Thyroid Gland Flashcards
What level of TSH will you find in a patient with primary hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland has been destroyed by the immune system?
a High TSH
b Low TSH
c Normal TSH
Describe the control of thyroid activity.
What medication do we use to treat primary hypothyroidism? How do we know when the dose is enough?
increase dose until TSH falls to normal
Name an autoimmune disease that results in hypothyroidism.
Describe Graves’ Disease
Describe the presentation of Grave’s Disease.
What causes exophthalmus in Graves’ disease?
Other antibodies bind to muscles
behind the eye and cause exophthalmos
can cause blindness
What is this?
What causes pretibial myxoedema in Graves’ disease?
Other antibodies cause pretibial myxoedema (hypertrophy)
What do we call the swelling (non-pitting) that
occurs on the shins of patients with Graves’ disease: growth of soft tissue?
Pretibial myxoedema
What is this?
Pretibial myxoedema
How would a radioactive iodine-reuptake scan of a Graves’ thyroid gland appear?
Diffuse goitre of moderate size and uniform radioiodine uptake
What is Plummer’s disease?
How does a pt with plummer’s disease present differently to a pt with Graves’
*NO pretibial myxoedema
*NO exophthalmos
How would a radioactive iodine-reuptake scan of a toxic nodular thyroid gland appear?
not smooth uptake
What effects does thyroxine have on the sympathetic nervous system?