Tilt Wing Aerodynamic Flashcards
Forward nacelles produces a nose up attitude. Aft nacelles produce a nose down attitude
Modes of Flight
Location of the engines, proprotors and gearboxes in the wingtip nacelles results in high inertia in the roll axis
Inertia is high like the roll axis, but the yaw control power is less
TCL Trust Control Lever controls overall trust, does not operate as a typical collective.
Vertical takeoff to a hover
for takeoff approximately 90* nacelle will generally give a level deck attitude on takeoff
Pitch up with sideslip
Refers to the pitch up tendency of the AC when the empennage and horizontal tail are directly downwind of a proprotor wash
STO takeoff departure
60 or 75 degrees nacelle
Transition to Forward flight
as the AC builds airspeed and the nacelles continue their forward movement, the control surface become increasingly effective
Translational Lift
Power required decreases as forward airspeed increases
Approach to landing
an increase in TCL will be required to maintain or arrest the descent.
CONV mode
the corresponding increase in airspeed allows the FCS to respond to pilot inputs using the elevator, flaperons, and rudders to a greater degree than in VTOL mode
Anytime the nacelles are rotated aft
Run on Landing may be necessary at decreased power margins or preferred in the presence of certain AC malfunctions
APLN mode
Flight characteristics similar to a multi-engine turboprop AC
Reduced Pitch Authority at High Mach and High Altitude
Prevent exceeding structural loads in flight