Thorax Flashcards
Which muscle attaches the inner border of the 1st rib?
Scalenus anterior
What sign can be seen on CXR in coarctation of the aorta?
Notching of ribs due to dilatation of the intercostal vessels to form collateral circulation causing erosion
List potential consequences of cervical ribs
Post-stenotic dilatation of the subclavian artery
Subclavian vein thrombosis
Pressure on lower trunk of brachial plexus causing wasting of small muscles in hand (C8/T1)
What level is the trachea?
What is the sternal angle?
Where the manubrium articulates with the body of the sternum - second costal cartilage
Which muscle attaches to the upper surface of the 2nd rib?
Serratus anterior
Name the 3 layers of intercostal muscles
External intercostals
Internal intercostals
Innermost intercostals
What passes through the caval hiatus? (T8)
Terminal branches of right phrenic nerve
What passes through the oesophageal hiatus? (T10)
Right and left vagus nerves
Oesophageal branches of the left gastric vessels
What passes through the aortic hiatus? (T12)
Thoracic duct
Azygous vein
Where does the thoracic aorta begin?
Lower edge of T4 vertebra
Where does the thoracic duct originate?
Cisterna chyli
Which veins join to form the azygos vein?
Right lumbar vein
Right subcostal vein
Which veins join to form the hemiazygos vein?
Left lumbar vein
Left subcostal vein
At what level does the hemiazygos vein join the azygos vein?
Which veins join to form the accessory hemiazygos vein?
4th-8th intercostal veins
What level does the accessory hemiazygos vein drain into the azygos vein?
How many pulmonary veins are there?
2 left, 2 right