Blk 7 Amunition Flashcards
Diameter of the inside of the barrel and is measured in inches, hundreds of an inch or millimeters.
Light <20mm
Medium 20-100mm
Heavy 100+
Ammunition Basics
Caliber, Cartridge, Fuze and Projectile
Packs the bullet, gunpowder and primer into a single case to fit the chamber.
Any object projected through the air by the application of some force. Designed for Max stability and min air resistance. Coper Coated Steel or gilding metal jacket “Full Metal Jacket”
Ammunition acceptable for military use…
The countries that signed The Hague Convention of 1899
Curved portion of the projectile between the fuze well and the bourrelet.
It centers the FWR part of the projectile in the tube and bears on the lands of the tube.
Cylindrical portion of the projectile. between the Bourrelet and the rotating band. Contains most of the projectile filler.
Rotating Band
3 primary functions. Seal the bore, to position and center the rear end of the projectile, and to impart rotation to the projectile.
Bellow the rotating band. May be square or boat tale design. Boat tale is the most common type.
Small pyrotechnic charge in the base. Ignited upon firing and burns very brightly. Gives the shooters position away.
Base Plate
Prevents hot gases of the propelling charge from coming in contact with the explosive filler
Explosive Trains
Explosive Propellant Train
Projectile Explosive Train
is used to report a gun stoppage or misfire
Gun Stopage
trigger squeezed and the gun does not do anything, fires rounds and then stops firing or jams for an unknown reason.
Complete failure of the weapon to fire.
Hang Fire
Primer of the ammo round has detonated after being struck by the filtering pin, but powder burns slow and delays firing the round.
Cook Off
Heat of the barrel is high enough to cause the propellant powder inside the round to ignite even tho the primes has not being struck.
Runaway Gun
Continues to fire after you release the triggers, filtering is uncontrolled.
M240 and GAU-2C
7.62mm NATO ammo
used in marksmanship training, personnel and light targets
Bullet trajectory to the point of tracer burnout or impact.
7.62 Red, Orange, Maroon
.50 Red, Orange, Brown or Purple
Dim Tracer (7.62mm only)
Can only be seen with NVGs.
Purple Tip
Armor Piercing
Tungsten core used against lightly armored vehicles and fortifications. Black top
Ignite flammable materials after impact. Blue or Light Blue tip
Armor Piercing-Incendiary
Armor piercing combined with fire producing effects. Silver, Grey or Aluminum
Armor Piercing-Incendiary-Tracer
Combines armor, incendiary and tracer.
Red over Gray painted tips
Used for training
M240 Capacity
800 Rounds
7.62 Mini Gun Capacity
2700 Rounds
.50 Caliber Capacity
600 Rounds
40mm Capacity
256 Rounds
105mm Capacity AC-130H
136 Rounds
105mm Capacity AC-130U
100 Rounds
25mm Capacity
3000 Rounds
30mm Capacity
540 Rounds
Weapon Safety
Proper PPE Point gun safe direction gun safe and clear target and what's behind it Don't fire at anything you don't intent to kill
Hazards that cause munitions to ignite or explode
Heat, Friction or Percussion
Fire Extinguishers
Unless otherwise directed by the fire chief, provide 2 serviceable extinguishers.
Ammunition Emergency Procedures
Notify AC Commander and crew
notify fire department
fight fire & remove munitions if possible
non essential personnel withdraw 2500ft
crew member fighting fire will withdraw 2500ft, when fire envelops munitions or after arrival fire fighters.
Explosives exceeds 500lbs HE withdraw to 4000ft
.50 Caliber NATO