Thorax I Flashcards
Where can Trachea be traced form
C6- T4
Superio aspect- C6 (cricoid cartilage)
Inferior aspect- T4- Sternal angle of Louie
Where is apex o lung
1 inch above clavicle
Where is the cardiac notch of lung
behind 5tha nd 6th left costal cartilage
Where is the lower border of lung
Line from 6th rib (mid-clavicular) to 8th rib (mid-axillary) to 10th rib (posterior, adjacent to vertebral column)
Where is the oblique fissure
Divides each lung into superior and inferior lobes On both right and left sides
From T3 posteriorly to 5th intercostal space lateral/anteriorly (corresponds to medial border of teh scapula when teh shoulder is abducted completely)
Where is the horizontal fissure
Creates a middle lobe in the RIGHT lung.
Horizontal line across the 4th costal cartilage
What s the surface relationship of hte heart
Irregular quadrangle boudned by
2nd left costal cartilage 0.5 inch from sternum
3rd right costal cartilage 0.5 inches from sternum
5th left intercostal space 3.5 inches from midline
6th right costal cartilage 0.5 inch from sternum
What nerve supplies Pectoralis Major
Medial is More
Lateral is Less
Lateral and Medial pectoral Nerves
What nerve supplies the Pectoralis Minor
Lateral Pectoral Nerve
What is the framwork of the thorax formed by
Verterbral column Posteriorly
Ribs and Intercostal Spaces Laterally
Sternum and Costal Cartilages Anteriorly
What is teh MEdial cavity called
What is the Lateral Cavity Called
Lungs and Pleurae
What are the borders of the Thoracic Inlet (Clincially Thoracic Outlet)
Anterior- Superior border of the manubrium
Lateral- medial border of rib 1
Posterior- 1st thoracic vertebra
What are the borders of the thoracic outet
Covered by diapharg
Anterior-xiphosernal joint
Lateral- curve of the costal margin
Posterior- 12th thoracic vertebra
Does the thoracic portioni concave forward or backward?
What is typical size and shape of the thoracic vertebra body
heart shaped
What is the size and shape of verteabral foramen in thoracic vert
small and circular
Where are there costal facets on thoracic vertebrae?
on lateral aspects of the body (for articulation with heads of ribs)
costal facets on transverse processes (for articulation with tubercles of ribs)
What three muscles are in teh intercostal space that are needed for respiration
External intercostal
Internal intercostal
innermost intercostal
What direction are External intercostal
fibers pass inferior and anterior (hands in pocket) from inferior border of a rib to superior border of the rib below
Extend from vertebra (posterior) to costo-chondral junction (anterior), where muscle is replacd by anterior (external) intercostal membrane
where is muscle vs membrane for External Intercostal muscle
Muscle posterior
Membrane Anterior
Where is muscle vs membrane for internal intercostal muscle
Anterior muscle
Posteror Membrane
What direction is INternal intercostal
fibers pass inferior and posterior from sternum to angles of ribs, where they become poseterior (interal) intercostal membrane
Between what two msucles are intercostal nerves and vessels?
Between intercostal muscles and innermost intercostal muscles (which travel in smae direcetion as intermost)
Subcostal muscles
similar to innermost, but traverse 2-3 ribs
Trasversus Thoracis
Crosses more than one intercostal space
Thin muscle arising from xiphoid process and inferior part of body of sternum
Insert on 2nd-6th costal cartilage
Where is Levatores Costorum?
12 fan-shaped muscles arising from the transverse processes of C7 to T11 vertebrae, and insert inferiorly on ribs
Where are the intercostal nerves located?
what kind of branches des it give off?
Theya re the anterior primary rami of the thoracic nerves
Each gives off a collateral muscular branch and lateral and anterior cutaneous branches to innervate thoracic and abdombinal walls