Anatomy GI 2 Inguinal anatomy Flashcards
Anatomic features of the Inguinal Canal
Know components of SPERMATIC CORD
Understand the concept of abdominal wall hernia
Know the difference between direct and INDIRECT INGUINAL HERNIATION
Become familiar with FEMORAL and UMBILICAL HERNIA
What is the Umbilicus
stie of skin fixation to linea abla, congenital weakness due to passage of umbilical cord during fetal development and varying degrees of fusion of fascia
How can congenital umbilical hernia form?
can form at this site due to lack of fusion of the fascia or
increased intraabdominal pressure may lead to ACAUIRED umbilical hernia
What happens to the inguinal canal when abdominal wall contracts
it normally decreases teh dimmensions of the canal. It runs parallel to inguinal ligament
What canal does the testical go through during spermatogenesis?
through Inguinal canal
What ring does spermatic cord exit from
external/superficial inguinal ring
what msucle lays on top of spermatic cord
Cremaster muscle , which is a continuation of internal boleique?
Where is the Deep inguinal ring located
must remove internal and external oblique muscles,
Where is the inguino-canal lcoated
oblique and infero-medially oriented
Is inguinal canal above or below inguinal ligament
it is below and parallel to it
Whawt does the canal contain
Spermatic cord in males
Round ligament of uterus in females
Both ahve similar embryologic origins
Which nerve emerges along with spermatic cord/round ligmaetn of uterus through superficial ring
Ilioinguinal nerve (branch L1) Doesn't go through internal ring!
What ist he Roof, of Inguinal Canal?
Roof- arch of internal oblique and transverse abdominus muscle
Wha tis the floor of the inguinal canal
Inguinal ligament ((densely interowven fibers of lower external oblique aponeurosis and adjecesnt fasica lata of thigh)
What is the Anterior wall of the inguinal canal
Aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
What is the posterior wall of the Inguinal canal
Trasversalis Fascia (& parietal peritoneum)
Describe characteristics of Spermatic Cord
Follows testicle from site of embryonic origin in posterior abdominal wall to scrotal sac of full term male child
what is the function of spermatic cord (what travels through ti)
carries sperm from testicle to urinary tract
Carries arteries adn veins
Carries lympahtic and innervasion
What is the spermatic cord encased in
Spermatic fascia (cont. of layers of ab walls)
What are the contents of the Spermatic Cord (6)
- Ductus Deferns (vas deferens(
- Spermatic Artery
- Pampiniform Venous Plexus
- Gentical Branch of Genitofemorla NErve
- Lympahtics
- Cremasteric Artery
What is the role of ductus deferens (Vas defeens
Carries semen from seminal vesciles and the small artery–deferntial artery which nourishes the vas
What is teh spermatic artery
Branch of the aorta
What is the Pampiniform Venous Plexus?
Returns venous blood to Inferior Vena Cavae(on right side) or Renal vein
what is the role of hte genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve>
for anterior general sensation?
Lympathics of the spermatic cord; where does it originate
drains the testis (origin, lumbar region)
What is the Cremasteric artery
Branchign form teh inferior epigastric artery (blood supply to testicle)
can supply testical if spermatic artery was injured
What are the the fascial layers of the spermatic cord (3)
- Internal spermatic fascia
- Cremasteric Fascia
- External Spermatic Fascia
What is the internal spermatic fascia. What does it hold?
continuatio of trasnversalis fascia.
Holds vas deferens, lympathics, nerves, and BV
What is Cremasteric Fascia
Continuation of Internal Oblique Muscle
What is extenral spermatic fascia
Thin layer, continuation of External oblique aponeurosis
What is the landmark that divides the abdomen from the lower extremity?
Inguinal Ligament
What is the landmark that is used to find the external inguinal ring
Pubic Tubercle
Where do the gonads develop?
int eh posterior abdominal wall
What is the role of the gubernaculum in teh inguinal canal
Fibrous cord conencts teh embryonic gonads to the inguinal region
What is the processus vaginalis
carried with gonads as they migrate nto scrotum- overlying peritoneum
The processus vaginalis (or vaginal process) is an embryonic developmental outpouching of the peritoneum. It is present from around the 12th week of gestation, and commences as a peritoneal outpouching.In males, it precedes the testis in their descent down within the gubernaculum, and closes. This closure (also called fusion) occurs at any point from a few weeks before birth, to a few weeks after birth. The remaining portion around the testes becomes the tunica vaginalis.[1] If it does not close in females, it forms the canal of Nuck.[2]
what doe sthe processus vaginalis become
the Tunica vaginalis
Does round ligament have physiological function?
it passes the inguinal canal where Hernia’s can occur
What does the retroperitoneal orirgin of the testes result in
lymphatic drainage to the preaortic lymph nodes
What are components of a hernia?
Hernia- hold in the abdominal wall
Fascia of abdominal wall failed to close, or opened up later in life.
Peritoneal sac comes out, pressure in abdominal cavity
How does a Inguinal Hernia occur
Patent tube of peritoneum that gradually stretches hernia defect
Defect in peritoneal sac- comes about when diaphragm contracts, pushes down during relaxation , recoils up, positive in abdomien, negative in chest
What is an abodminal hernia (defintiion)
Protrusion of intraabdominal structure through a defect in the abdominal wall
Hernial defect or ring (definition)
weakness or absence of abdominal fascia at the site of hernia
any failture of healign of an abdominal incision will likely become a hernia due to a defect of healing of abdominal wall
What is a hernial sac
peritoneum and adjacent fatty tissue or even viscera which compose the wall of the hernia
What is an inguinal hernia
Hernia occuring a the region of the internal ring (indirect) or inguinal triangle (direct)
What is the difference between a DIRECT inguinal hernia and an INDIRECT inguinal hernia
Direct- hernia arising FROM inguinal triangle and coming out of Superificial/external ring
INDIRECT- hernia occurring at the region of the internal ring ;
Medial and Inferior to Inferior Epigastric vessels
What is a Femoral Hernia
Hernia occurring at the femoral canal,
POSTERIOR to inguinal ligament
What is a reducible Hernia?
Contents of hernia able to return to abdominal cavity with recumbency or external pressure (Pressure)
Can push down
contents of hernia NOT able to be returned to abdomen with external pressure
Surgical intervention needed
Contents of hernia rendered ischemic due to obstruction of arterial/venous flow due to pressure within the hernia
Where is an indirect inuinal hernia in relation to inferior epigastric vessle
it is Inferior and Medial?
What way does Indirect Inguinal Hernia pass through inguinal canal in relation to inferior epigastric vessel
IndiPasses through inguinal canal LATERAL to inferior epigastric vessels
LIC - lateral, indirect, congenital
Where does Direct Inguinal hernia pass in relation to inferior epigastric vessels
Medial to inferior epigastric vessles
Are Direct Inguinal hernias most likely congenital or acquired?
Direct Inguinal Hernias are most likely Acquired (medial to inf. epigastric)
DAM- direct, acquired, medial
Are Indirect congenital inguinal hernias most likely acquired or congential
Indirect are most likely Congenital (lateral to inf epigastric)
What is more common: Femoral Hernias or Inguinal Hernias?
Inguinal Hernias are more common (in both sexes)
Are femoral hernias more common in females or males
femoral = female
Clinical aspect of indiret inguinal hernia
- patent processus vaginalis present at birth (congenital)
- may be diagnosed at birth or years later as it dilates
- courses along with spermatic cord or round ligametn through both the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL inguinal rings
- Runs through the inguinal canal
- Most common type of inguinal hernia in both sexus
Where does Indirect Inguinal Hernia originate?
Lateral to Inferior epigastric vessels
It travels with round ligament or spermatic cord
What are the clinical aspects of Direct Inguinal Hernias
- Forms later in life (acquired) DAM, as a weakeness in Inguinal Triangle (Hesselbach’s trinagle)
- Passes through superficial inguinal ring
Where does Direct Inguinal Hernia Originate
Originates Medial to Inferior Episgastric vessels
Boundaies of inguinal trinagle are medial border of rectus sheath
What is the clinical aspect of Femoral Hernia
Least common of all types
Most often seen in females
Passes through acquired weakness in femoral canal inferior to inguinal ligament,
Does the femoral hernia overly pubic tubercle?
What usualy appens to bowel with femoral hernia
b/c of very tight neck, bowel wehn incarcerated often becomes strangulated/ischemia necrosis
What may happen with Communicating Hyrdocele
variant of scrotal or indirect hernia
Too small for bowel to go through, but enoguht for fluid to go thorugh
large amt of peritoneum
What may happen if ther eis a Hydrocele of Tunica Vaginalis
how do we know it’s not viscera? TRANSLUMINATION!
light passes through fluid, not bowel!
Swellign of scrotu, transilumintae through fluid
If you ausculate scrotum, you will hear bowel sounds
What normally happens ot the processus vaginalis at birth?
it usually obliterates
What happens if the processus vaginalis persists?
leads to indirect inguinal hernia
can become clinically evident at any time in life
What kinds of variations of abnormality can occur
hydrocele, communicating hydrocele scrotal hernia inguinal hernia hydrocele of the cord hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis