Aerodinamics Flashcards
Runway Condition Reading
Measurement of friction between the aircraft tires and the runway. Obtain RCR values from base ops.
Runway Surface Condition
Average depth and type of runway surface covering to the nearest one-tenth inch
Loss of coefficient of friction between the tires and the runway surface
Downhill slope aids in acceleration, shortens take off ground run and CFL.
Uphill slope increases the take off ground run and increases CFL.
Slope Measurement
Measured in percent of gradient to the nearest one-tenth of one percent
Maximum Effort
is used when nothing else will save life, property or mission objective.
Take off Rated Thrust.
An extremely high thrust setting within the design limits of turbofan or turbojet engine, but compromises some amount of thrust in the interest of extending engine life.
Making a reduced power take off, you must consider these factors
Reduced power for runway available.
Reduced power for climb gradient
Reduced power for obstacle clearance
Minimum reduced power
Torque and TIT
Turbine Inlet Temperature
Less mass produces less energy at the turbine, propeller loses efficiency with acceleration. Propeller efficiency decreases as air density decreases.
Primary indication of power on turboprop engine
Inch-pounds of torque
Take off Factor
Combines EPR or N1 with the actual altitude to produce a statement of thrust
Air Performance Number
Represents a specific amount of thrust we may obtain with various combinations of EPR or N1, temperature and PA
Take off Factor
adds the effect of DA on the airframe to the thrust of the engines (DA)
Ground Performance Number
incorporates the effec of density altitude on the airframe
Climb Out Factor
Aircraft weight to power ratio
Climb Speed
Airspeed used during climb, compromises between the airspeed for max rate of climb and the airspeed that produces the most efficient eng operatio (ft/min)
Climb Gradient
Height an aircraft will climb in a given horizontal distance (ft/NM)
Ground Minimum Control Speed
Minimum speed required to maintain directional control with an outboard engine inop.
Air Minimum Control Speed
Speed at which an aircraft can exprerience an outboard eng failure and still maintain directional control, full rudder deflection/not more than 5 degrees of bank during takeoff or go around thrust.
Critical Field Lenght
Distance to accelerate on all eng, experience and eng failure and stop within CFL. or continue the take off on the remaining eng
Refusal Speed
Maximum speed an aircraft can accelerate and stop within the remaining runway.
Rotation Speed
Reached during take off run where the aircraft transitions from a 3 point attitude to the takeoff attitude
Takeoff speed
speed the aircraft must accelerate before lightoff occurs
Tire Placard Speed
Maximum ground speed that a tire can structurally withstand
Tire Landing Speed
TPS speed corrected to either KCAS or KIAS
Maximum Braking Speed
Highest speed the aircraft can stop without exceeding the max energy absorption capability of the brakes
Takeoff Ground Run
Distance required to accelerate to takeoff speed
Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Settings
Compensates for differences between the center of gravity and the center of lift
Acceleration Check Speed
Time vs speed checks compare acceleration agains elapsed time. the aircraft can be aborted at a predetermined point if performance is substandard
Vapp and Vref
Approach and Reference Speed
Segments of the approach to landing at approach and or reference speed
Threshold Speed
airspeed at which we cross the runway line, at a height of 50 feet
Touchdown Speed
Speed that we actually touchdown on the runway
Landing Distance
Landing distance based of the aircraft crossing th runway threshold at a height of 50 ft and threshold speed
Landing Ground Roll
Distance required after touchdown to stop the aircraft
Minimum Flap Retraction Speed
Minimum safe flap retraction speed
Minimum Climb Out Speed
Speed above stall speed for the takeoff or go around at a specific flap setting
Gross Weight Limits
limits are: air density, thrust or power, runway length, flap setting, height and distance of obstacles
Gross Weight Limited by CFL
Computed the entire runway length is the critical field length and working backwards through the CFL chard correction to computer a max gross weight
Gross Weight Limited by 3 Engine Climb
Allows the aircraft a reasonably safe climb capability. We base climb gradient charts on Temp, PA, thrust and gross weight
Gross Weight Limited by Obstacle Clearance
Must never exceed a weight which will not allow the aircraft to clear all obstruction in the climbout flight patch
Runway Surface Covering
such as snow, slush or water will retard acceleration. Increases the takeoff ground run and CFL
RSR Affects
Runway Surface Reading
RCR other than 23 (dry runway) affects: stoping distance and increases CFL
Standart Instrument Departure
Displays obstacle height in feet MSL
Delayed Gear Retraction
consider its effect on aircraft performance
Normal Take off
is the most common type
Normal Takeoff - Full power takeoff
accomplished at max takeoff power with bleed air systems turn on
Normal Takeoff - Reduced power takeoff
accomplished at a reduced power setting with all normal safety margins retained.
Abnormal Takeoff
Reserved for situations that require that one or more of the usual safety margins are disregarded.
Maximum effort take off
We pull out all stops, only limitations is the aircrafts ability to execute a take off.
Absolute Ceiling
0 ft/min all forces, weight, lift, thrust, and drag will be equal
Service Ceiling
100ft/min based on the day conditions
Formatting Ceiling
200ft/min used during arial refueling
Cruise Ceiling
Performance Ceiling
Combat Ceiling
Constant Altitude
Aircraft climbing to a cruise altitude and remaining there until descent. WORST for ANMPP.
Cruise Climb Cruise
Aircraft climbing to its optimum altitude, starting a cruise and as the AC gets lighter from fuel burn off, we allow the AC to climb. BEST for ANMPP.
Optimum Step Climb
Compromise between the Constant Alt and Cruse Climb Cruise. BETTER than Constant but NOT Cruise Climb Cruise.
Constant Power
Seldom used on large AC. Set cruise power and leave it alone.
Constant Speed
Once established our cruise speed, will maintain it throughout the flight
Maximum Range
Gives best gas mileage for the condition of the day. We have to keep slowing down as our AC gets lighter
Flying at the airspeed that will give us our lowest fuel flow
Long Range
Sacrifice a little range for an increase in airspeed
Best Endurance
Greatest amount of time when flying a CONSTANT ALT.
Maximum Endurance
Endurance airspeed while maintaining our OPTIMUM ALT
Power required for descent is much less than that required for a cruise at the same gross weight and speed
Rapid Descents
Very high rate of descent, combination of gross weight vs power and the external configuration of the aircraft
Penetration Descents
Faster than normal change in altitude exist. Power to idle, either extending the flaps or deploying the spoilers.
Energy Management During Landing
Proven Procedure for coping with wind shear during FINAL APPROACH.