Thyroid Physiology and Pathophysiology Flashcards
Thyroid and parathyroid anatomy
Note the position of the four parathyroid glands, the vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves, and the common carotid artery.

The thyroid is encased in . . .
. . . pretracheal fascia and therefore moves superiorly with swallowing, a feature that is useful during physical examination of the gland

Arterial and venous supply of the thyroid
Note the redundancy in both arterial and venous supply, and also the location of the pretracheal lymph nodes inferiorly.

Histologic appearance of thyroid tissue
The basic histological and functional unit of the thyroid is the thyroid follicle, which consists of cuboidal thyroid follicular cells arranged in a hollow sphere around a core of proteinaceous extracellular material called colloid
Follicular cells are oriented with their basolateral surface facing the interstitium, which contains blood vessels, and their apical surface facing the colloid into which they secrete thyroglobulin

A protein that serves as the scaffold for synthesizing thyroid hormones.
Produced by follicular cells within the thyroid and secreted into the colloid.
Thyroid C-cells
aka parafollicular cells
Scattered throughout the thyroid interstitium between the follicles. C-cells secrete the hormone calcitonin, which can decrease serum calcium but has no clear role in normal human physiology.
Thyroid embryology
The fetal thyroid begins as a thickening of the pharyngeal floor. Forms a diverticulum that descends caudally through the anterior neck. During this migration, a track called the thyroglossal duct is formed connecting the pharyngeal floor to the thyroid bed. This duct must then involute.
Begins to be functional at ~11-12 weeks.
Thyroid C-cells have a distinct embryologic origin in the ultimobranchial glands.
Thyroid dysgenesis
Deviation from the normal anatomic development of the thyroid.
Most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism. Thyroid may fail to generate, be hypoplastic, or fail to migrate down from the pharynx.
Thyroglossal duct cysts
Congenital. Results from failure of the thyroglossal duct to involute during embryologic thyroid development.
May present as midline neck masses or become infected.
Dietary iodine absorption
Absorbed from the small intestine, and once in the circulation iodine is taken up by thyroid follicular cells via a specific sodium-iodide symporter (NIS). Expression of NIS is induced by TSH.
Under normal circumstances the thyroid has far greater avidity for iodine than any other tissue.
Sites of NIS expression
Generally, dietary iodine goes to the thyroid, where NIS expression is highest.
However, multiple other tissues express lower levels of NIS, including the salivary and lacrimal glands. NIS is also highly expressed in the lactating breast, where it transmits iodine from the mother to the breastfeeding infant.
Dietary iodine deficiency
Common in many parts of the world and results in hypothyroidism.
Resulting increase in TSH (a trophic factor for the thyroid) causes thyroid hypertrophy, which manifests clinically as goiter (thyroid enlargement).
When iodine deficiency occurs in infancy, the resulting hypothyroidism causes mental retardation, a condition known as endemic cretinism
Widespread iodization of salt is a public health measure that has virtually eliminated endemic cretinism in much of the developed world
Wolff-Chaikoff syndrome
Ingestion of excessive amounts of iodine results in hypothyroidism because supranormal concentrations of iodine within the follicular cell inhibit both thyroid hormone synthesis and the release of pre-formed thyroid hormone.
If excess iodine exposure persists, the normal thyroid will “escape” from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect and resume producing and releasing thyroid hormone within 3-7 days, so little if any clinical hypothyroidism occurs. However, this may not occur in neonates or patients with preexisting thyroid dysfunction. These patients may develop persistent hypothyroidism due to iodine excess.
Thyroid hormone synthesis
Iodide enters the follicular cell through the basolateral NIS and exits into the colloid through the apical anion channel pendrin. Iodine is then added to tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin, and shuffled around until T3 and T4 are produced, still bound to thyroglobulin. All of this is catalyzed by thyroperoxidase. T3 and T4 can then be released by proteolysis.

Production of diatomic iodine in the colloid
Diatomic iodine is transiently produced through a two-step reaction with hydrogen peroxide generated by thyroid peroxidase.
Thyroid peroxidase then catalyzes the reaction of elemental iodine with tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin, adding one iodine atom with the other serving as an iodide leaving group.

Mono- and di-iodothyronine. Also produced, but not secreted from the colloid space. Instead the iodine just gets recycled in another cycle of T3/T4 production,
T3/T4 delivery
These hormones cannot circulate alone and must be bound to a chaperone, usually thyroxine-binding globulin, but sometimes albumin or pre-albumin. Only a tiny fraction of each hormone, less than 1%, is free and biologically active at any given moment.
Total and free thyroxine
When interpreting thyroid function tests it is important to remember that abnormal binding protein levels can cause abnormal serum measurements of total T4 and/or total T3 even when free thyroid hormone concentrations are normal.
This is frequently the case for individuals taking estrogen contraceptives. Because estrogen potently increases thyroid binding globulin levels, such women have elevated total T4, but normal free T4 and TSH (since only unbound T4 can inhibit TSH production).
TRH regulation
- Suppressed by thyroxine
- Suppressed by starvation and systemic illness
- Importantly, not suppressed by prolactin, even though TRH also stimulates prolactin release.
TRH and prolactin
TRH also stimulates prolactin production, however prolactin does not inhibit TRH. Commonly, primary hypothyroidism leads to high levels of TRH and thus hyperprolactinemia. Hyperprolactinemia may then suppress FSH and TSH, resulting in hypogonadism.
TSH and thyroxine mobilization
TSH binds and activates the TSH receptor on the basolateral membrane of thyroid follicular cells.
Activation of the TSH receptor stimulates thyroid hormone synthesis and release by increasing the expression and function of nearly all elements of this pathway, including NIS, TPO, and thyroglobulin. TSH is also a trophic factor for the thyroid, with excessive stimulation of the TSH receptor leading to hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, and inadequate TSH receptor action causing thyroid atrophy.
TSH secretion is regulated primarily by. . .
. . . circulating free T4 levels.
small changes in free T4 produce large compensatory changes in serum TSH.
For this reason, serum TSH is the most sensitive test for diagnosing primary thyroid dysfunction
___ is the most sensitive test for diagnosing primary thyroid dysfunction
Serum TSH is the most sensitive test for diagnosing primary thyroid dysfunction
___ is the primary active thyroid hormone
T3 is the primary active thyroid hormone because it binds TRs with 15-fold greater affinity than T4