Acid-Base Physiology Flashcards
Limits of compensation for a metabolic alkalosis
You can hypoventilate a little, but not past a certain point. You need to get enough oxygen! So, a consequence of this is that we can only retain so much bicarbonate and compensate a metabolic alkalosis so much.
This number isn’t really much above ~45.
“serum or plasma bicarbonate”, “total CO2” and “CO2 content”
- “serum or plasma bicarbonate” = [HCO3 -]plasma
- “total CO2” = “CO2 content” = [CO2]plasma + [HCO3 -]plasma = 0.03 mEq L-1 mmHg-1 x PCO2
Two main ways to acquire a metabolic alkalosis
- Increased loss of acid (H+), vomitting for the GI tract, enhanced collecting duct function for the kidnies
- Increased bicarbonate production or administration of base equivalents (citrate, carbonate)
Major roles of the kidney in acid-base physiology
- Proximal tubule: Reabsorption of bicarbonate
- Distal tubule/collecting duct:Secretion of protons. In the tubular lumen, they are trapped urinary buffers (ammonia, to form ammonium, NH4+ andphosphates, to form H2PO4 - ).
Toxic acidosis etiologies
- Non-ethanol alcohol ingestions, such as methanol which is metabolized into formic acid
- Ethylene glycol is metabolized into oxalic and glycolic acid, with severe toxicity to the kidney. Renal failure can occur due to precipitation of calcium oxalate crystals.
- Aspirin overdose produces salicylate, which results in elevated anion gap and respiratory alkalosis
Reabsorption of bicarbonate at the proximal tubule
85% of bicarbonate reabsorption occurs here. H+ brought into the lumen by Nhe3 is used to convert HCO3- to H2CO3, thus driving the carbon equilibrium to CO2 with the help of carbonic anhydrase on the apical proximal cell membrane.
The CO2 can then freely diffuse into the proximal tubule cell, where the pH is higher and the carbonic anhydrase equilibrium once again favors HCO3- production. But this time, the HCO3- is trapped, and must diffuse down its concentration gradient back into the blood.
Regulation of acid base physiology by extracellular volume depletion, hypokalemia, and high PCO2
- All increase proximal HCO3 - reabsorption.
- Hypokalemia also stimulates net acid excretion by increasing ammonium production.
Loss of bicarbonate in the urine.
May be the result of carbonic anhydrase defiency when seen in isolation.
However, it is often part of Fanconi’s syndrome, where generalized proximal tubule dysfunction leads to bicarbonaturia, glucosuria, phosphaturia, aminoaciduria and hypokalemia. This may be the result of heritable mutations in Nhe3,or induced bymedicationssuch as acetazolamide, topiramate, ifosfamide, tenofovir disproxal fumarate, or caused byacquired disease like multiple myeloma.
Acidification of the urine, which can reach a pH of ___
Acidification of the urine, which can reach a pH of 4.5
However, this is not adequate to eliminate the normally generated 70 mEq/day of H+ . (at a pH of 4.5, [H+] = 0.03 mEq/L!). This would require us to excrete over 2,000 gallons of urine per day.
That is why we also need high urine buffer capacity.
Kussmaul’s respiration
Breathing pattern associated with acidosis. Deep breaths (hyperventilation) in order to reduce pCO2
When there is proximal tubular cell dysfunction, what would you expect the urine pH to be?
In this situation, initially urine pH is elevated (>7) because the kidney excretes large amounts of bicarbonate ions.
As the serum bicarbonate falls, however, a new steady state is reached at which the proximal tubule is able to reclaim the smaller filtered load. At that point, urine pH will fall as the urine bicarbonate disappears.
H+ATPase defects
Very uncommon form of distal tubule defect that can result in acidosis.
Four mechanisms of metabolic acidosis due to non-volatile acid
- Tissue hypo-perfusion leading to anaerobic metabolism and lactemia.
- Ketoacidosis, as seen in diabetes mellitus, ethanol toxicity, or nutrient deprivation (starving/fasting). Acetoacetic acid and β-hydroxybuteric acid.
- Advanced renal disease, where the body’s ability to excrete phosphates and sulfates is impaired
- Ingestion of a compound that either is acidic or is metabolized into an acid
Most meat-based Western diets produce ___ H+ per day.
Most meat-based Western diets produce ~70 mEq H+ per day.
Mechanism of furosemide and its effects on urine pH
Loop diuretics inhibit the Na+K+2Cl- co-transporter of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. This prevents dilution of the tubular fluid in this segment. Consequently, there is greater salt delivery to the collecting duct.
Since there is more Na+ delivery to the collecting duct, there is more Na+ to exchange for H+ via the H+-ATPase and ENaC circuit, thus urine pH drops.
Ingestion of isopropyl alcohol
Unlike methanol and ethylene glycol which are terminal alcohols, isopropyl alcohol cannot be metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase into an acid. Instead, it is oxidized to acetone.
As a result, intake of isopropyl alcohol will produce elevated serum ketone levels not metabolic acidosis!
Most diets that contain animal protein have a net ___ quantity of non-volatile acids.
Most diets that contain animal protein have a net positive quantity of non-volatile acids.
This is predominantly due to sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine). High protein diets increase the acid metabolic load.
Decreased renal ammoniagenesis
Chronic decline in renal function is usually associated with a loss of nephron mass, and reduction of proximal tubular capacity. Before bicarbonate reabsorption is affected, production of ammonium and new bicarbonate equivalents declines.
This decreases net acid excretion because there is insufficient ammonia in the urine to trap the requisite amount of H+ .
When the diet results in more non-volatile acids, the kidneys ___. When the diet has more alkaline substances, the kidney ___.
When the diet results in more non-volatile acids, the kidneys excrete more H+ and the urine becomes more acidic. When the diet has more alkaline substances, the kidney will not reabsorb as much filtered HCO3 - and the urine pH may approach 8.0.
Anion gap in acidosis
When metabolic acidoses are the result of an acid that is not routinely measured (e.g. lactate, ketoacids, other ingestions producing organic acid), then the anion gap is greater than the normal amount (~ 10-12 mEq/l) because of the presence of these organic acid anions.
Estimated renal compensation for chronic CO2 retention and respiratory acidosis
Δ[Bicarb] = 0.35 x (current pCO2 - 40 mmHg)
This can be used to determine if renal compensation for a metabolic acidosis is appropriate or not
Collecting duct and distal tubule bicarbonate regulation
- Alpha intercalated cells: Pump protons into the lumen and reabsorb bicarbonate by a similar mechanism to proximal tubule cells, utilizing cellular carbonic anhydrase, but no luminal carbonic anhydrase.
- Beta intercalated cells: Perform the same process in reverse and can be used to excrete more bicarbonate in situations where the diet is net alkaline (like vegetarian diets).
Chloride depletion as a mechanism of persistant alkalosis
- Low Cl- levels seen in alkaloses are sensed by the macula densa and lead to renin release, promoting secondary hyperaldosteronism.
- Beta-intercalated cells in the collecting duct rely on Cl- / HCO3 - exchange and so, if tubular Cl- is low, HCO3- cannot be secreted.
Hypokalemic conditions in regulation of kidney physiology
- Increases the endocytotic movement of H+ATPases from cellular sites to the plasma membrane, improving H+ secretion
- Increases the K+ /H+ ATPase, allowing both increased K+ reabsorption and H+ secretion.
- Stimulates ammoniagenesis. This is important, as more H+ (in the form of NH4+) needs to be utilized for charge balance since Na+ and K+ are being conserved.