C2 Humans Flashcards
Are the synths represented equally to humans?
No, they occupy objectified positions in society
As well as Sci-Fi, what other sub-genres are prevalent? (3)
Family drama, romance, action
Baudrillard - postmodernism
How is Humans set in a hyper reality?
Parallel world based in a present or near future re-presented from a mediated perspective
Bell Hooks - Feminist Theory
How can Bell Hooks theory be applied to Humans?
Most of the non-white characters play synths who are made to act as slaves for white characters
What Channel was Humans shown on?
Channel 4
Characters Who is Anita?
Synth career, bought by Hawkins family
Characters Who is Joe?
Dad of the Hawkins family?
Characters Who is Mattie/Matilda Hawkins?
Oldest child in the Hawkins family
Characters Who is Sophie?
Youngest member of the Hawkins Family
Characters Who is Laura?
Mum, Joe’s Husband
Characters Who is Leo Elster?
Half Synth, half human Leader of the sentient synths
Characters Who is Toby Hawkins?
Middle child in the Hawkins family
David Gauntlett - Identity How can Gauntletts theory be applied to the characters in Humans?
Wide array of representations of gender which audiences can pick and mix ideas from
Who is Dr George Milican?
Professor who worked with Dr Elster
Gap fill - Isaac Asimov Robotics Rules A robot may not ______ a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come to ____. A robot must ____ the orders given to it by human beings, except where obeying the order would cause another _____ to come to harm. A robot must _______ its own existence, as long as protecting its own existence doesn’t _____ the first two rules.
Injure, Harm, obey, human, protect, break
What Genre is Humans?
Science Fiction
Give 1 example of a Channel 4 programme that is exported to other countries?
Hesmondhalgh - Cultural Industries How does Channel 4’s reputation minimise risks?
Established audience
Hesmondhalgh - Cultural Industries How does the use of Genre support Hesmondhalgh’s theory? (2)
There is an established audience and Humans breaks some of the conventions of the genre
Hesmondhalgh - Cultural Industries How has Humans minimised risk?
Use of stars: Gemma Chan - Anita Colin Morgan - Leo - also in Merlin William Hurt
Baudrillard - postmodernism How can the synths be seen as simulacra?
Copies of perfect humans that do not exist
Van Zoonen - feminist theory How could Joe be seen to defy Van Zoonen’s feminist theory?
Joe at home, looking after children
Van Zoonen - feminist theory How could Laura be seen to defy Van Zoonen’s feminist theory?
She has a high paying, influential job as a lawyer
Van Zoonen - feminist theory How do the humans in the show not portray typical gender roles? (3)
Laura in high paying job Joe in domestic position Leo and George presented as caring
How does Humans break the typical conventions of the Sci-Fi genre?
Robots looking like humans
Baudrillard - postmodernism How does Humans break the wall between their reality and ours through there Marketing campaigns? (2)
Physical shop in London and the eBay Synth selling
How does Humans play on the cultural fears of the 21st century?
Robots replacing jobs, dangers of scientific progress and technological experimentation
How does the use of sub-genres adhere to Steve Neale’s theory?
Allows genres to change over time
How far can the synths/robots be compared to Stepford Wives?
They are both domestic, beautiful, subservient robots as replacements to real women
Van Zoonen - feminist theory How far could Joe be considered to replace Laura with Anita?
Anita replaces Laura initially domestically and maternally and eventually sexually
How many narrative strands are in humans?
How many production companies has Channel 4 worked with across TV, Film and digital?
In which area of the UK does Channel 4 spend most money on programme making?
The north of England
Livingston and Lunt - Regulation What rating was given to Humans?
Livingston and Lunt - Regulation Why would the BBFC give Humans a 15 rating?
Sex, moderate violence, swearing
What is Narrowcasting?
Channels which specialise in particular genres
Characters Who is Odi?
Old synth model owned by George
Stuart Hall - representation How could the black, slave stereotype be applied to Humans?
Fred is shown as fruit picking (cotton picking)
Van Zoonen - feminist theory How do the synths portray typical gender roles? (3)
Anita is shown as a domestic object Niska is shown as a sexual object Fred is shown as doing traditional manual labour, fruit picking
Van Zoonen - feminist theory What is important about the selling and buying of Anita?
Joe is buying a women from a corporate businessman who is selling one
What are other examples of Iconography in Science Fiction?
Futuristic weaponry, costumes, transportation Landscapes - technologically advanced, dystopian High tech
What are the 5 narrative strands in Humans?
Hobbs and hunting the synths George and Odi Synth creation (David Elster) Leo and the sentient synths Anita and the Hawkins family
What cultural fears has the sci-fi genre explored? (3)
Radiation, alien invasions- 1950/60s Robots - 2000s
What does Channel 4 do with its surplus profits?
All the surplus profit goes back into content for channel 4
What iconography or science fiction is in Humans? (2)
Robots Science labs/scientists
What is an example of Bricolage in Humans?
the opening titles is made up of documentary footage, newspapers, audio clips
What is an example of Bricolage in music?
Musical mash-ups
What is Bricolage?
Lévi-Strauss suggested that postmodern media texts are made up of “debris” that we recognise from other texts and these are combined – “bricolage”.
What is is the main binary opposition in Humans?
Man vs machine
What is similar about David Elster and Joe?
They both required replacements for there wives
What is similar about the BBC and Channel 4? (3)
They are both, public services, non-profited are publicly owned
What is the difference between the BBC and Channel 4?
BBC is publicly funded and Channel 4 is commercially funded (adverts)
What is the disruption to the Equilibrium in the set episode?
Anita joins the household
What is the intertextual reference of Dr Elster?
Reference to Hitchcock’s film, Vertigo, were Gavin Elster creates the perfect woman to serve his own ends
What is the intertextual reference of ODI
ODI stands for Open Data Institute
What large enigma is left at the end of episode 1?
Anita walking away with Sophie
What non-linear narrative elements are in Humans?
Anita’s flashbacks
What other enigmas are in the first episode? (3)
Fred captured by Hobbs Odi malfunctions Anita and Laura conflict
What percentage of Channel 4’s audience is aged 16-34?
What percentage of non-linear viewing is done via All 4?
What percentage of programming on C4 originates from the UK?
What percentage of television viewing is done via linear TV?
Baudrillard - postmodernism What postmodern themes are present in Humans?
Relationship between Man and technology
What Swedish series is Humans based off?
Real Humans
What was the market share (in %) of Channel 4 in 2015?
What was the persona synthetics shop?
It was a store used to advertise humans by building its themes enough starting conversations about it?
What year was Humans released in?
Livingston and Lunt - Regulation What’s important of the 9pm showing of Humans?
Above the watershed timing of the BBFC
When was Channel 4 created?
Which common Science fiction narrative theme does Humans fit into? A) Space travel B) Alien Invasion C) Time Travel D) Set in future or alternative present
D) set in future or alternate present
Who is Niska reminiscent of?
Pris from Blade Runner
Who was Isaac Asimov?
Highly influential science fiction writer who created the 3 rules of robotics
Why did Joe want a synth?
He couldn’t cope with domestic work which Laura wasn’t around to do for him
Why does C4 spend the most money in the North of England?
adheres to remit of encouraging innovation, experiment and cultural diversity.
Why does Todorov’s theory not apply to Humans?
It is episodic and it doesn’t have a resolution or re-establishment of Equilibrium
Why is the theme of Humans revealing in the 21st century?
Issues with the rise of robotics and manmade, sentient life