Anatomy Phayrnx, Larynx Glossopharyngeal Nerve 1.25.13 Flashcards
What are the branches of the Glossophyarngeal Nerve
Typmanic Branch of Carotid Sinus Branch to Stylopharyngeus Muscle Tonsillar Branches Lingual Branches Phayrngeal Branches
Which gland(s) dos CN IX innrvate
Parotid Gland, Buccal Gland, Labial Gland
What nerve innnervates te Constrictor muscles of phrynx (pharyngeal branches _
Pharyngeal branches join with vagus nerve to form phayrngeal plexus
What nerve innervates Tongues, soft palate, phayrngeal mucosa, tonsils,
which nerve innervates skin of external ear, auditory canal
CN and blends wit Vagus nerve
What are the branches of teh Vagus Nerve in teh Neck
Pharyngeal Branches
Superior Laryngeal Branches
Right Recurrent Laryngeal N
Cervical Cardiac Branches
wher eare Emergency cricothyrotomies done?
Cricothyroid ligametn
Wher eare Tracheotomy done? (permemant)
2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
Is the thryroid caritlage a synovial joint?
What is the Arytenoid artilage
It mamkes synovial joint with Cricoid
It allows vocal cords to be tensed
Can move with cricoidon hirozntal plane
What does Arytenoid cartilage attache to?
Superior and lateral part of cCricoid aritalge
Is the Thryoid cartialge a complete ring?
Is the Cricoid Cartialge a complete ring?
What s the fcntion of the Arytenoid Cartialge
Streteches down teh to elastic cone; trapis air and prevents air passage’ fune tunes tension ofn vocal ligaments
What does Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscle to to Arytenoid Caritlage? What Neve?
Recurrent nerves allos Arytenoid caritlage to roteate
What is the Rima Glottidis
space between vocal folds
The space is can change b rotational movemetns of Arytenoid cartialges, by Intrinsic Layrngeal muscles