Things You Got Wrong Flashcards
Which therapies are associated with/based on classical conditioning?
flooding, implosion, systematic desensitization, and conditioned aversion
Which therapies are associated with/based on operant conditioning?
contingency management, behavioural contract, time-out, Premack principle
forcing client to directly experience the feared object
forcing the client to imagine the feared object
cognitive-physiological theory of emotion
physiological arousal occurs first, and then the individual must identify the reason for this arousal to experience and label it as an emotion
James-Lange theory of emotion
emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
physical and psychological experience of emotion happen at the same time and that one does not cause the other
Jung’s archetypes
anima, animus, persona, shadow
two-point threshold
amount of distance between two pins necessary for each to be perceived as a distinct sensation - just noticeable difference
Carl Rogers; goal of psychotherapy was congruence between who one is and one’s ego ideal
self-actualization, choice, peak experiences
death wish
Freud; not supported by psychologists
nomothetic vs. idiographic approach to personality theory
Nomothetic is group and societal norms, idiographic is individual case studies (Allport)
need for superiority & inferiority complex
field theory; field dependence and field independence; personality can be divided dynamically into ever-changing regions so boundaries can be fluid or rigid
field dependence
more influenced by environmental factors and the perceptions of others
two-sided communication
communication that includes arguments both for and against a position
Type I error
rejection of a true null hypothesis
most sensitive to outliers
telegraphic speech
children frequently omit words or word endings
four components of language
phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics
opponent process theory
trichromatic theory as well as place theory
place theory
Helmholtz and Young
study of aplysia, found that as they learned new behavioural responses, their neural pathways underwent related changes
left brain in right handed people
language comprehension and production, logic
right brain of right handed people
musical ability, spatial ability, mathematical and artistics abilities
rational emotive therapy
Albert Ellis; form of CBT
object relations therapy; centered around analyst or patient as an object
Freudian term - uncovering and discharge of a repressed emotion
systematic desensitization
von Frisch
equity theory
we expect to be rewarded for good behaviour and punished for poor or negligent behaviour
techniques of Freudian therapy
free association, dream interpretation, analysis of transference, analysis of resistance
where does fertilization occur
Fallopian tubes
Oedipal conflict resolution
phallic stage
social facilitation theory
Zajonc; learning a relatively easy task is enhanced when in the presence of others
divergent and convergent thinking
dimensional approach to personality centering on variation along certain major traits: stability-instability and introversion-extroversion
critic of trait theories as they don’t take into account situations
Ainsworth types of attachment
secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant
tendency to attribute one’s feelings and thoughts to an external object
What kind of stimuli increase conformity?
main thing to remember about Piaget and intelligence
assimilation and accommodation are necessary for development of intelligence
Emmett’s Law
the farther away the object, the more the scaling device in the brain will compensate for its retinal size by enlarging our perception of the object
concurrent validity
criterion measure is obtained at about the same time as the test score
primary process
forming a mental image of the desired object in order to satisfy the desire for that object; works to resolve tension created by the pleasure principle
subjective properties of sound
loudness, pitch, timbre
physical properties of sound
frequency, amplitude
McClelland and Rumelhart
parallel distributed processing
beginnings of true thought
marks the beginning of preoperational (child has begun to acquire the ability to make internal representations and symbolizations of external objects)
depth cue; images on retina are two dimensional but we perceive three dimensions. Image on retina contains certain cues about depth
Olds and Milner
electrodes in septal nuclei; rats can electrically stimulate septal nuclei which is very pleasurable
individual differences
dual code hypothesis
concrete information is encoded into memory both visually and verbally; abstract information is encoded into memory only verbally
dual code hypothesis
hypothetico-deductive method
scientists first define and formulate their hypotheses, perform experiments to test, and interpret results
filling in of gaps in memory with distorted, fanciful material (symptom of Korsakoff’s)
unconscious process associated with transference
the thicker the myelin sheath…
the faster the conduction
how to calculate IQ
divide mental age by chronological age and multiply by 100
clinical method
case study method; developmental psychologists look at small number of people in depth
social facilitation
Zajonc; in presence of others, performance of correct responses improves only in dominant responses (when you know what you’re doing)
Turner’s syndrome
females with only one X chromosome (XO); failure to develop secondary sex characteristics
Klinefelter’s syndrome
males who possess an extra X chromosome; sterility and intellectually disabled
Herman Witkin
relationship between personality and how person perceives the world
process vs. reactive schizophrenia
lengthy prodromal phase vs. brief prodromal phase
long-term memory is organized how?
semantically, not phonetically
volley principle
high rates of neural firing can be maintained if nerve fibers work together
Wever and Bray
volley principle
frequency theory
basilar membrane vibrates as a whole in response to incoming stimulation, and rate of vibration equals frequency of the stimulus
the form of an existing response is gradually changed across successive trials towards a desired target behavior by reinforcing exact segments of behavior
categorical perception
the ability to ignore differences in sound that do not denote differences in meaning while attending to those differences in sound that do denote differences in meaning
repeat one of the messages heard in dichotic listening tasks
latent learning
learning that is present but not visible or revealed through behaviour; depends on distinction between learning and performance
social exchange theory
person weighs rewards and costs of interacting with another person; the more the rewards outweigh the costs, the greater the attraction to the person
equity theory
consider other person’s costs and rewards and want our ratio to be similar to theirs
the fundamental characteristics of human personality was that people need to know and control their environment