Thorax Flashcards
figure B 14 was acquired in the _____plane

figure B 14 is an example of (weighting)

T 1
figure B 14 arrow A

figure B 14 arrow B

aortic arch
figure B 14 arrow C

superior lobe of the right lung (apex)
figure B 14 there is no signal arising from within the lunhgs because

there are not enough mobile protons in air
figure B 14 arrow D

pulmonary artery
figure B 14 arrow E

middle lobe of the right lung
figure B 14 arrow F

ascending aorta
figure B 14 arrow G

inferior lobe of right lung (base)
figure B 14 arrow H

figure B 14 arrow I

right atrium
figure B 14 arrow J

left ventricle
to minimize pulsitile flow motoin artifacts, cardiac images are acquired by
cardiac gating (triggering)
attach cardiac lead, monitor the cardiac cycle and time the scan or trigger from the heart beat
figure B 15 was acquired in the _____plane

figure B 15 is an example of (weighting)

gradient echo
figure B 15 arrow A

pectoralis muscle
figure B 15 arrow B

right ventricle
figure B 15 arrow C

tricuspid valve
figure B 15 arrow D

right atrium
figure B 15 arrow E

left ventricle
figure B 15 arrow F

bicuspid valve
figure B 15 arrow G

left atrium
figure B 15 arrow H

pulmonary artery
figure B 15 arrow I

thoracic artery
figure B 15 arrow J

spinal canal
figure B 16 arrow A

right vertebral artery
figure B 16 arrow B

right carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow C

left common carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow D

right common carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow E

left common carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow F

left subclavian artery
figure B 16 arrow G

inominate artery
brachiocephalic trunk
figure B 16 arrow H

right common carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow I

superior vena cava
figure B 16 arrow J

inominate artery
braciocephalic trunk
figure B 16 arrow K

left common carotid artery
figure B 16 arrow L

aortic arch
figure B 16 arrow M

pulmonary artery
figure B 17 arrow A

aortic arch
the optimal view for the evaluatoin of the aortic arch include
figure B 17 arrow B

pulmonary artery
figure B 17 arrow C

right lung
figure B 17 arrow D

abdonimal aorta
figure B 17 arrow E

figure B 17 arrow F

figure B 17 arrow G

retroperitonneal fat
figure B 17 arrow H

aortic arch
figure B 17 arrow I

descending aorta
figure B 17 arrow J

left atrium
figure B 17 arrow K

right ventricle
figure B 17 arrow L

abdomial aorta
figure B 17 arrow M

superior mesenteric artery
figure B 18 the SHORT AXIS views of the heart resemble images that are

axial to the plane of the heart muscle
figure B 18 the LONG AXIS views of the heart resemble images that are

sagittal to the plane of the heart muscle
figure B 18 the FOUR CHAMBER views of the heart resemble images that are

coronal to the plane of the heart muscle
figure B 19 arrow A

ascending aorta
figure B 19 arrow B

left pulmonary artery
figure B 19 arrow C

right pulmonary artery
figure B 19 arrow D

descending thoracic aorta
figure B 19 arrow E

spinal cord
figure B 19 arrow F

figure B 19 arrow G

spinal muscles
figure B 19 arrow H

susceptibility artifact
figure B 19 arrow I

bright signal from flowoing blood
ascending aorta
figure B 19 arrow J

bright signal from flowoing blood
pulmonary artery
figure B 19 arrow K

bright signal from flowoing CSF in the spinal canal
figure B 19 arrow L

chimical shift artifact
figure B 20 arrow A

figure B 20 was acquired with (plane)

axial high resolution imaging
figure B 20 arrow B

fatt y tissue of the breast
figure B 20 arrow C

pectoralis muscle
figure B 20 arrow D

right atrium of the heart
most anterior chamber of the heart
figure B 20 arrow E

shading from fat saturation
figure B 20 arrow F

figure B 20 arrow G

fatty tissue of the breast
figure B 20 arrow H

enhancing breast lesion
figure B 20 the following were acquired WITH fat suppressoin

2,3,4,5,7 and 8
figure B 20 were acquired WITHOUT fat suppression

1 and 6
figure B 21 arrow A

fatty tissue of the breast
figure B 21 have been acquired with

sagittal high resolution imaging
figure B 21 arrow B

ducts and lobules
figure B 21 arrow D

fatty tissue of the breast
figure B 21 arrow E

enhancing breast lesion
figure B 21 the folloiwng were acquired WITH fat suppression

3,4,5 and 6
figure B 21 were acquired WITHOUT fat suppression

1 and 2
figure B 22 show high resolution sagittal images of the breast in a patient with silicone implants with

silicone, water and fat suppression
review figure B 22 images for the evaluation of sililcone implans whereby the silicone is to appear bright shoudl be acquired with the application of

fat suppression
water suppression
review figure B 22 for the evaluation of silicone implants whereby the silicone is to appear dark should be acquired with the application of

silicone suppression