Assassins Creed Liberation Flashcards
What is Ubisoft?
An Independent French video game company and AC3L publisher
When was the Ps Vita released?
Ps Vita was released in 22/02/12 in EU
AC3 vs AC3L Week 1 Sales
Assassins creed 3 - 3 million sales
Assassins creed 3 Liberation - 100k sales
Who is the Protagonist?
Aveline de Grandpré
First female protagonist as a french-African assassin
Where is AC3L Set?
18th century New Orleans
Assassins creed unity controversy
2014’s Unity offered four male, no female, avatars in co-op multiplayer.
Ps vita’s target market?
Hand held - more accessible and able to be played in more places
Female protagonist Effects
may appeal to different demographic, offering female gamer identification
Convergent links
Buying AC3 for the PlayStation 3 and Liberation adds extra content. (Cosmetics/skins and exclusive mission)
New media form (gaming)
Video games relatively new media form (Atari, Inc. founded, Magnavox Odyssey released 1972), with exponential growth, rapid technological development, audiences grew rapidly
Henry Jenkins
Online fan culture and communities provide supplementary experience
Cultural industries - Hesmondhalgh
AC, low risk franchise, software promotes hardware to large fan base.
Albert Bandura - media effects
Assassins Creed feature violent content which younger children may copy showing why the game needs regulation
Livingston and Lunt - regulation
Rated at 18 for gross violence
Regulation and classification
Age rating 18 -
Aveline’s personas
Slave, lady, assassin
PS vita special features (2)
Hand held device
Access to internet
identify simple demographics such as age, gender, or geographic location and, as a result, can help them to define their target market.
Assassins creed franchise Risk
Popular, low risk franchise
AC3L and AC3 simultaneous release
Helped with sales
intertextual references of playable mission with AC3 protagonist, Connor
What is an Avatar
an icon or figure representing a particular person in a video game, Internet forum, etc.
Other Ubisoft games (2)
Far cry, rainbow six siege
Assassins Creed 1 sales by 2009
9 million copies by 2009
Assassins creed 1 release date
Main Series Assassins Creed Games in order (11)
Assassins Creed Assassins Creed 2 Assassins Creed Brotherhood Assassins Creed Revelations Assassins Creed 3 Assassins Creed Black flag Assassins Creed Rogue Assassins Creed Unity Assassins Creed Syndicate Assassins Creed Origins Assassins Creed Odyssey
Spin Of Assassins Creed Games In Order (11)
Assassins Creed Altair’s Chronicles Assassins Creed Bloodlines Assassins Creed 2 Discovery Assassins Creed 3 Liberation Assassins Creed Pirates Assassins Creed Freedom Cry Assassins Creed Identity Assassins Creed Chronicles China Assassins Creed Chronicles India Assassins Creed Chronicles Russia Assassins Creed Rebellion
Main Series vs Spin Of Games
Main series released on Consoles (Xbox, PlayStation) and PC
Spin of Released on Computers, Handheld devices and Mobiles
Average Gamer Age
Positives of Playing Video Games (3)
Improved Eye Sight
Better reactions
Increased focus (tracking multiple objects)
Gaming Myths (2)
Too much screen time damages your eyes
Games lead to attention problems
Mario Kart Case Study:
Release Year
Released in 1992
Mario Kart Case Study:
Origins/Market Research
Market research of driving go karts and making a remote control vehicle
Mario Kart Case Study:
Mario Kart 8 (3) (Platform, release, new mechanics)
Released On Nintendo Switch
25 years after original game
New Anti Gravity Mechanic
Re-release in 2014
Released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows
Re-release in March 2019
Included in Assassins Creed 3 remastered for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows (released on Nintendo Switch in May)
Assassins Creed Liberation in 2019 (4)
Remade and redesigned to operate with enhanced visuals (4K), a new graphics engine, brand new character models and heavily revamped game mechanics
Liberation first Revealed
Revealed at E3 2012
Assassins Creed Liberation Release
Assassins Creed Premise
Revolves around the rivalry between two ancient secret societies — the Assassins and the Knights Templar — and their indirect relation to an ancient species pre-dating humanity.
Assassins Creed Gameplay/Story
The games’ real-world chronological setting begins in the year 2012, but most of the gameplay is in historical setting
AC3L early reveal effects (3)
Builds up hype, spikes interest, more time to advertise
ACL3 Studio (where was it made)
Assassins creed 3 Liberation was made at Ubisoft Sofia/Milan/Montreal
PS Vita vs Mobile Gaming (2)
Mobile gaming is much more popular
Ubisoft has released the rest of its spin of AC games on Mobile
Why use convergent links?
Aims to encourage purchase of additional hardware and adoption of new gaming habits
PS Vita sales
Sold 4 million copies from release to January 2013