Thorax Lectures Flashcards
what are the 5 boundaries of the thorax?
cranially = thoracic inlet (approx at level of 1st rib)
caudally = diaphragm
sides = ribs (muscle / subcutaneous tissues and skin)
dorsally = mostly vertebral column, epaxial muscles and skin
ventrally = sternum, muscles and skin
is the area of the ribs equal to the area of the lungs?
nope, some other abdominal organs are also under the ribs
what are the collective functions of thoracic muscles
-mechanical and infection protection
-respiration (inspiration is causative effect; expiration is predominatly recoil)
-locomotion (syncarcosis for formation, union of parts by skeleton muscle)
what are the extrinsic muscles that are part of thoracic wall and involved in the synsarcosis (8)
cutaneous trunci, trapezius, rhomboideus, latissimus dorsi, serratus group of muscles, brachiocephalicus, omotransversarius, pectorals
what serratus muscle isnt really present in the dog
serratus dorsalis caudalis
what muscles do you have to remove to see the serratus dorsalis
serratus ventralis cervical and thoracic portion
origin, insertion and action of the serratus ventralis cervicus
origin = fascia serrata of the scapula
insertion = transverse processes of the last five cervical ribs
action= support of the trunk, carry trunk forward and backward, carry the shoulder forward and backward with respect to the limb
origin, insertion and action of the serratus ventralis thoracic
origin = fascia serrata of the scapula
insertion = transverse processes of the first five ribs
action = support of the trunk, carry trunk forward and backward, carry the shoulder forward and backward with respect to the limb
origin, insertion and action of the serratus dorsalis cranialis
origin = the thoracic fascia and spines of the first six to eighth thoracic vertebrae
insertion = cranial border and lateral surfaces of ribs two to ten
action = lift the ribs for inspiration
origin, insertion and action of the serratus dorsalis caudalis
origin = thoracolumbar fascia
insertion = caudal border of last three to eight ribs
action = draws the last three or more ribs caudally for inspiratoin
direction of fibers for external intercostal muscles, and action
runs craniodorsal to caudoventral
pulls ribs cranially, assists in inspiration
direction of fibers for external intercostal muscles, and action
runs caudodorsal to cranioventral
where is the transversus thoracis (parasternal) muscle located and what is its action
located inside the rib cage, from sternum to costochondral junction
pulls costal cartilage inward; assists in expiration
what are the epaxial muscles
spinalis thoracis
iliocostalis thoracis
what does the retractor costae do, where is it
keeps ribs in place, looks like it is on the start of the lumbar spine and last rib?
where is the rectus thoracis
on the first to fourth rib
where does the levator costae muscles run, what do they do
runs from the tip of the transverse process of vertebrae cranially to upper aspect of rib caudally
they anchor the rib to the next vertebrae
thoracic wall nerves - what are they (4) and what are they part of
dorsal cutaneous nerves = dorsal primary branches of spinal nerves
lateral cutaneous nerves = ventral primary branches of spinal nerves
lateral thoracic nerve = contribution from brachial plexus
intercostobrachial = some part of brachial plexus and some part of intercostals
what is behind each rib and where do you never cut
intercostal vein, artery and nerve
always cut cranial to the rib, never caudal or else you will cut into them
what is the pleural cavity and pleura
pleural cavity is the body cavity that holds the lungs
pleura is the serous membrane that folds onto itself to form a two layered membrane
what does the costal parietal pleura cover
elevated thoracic wall
what does the diaphagmatic parietal pleura cover
what does the mediastinal parietal pleura cover
mediasteinum, including heart
what does the visceral (pulmonary) pleura cover
caudal, middle, cranial lobes of the right lung
what is revealed when the right lung is reflected
phrenic nerve, thymus, azygos vein, internal thoracic artery
what species have a left azygous vein
what animal doesnt have a pleural sac
what does visceral vs parietal pertain to
visceral is pertaining to the organs
parietal is pertaining to the wall
why is there a “danger area” past the first rib
because the pleural sacs can extend cranially past the 1st rib so its not fully protected, be careful if cutting into this area as it can cause air to enter and possibly collapse lung
what is the parietal pleura divided into
costal pleura, mediastinal pleura, diaphragmatic pleura,
what is the importance of the costodiaphragmatic recess
its the space the lungs can use, but dont in normal circumstances
what is the line of pleural reflection
where the diaphragmatic portion of pleura connects with costal portion of pleura (i think this is where the recess is?)
where is the cardiac notch of the left lung in horses
3 through 6 intercostal spaces
line of pleural reflection in horses
extends along the 8th and 9th costal cartilages, crosses the costochondral junction of the 9th rib and passes caudodorsally in a gentle curve at a progressively increasing distance from the costocondral junctions of the succeeding ribs
it reaches the middle of the cranial border of the last rib and turns craniomedially ending at the vertebral end of the last (17th) intercostal space