little finger/pinkie - noun
the smallest finger on each hand
fingernail - noun
the hard, slightly curved part that covers and protects the top of the end of a finger