Anatomy 1.25.15 Face and Scalp Flashcards
What are the muscles of facial expression (6)
Frontalis M Orbicularis Oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Platysma Occipitalis
What does Frontalis Muscle do?
Moves Scalp
What does Orbicularis Oculi do
Closes eyelids tightly
What does Orbiularis Oris do
Purses lips
Closes mouth
Compresses Lips
What does Occipitalis Muslce do
Moves scalp
What does Platysma do?
Tenses neck skin
What does Buccinator do>
COmpresses lips
Compresses Cheeks0 fat pad
What nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression
Facial Nerve!
What is the ajor salivary gland?
Parotid Gland
What muscle does parotid gland pierce thorugh?
Buccinator M
Where doe the upper and lower eyelids meet?
Medial and lateral Canthus
What is the Bulbar conjunctiva innervated by? Where is it loacated
ON whties of eye
Innervated by Opthalmic Nerve (V1) via lacriaml, ciliary nad infratrochlear branches
What is the Palpebral Conjunctiva innervatedby?
Lining eyelids It is connected to Bulbar conjuctiva
Upper lid innervated by Ophalmic Nerve
Lower lid innervated by Infraorbital Nerve
What causes “blood shot eyes”
Bulbar COnjunctiva vessels are engorged
highly vascular
Are there blood vessels int eh corneal epitheliuM?
NO! but lots o naked nerve endings
Desribe what you would see in saggital cut of eyelid
Bulbar conjunctiva on eyeball crosses coreanl epithelum where there is NO blood vessels, but lots of nerve endings
Concutiva then makes the Fornix (superioa dn inferior) that is a turnign point
Palpebral conjunctiva is then continous with Bulbar
What are Lacrimal Puncta? Function?
Superior and inferior Puncta- Raises area in upper and lower eye lid
Lacrimal Punca= Lacrimal (tears) that are pulled into these canals into the nasal cavity for recycles
Circulation of tears
Semilunar folds (Plica Semilunairs(
vestige of a nictittating membrane?
“clean eyelids wihtout closing them”?
what is the Lacrimal Caruncle
soft part of medial eye
What is role of LEvator Palpebraie Superioris M/
It opens eyelids widely
What nerve innervates levator Palpebrae Superioris M?
CN III (Occulomotor)
What innervates Superior Tarsal Muslce
Sypathetic nerves from Superior Cervical Ganglion
What are Trasal (Meidbomian) Glands? - Sebacous
help produce an oily layer on teh margins of the eyelids
What do Ciliary Glands secrete
Sebacesioua dn sweat
Infections stye= hordeolum externum
Where eyelashes are
What structure are you massaging when you rub eye?
Medial Palpebral Ligament
What are Superir and iNferior Lacrimal Canaliculi?
pick up tears and Lacrimal Puncta
Where do tears drain into ?
From Superior and Inferior Lacrimal Canalciuli –> pic up tears at lacrimal puncta -> Nasolacrial Duct in Nasolacrimal Canal –> Tears drain into Inferior Nasal Meatus
When you “break a nose” which bone is broken?
Perpendiucular Plate of Ethmoid Bone
What is the layer of the scalpt
dense Connective Tissue
Loose Connective Tissue
Pericranium (Periostium of skull
What branch is Superficial Temporal A
External Carotid Artery
What branch is Supraorbital and Supratrochlear A from
Opthalmic A
What Branch is Transverse Facial A from
Superiofical Temporal A
What is INfraorbital a branch of M
What is Angular A, Lateral Nasal A Superir Labial A and INferal A a branch of
Facial A
What is Mental A a branch of
Inerior Alveolar A
When looking at the superior of scalp,what are the arterial branches of External Carotid A
Superficial Temporal A
Posterio Auricular A
Occipital Artery
When looking at superior portion of scalp, what brach of Opthalmic artery a brnach of internal cartodi a
Supratrochelar A and Supraorbital A
What is the Facial artery a direct branch of?
External Carotid or from a common branch with teh Lingual
What is the Infraorbital a branch of?
What is the Retromandibular Vein?
Formed by uniton of Maxiallary and Superificaily Temporal Veins wiithin Partodi GlandBeginning of hte External Jugular Vein
Also have branhces of external carotid arteris comign through parotid gland
Where does facialnerve divide into brcnehs
wihtin the PAROTID GLAND, theres are MOTOR branches only
What does Retromandibular vein pick up?
posterior auricular vein and becomes Exernal jugular vein–> internal Jugular vein –> Subclavian