Asbestos-related lung disease Flashcards
Asbestos-related lung disease
What 2 conditions are known to be caused by asbestos exposure?
Asbestos-related lung disease
What tissue change is asbestosis characterised by?
chronic and progressive interstitial fibrosis of the lungs, particularly in the lower lobes in the area underneath the pleura
Asbestos-related lung disease
How do asbestos fibres cause fibrosis of the lungs?
- direct damage (macrophage activation)
- indirect damage (ROS)
Asbestos-related lung disease
What might a pt history of asbestosis be like?
- occupation (boilermaker, 2 or 3 decades ago)
- insidious onset of SOB and hypoxoaemia (first w/ exercise, then an rest too)
- benign unilateral plueral effusion may occur before development of interstitial fibrosis
Cough, wheezing and sputum production not characteristic of asbestosis
Asbestos-related lung disease
What might be found on physical examination?
- End-inspiratory crackles (up to 65% of patients)
- Clubbing (up to 40% of patients)
Asbestos-related lung disease
Give 3 differntials of asbestosis
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Asbestos-related lung disease
What might be some findings on pulmonary function tests for asbestosis?
Reduced VC and TLC
Reduced DLCO
Normal FEV1:FVC spirometry
DLCO = diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide
Asbestos-related lung disease
What would be seen on a CXR of a pt with asbestosis?
bilateral “ground glass” irregular opacities in the lung parenchyma along with pleural plaques.
Honeycombing occurs in the later stages.
Asbestos-related lung disease
What scan is more sensitive than CXR is detection of abnormalities for asbestosis?
High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)
Asbestos-related lung disease
What test investigation do we do for pt with suscpected asbestosis but CXR/HRCT inconclusive?
How is the test interpretted?
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
- the number of asbestos bodies in fluid correlates with the number of asbestos bodies in the lungs
- BAL is used for patients for which CXR and HRCT are not diagnostic and whose diagnosis is uncertain (malignancies or infection in differential diagnosis)
Asbestos-related lung disease
What would be found on histopathological examination of a pt with asbestosis?
- Asbestos bodies: asbestos fibres coated by iron or protein
- Fibrosis in asbestos is different from usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) as it is not characterised by fibroblast foci and fibrosis also involves the visceral pleura with characteristic plaques
Asbestos-related lung disease
How do we treat asbestosis? (prescribing)
- no pharm treatment
- O2 therapy for hypoxic pt
- prevention and supportive management
- vaccination for pneumococcus and influenza recommended
Asbestos-related lung disease
How do we treat asbestosis? (non-prescribing)
- surgery to remove dcsr tissue
- lung transplant
- thoracentensis may help release any discomfort from pleural effusion
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is a malignant mesothelioma?
an aggressive epithelial neoplasm arising from the mesothelial lining of the lung, abdomen, pericardium or tunica vaginalis
Malignant pleural mesothelioma accounts for the vast majority of malignant mesotheliomas
It is one of the few cancers directly related to an environmental exposure; asbestos being the chief agent, with a 20- to 40-year latency period between exposure and development of malignancy.
Asbestos-related lung disease
Name 3 risk factors for developing a malignant mesothelioms.
- asbestos exposure
- BAP-1 mutation
- radiation exposure
Asbestos-related lung disease
What occupations expose people to asbestos?
- shipyard worker
- construction
- maintenance
- vehicle brake mechanic
- insulation
- production of tiles, shingles, gaskets or textiles
Asbestos-related lung disease
What are some symptoms of mesothelioma
- Shortness of breath
- Dry, non-productive cough
- Chest pain
- Fatigue
- Anorexia
- Weight loss
Symptoms are usually related to the presence of intrathoracic disease and some non-specific symptoms
Asbestos-related lung disease
What are some findings on physical examination for malignant mesothelioma? What is the reason for these findings?
- Decreased breath sounds
- Reduced chest expansion
- Dullness to percussion on the affected side
Abdominal distension may either indicate ascites from malignant peritoneal mesothelioma or intra-abdominal extension of malignant pleural mesothelioma
most commonly related to the presence of pleural effusions
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is the initial investigation for malignant mesothelioma?
What would the findings be?
unilateral pleural effusion, pleural thickening, reduced lung volumes or parenchymal changes (lower zone interstitial fibrosis or pleural calcification)
However, chest-x-rays tend to poorly visualise the pleura and can miss subtle changes.
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is a more sensitive imaging test that can be done after CXR to investigate for malignant mesothelioma?
contrast-enhanced CT of the chest and upper abdomen
Asbestos-related lung disease
Imaging alone is not sufficient to make a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma.
What other investigations need to be done?
further tests:
performed to determine whether an effusion is an exudate or transudate and to obtain pleural fluid for cytology
to confirm diagnosis:
biopsies of suspicious sites of pleural lining with VATS
other tests:
PET scanning
- Performed once a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma has been reached to assess for regional or distant disease
Pulmonary function tests
- FEV1 and DLCO should be performed on all patients with mesothelioma who are being evaluated for surgery
Asbestos-related lung disease
How do we manage mesothelioma? (prescribing)
chemotherapy (preoperatively for resectable, palliatively for recurrent/non-resectable)
Asbestos-related lung disease
What chemotherapy agents have proven efficacy in malignant mesothelioma?
- Cisplatin
- Carboplatin
- Pemetrexed
Asbestos-related lung disease
What are some associated side effects of cisplatin?
What is it often substituted with and why?
- nephrotoxicity
- nausea
- vomitting
Carboplatin is often substituted for cisplatin-based on its favourable safety profile and ease of administration.
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is the definitive treatment for malignant mesothelioma?
1. extra-pleural pneumonectomy
2. pleurectomy with decortication
Asbestos-related lung disease
What are some other non-prescribing managements for malignant mesothelioma that is not surgery?
palliative procedures
- thoracocentesis
- pleurodesis
Pleurodesis is the artificial obliteration of the pleural space and is performed to prevent re-accumulation of pleural fluid. Talc is a commonly used agent.
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is pleural fluid aspiration?
Removal of a portion of the pleura for staining and microscopy
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is pleurodesis?
Artificial obliteration of the pleural space
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is tunnelled pleural catheter placement and what is its use?
Insertion of a soft silicone tube to allow drainage of pleural fluid
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is this procedure called?
Removal of the parietal and visceral pleura of the affected lung
extra-pleural pneumonectomy
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is this procedure called?
Removal of only the visceral pleura from the affected lung
pleurectomy with decortication
Asbestos-related lung disease
What is this precedure called?
Artificial obliteration of the pleural space