Tide Flashcards
Which company created Tide?
Created by Proctor and Gamble
Who was the set advert made by?
What character did Tide create?
What was the 1950’s consumer boom?
lead to new ‘hardware’ technologies to make domestic chores easier, and ‘software’ products – washing powder
What was happening in the post WW2 era?
reassertion of traditional gender roles:
Men doing the more physical jobs and women preforming the domestic, family role.
What effect do the ‘Women’s Land Army’ and ‘Rosie the Riveter’ – “We Can Do It!” advert have on audiences?
Challenge stereotypical representations of women confined to domestic sphere - encourages them to take up physical roles
Dress codes - 1950s hairdo
glamorous but practical (shorter, held back) connotes housework
How does Stuart Halls theory of representation link to Tide?
Domestic images familiar as representation of 1950s audience’s own lives and shared cultural experience
How does David Gauntlett’s theory of identity link to tide
Women represented in advert act as role models for audience to construct their own sense of identity against
Who Is Tides Target audience?
increasingly affluent lower-middle class women
Audience demographics (2)
newly married, with young families (connotations of men, children’s clothes on washing line)
How is a Reassuring lexical field used in Tide?
(“trust”, “truly safe”, “miracle”) – product provides solutions to needs of audience
What is the Composition (z-line, rule of thirds) in Tide?
both lead to the cartoon character in the
What is the effect of the Red colours?
primary bright colour with positive association with the product
Gap fill- Cultivation theory - George Gerbner
The advert __________ ideas that Tide is the _______ washing detergent and is a desirable product for the ______ audience. The __________ of these messages convinces the audience member.
cultivates, leading, female, repetition
How does Tide contradict Liesbet Van Zoonen’s feminist theory?
Lack of sexist and sexualised representation
How does bell hooks’ feminist theory link to Tide?
Reinforces theory as lighter skinned women are more desirable and conform to western ideology of beauty
What is the brand association of the housewife character?
Characters love and adoration for Tide products
What products came out of the 1950s consuming boom? (3)
Vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher
Why did WW2 adverts target women?
industries needed to fill traditional ‘male roles’ vacated by soldiers
Whats the effect of the Hermeneutic code- ‘what women want’?
creates suspense and is emphasises through the use of exclamation marks (proairetic code)
Gap fill - semantic code
use of hearts suggesting she _____ the product but her husband will also love her for using the _______, reinforced through the colour ___.
loves, product, red
How does Levi-Strauss’ structuralism theory link to Tide?
Opposition is constructed through the presentation of commercial rivals, this is done by the brand’s name drop ‘Procter and Gamble’
Stuart Hall - Reception
What is the effect of the indirect mode of address in Tide?
Indirect mode of address made when the women connotes to her loving of the product
What does the Serif font do in Tide?
Serif font for ‘technical’ details connotes more ‘serious’, ‘factual’ information
What does the sans-Serif font do in Tide?
Sans-serif font for Headings, subheadings and slogans, connotes informal mode of address.
How does Tide adhere Liesbet Van Zoonen’s feminist theory?
Women of the period may have been seen as objects to their husbands.
How does Gilroy’s ethnicity and post-colonial theories link to Tide?
This text could be seen to reinforce colonial power by only presenting white women.
What year was Tide launched