Things to keep Reviewing frequently Flashcards
What’s the CPT communication with the GND Crew?
- Ground, FD
- Confirm:
- Bypass pin is inserted
- All Doors+Hatches are closed AND
- Ground eq. is removed
- Standby for Push/ Cleared P/S. P/B Set
- P/B released, Time XX
- Are we cleared to start Eng. No 1/2?
- P/B set. Cleared to disconnect towbar+bypass pin, advise when clear.
- Two good starts, cleared to disconnect headset, hand signals on L/R with the pin.
Final CDU Preflight. Who does what?
Perf INIT Page
- Call out OPT masses
- Call FMC GW <>OPT GW
- Read OPT T/O Perf lines
N1 Limit Page
- TMD<>Derate<>ATRT<>N1
T/O REF Page
- OPT Flap
- Set STAB (hand)
- Call+Set Vspeeds (VFY)
- OPT Land Dispatch CALC
- Sign and Send
Takeoff Brief
Done by PF
Standard Items
- This is a 8200/800/700,SFP A/C
- RWY __
- Flaps _
- NADP _
===NON STD===
- Full Thrust
- Wet Speeds
- Bleeds OFF
- A/I ON
- Adv WX/ RWY Cond
- A/P eng alt (if <> 1000’)
- T/O alternate
What is the Emergency Brief?
Above 80 kts I will only reject the T/O for:
- Fire / Fire WARN
- ENG Failure
- Airplane “unsafe” or “unable to fly”
Before V1, if I call “STOP” I will:
- Simult. Close Thr Lev & diseng A/T
- Apply MAX MAN BRK -OR- verify operation of RTO A/BRKs
- Manually raise S/B lev.
- Apply Max REV thr. & stop the a/c.
- I will set the P/B
If you call “STOP” I will:
- Note BRK ON Spd.
- Call S/B UP/NOT UP
- Call THR REV Norm/Abn. Indications
- Verify your actions are complete and call out any omissions
- Call 100/80/60+RWY DIST REM
- Call “A/B Disarm”
- Select F40 when P/B is set
- Inform ATC of reject
We will ID the failure and carry out any drills as appropriate. If we decide to EVAC the A/C we will read and do the EVAC CX. If time permits, I will pull the CVR C/B.
If the call
- >400’ AGL, verify HDG SEL & complete Memory items
- @ MFRA, BUG UP & retr. Flaps on sched.
- @FUNL, sel. LVL CHG, confirm MCT, eng. AP & clb. To MSA
What is the DALTA Setup and Brief?
- QNH - preselect
- Des + FCST (250/100 + Trans LVL + Alt Restr R1)
- ARR - select APP
- FIX page (3*FL, 10, 4/5, 4.2+ABM)
- PROG 4/4 (if RNP, set 0.3)
- LEGS - set H+V restr. (<10 nm 180B)
- Minima
- OPT - populate
- MSA+TAlt
- Chart - top strip+LAlt
- G/A
QTSAVNG - Double Brief
- QNH + Minima
- T - cold t. corr
- Sequence of config
- AFDS+A/T modes
- V - actions if Visual (think profiles RCL F/Ds, etc.)
- N - actions if Not Visual
- G - landing gate
- INIT REF - OPT, LW, Hold Fuel, Land Flap, Vref, A/BRK
- T/A - Taxi and Apron
- Take back CTL
- CC - 10 minutes?
What is the Captain’s T/O brief?
- Packs
- Bleeds
- Speeds
- Stop ALT
- Adv WX
- +REVIEWED after F/O challenge
What’s in a RIBETS brief and when do you do it?
Done after the ATC clearence and mini-brief and PFs pre-flt scanflow complete.
- Route check - Routing (OFP No.+SID/STAR), Tot. Distance, Fuel at destination. Execute
- Instrument crosscheck - Clocks, PFD (QNH,ALT,MFRA,F/D, Flags?), SBY instruments (set)
- Brief for T/O
- Emergency brief
- Taxi out routing (Hotspots, etc.)
SID brief (on FIX page)
- (Legs page, from chart to PLAN mode,
- Trans ALT
- SPD/ALT restrictions (stop alt, 220 in first turn if no speed specified, +250/100)
- WPT sequencing
- EOSID procedure
- RNAV contingency
How do you do sidestep manoeuvre?
- Disconnect - AFDS (PF)
- Deselect - (PM) Detune ILS freq from both NAVs
- Recycle - (PM) F/Ds
What are the areas of Resp when A/C is Moving under its own power?

What are the areas of Resp when A/C NOT Moving under its own power?

What is the Pre-FLight sequence?
(i.e. what do you need to do before you get airborne?

FD Safety + Prelim FD Procedure PF Flow

Pre-FLT Procedure PF flows

Final FD Prep Flows

After Start Flows

Before TO Flows

ATOCx flows

10 Checks flows
+ No SMKG to ON on the way down after the PA

G/A Flows
G/A datums for level off ~3* NU/ 230 kts/ 52% N1 (?)
Consider combining LNAV/HDG SEL w Flaps 5 call to avoud overspeed of Flaps
- G/A, F1
- Set G/A Thr
- Wait for -1 speed

Landing Flow

Taxi in flows

Transit/Shutdown Flows

Secure Flows

When can you NOT use ATRT from the OPT?
If ATRT Calculated, select FULL rated thrust when:
- (EEC) in ALTN*.
- Snow, Slush, Ice or Standing water
- L/G extended*.
- Potential W/S.
- Bleeds OFF T/O*.
- Prohibited by the Airfield brief*.
- De/anti-iced (+min 24k)**.
- XWC>10 knots* (if no ATRT - next highest FULL).
What is the ATC INT L/O procedure?
What’s the correct AFDS eng. sequence?
- Call for Roll/Pitch modes on MCP
- Follow F/D
- Roll
- Pitch
- eng. A/P. Verify on FMA “CMD B”
- eng A/T. Verify on FMA “A/T engaged”
Fuel Crossfeed procedure?
If IMBAL alert is displayed, PF instructs, PM does
- Determine no Fuel leak
- (CTR Tank OFF)
- X-Feed ON
- Low side pumps off
- KG Diff / FF per side =>iPad timer
- at time , reverse procedure. if OEI, leave X-Feed ON
How do you intercept G/S from Above?
- Establish on LOC
- Set on MCP AD elev. + 1000’ + LVL CHG + Thr IDLE
- Set F5, Bug F5 + 10 speed (max), can go to F10
- If above G/S by 8nm - SPD BRK
- Arm APP when 1• above G/S. Need to capture G/S by 5nm (all conditions)
- At G/S capture, stow SPD BRK (or ARM), bug F10 spd and set MAA
Take-off, AEO

Take-off, engine fail @V1
- GND - Rudder only to maint C/L
- LIFTOFF/AIR - Rudder + Aileron - Maint HDG + Center Aileron. Slower rotation. Keep ND in scan for C/L tracking. Put TRK line on Dashed white line (C/L). Ask PM to match your Wind Corr HDG.
- Follow FDs
- 400’ - HDG Sel + state Malf + Memory As
- MFRA - Bug Up, Retr Flaps. Stay level to accelerate (IVSI + ALT). Nose DN as SPD Up + Less rudder + Trim (small bank towards LIVE eng. + bank towards LIVE acceptable)
- FUNL - LVL CHG, MCT, AP B, clb to MSA at -UP. Trim 3-5 units towards operating Engine. Ask for a hold at EOSID fix and LNAV

GLS approach, AEO, VIZ>5K
GLS/ ILS - Fail passive?


ILS approach AEO

ILS approach OEI

Instrument approach using VNAV AEO

Instrument approach using V/S AEO

Instrument approach using VNAV OEI

Instrument approach using V/S OEI

Circling approach

Circling approach OEI

Visual traffic pattern AEO

Visual traffic pattern OEI

Circuit training

Describe the PIOSEE process

Describe the CTL DUB Profile

Describe the CTL Generic Profile

Describe the CTL STN Profile

Describe the OEI ILS APP Profile

Describe the ILS CAT I APP Profile AEO

Describe the Normal Landing profile

Describe the NPA VNAV APP profile

Describe the NPA V/S APP Profile

Describe the Raw Data ILS Profile
- Platform altitude - F5/5*/55%
- Use trend vector for C/L intercept on LOC
- G/S alive - G/D, F15. LCx to Flaps
- G/S 1/2 dot - F30/F40, complete LCx
- G/S capture - set MAA, 2.5*, 57% (RoD = 5*G/S)
Raw data ILS improves Hand<>Eye coordination

Describe the normal Takeoff Profile

Describe the Descent Profile

Describe the ILS CAT I APP Profile OEI

Describe the DUB NADP Profile

Describe the EFATO Profile

Describe the NADP 1 Profile

Describe the NADP 2 Profile

Describe the G/A 2 Engines Profile
Set thrust FWD (good airmanship)

Describe the Climb and LEVEL OFF profile

Engine Inoperative Cruise/Driftdown profile. Describe it
- ENG fail > Just “look” at the Rudder + Trim
- A/T OFF, set MCT (fm ENG OUT)
- Recall items (if required)
- Maint CRZ FL until slowing down (minutes). Start QRH
- Set ALT and SPD in MCP (fm ENG OUT)
- ATC (Pan pan / Mayday) + HDG SEL (if req.)
- QRH (relight)
- Accelerate to OEI LRC speed on rem eng once level

Approach to Stall or Stall Recovery maneuver
- Hold CC
- Disco All
- ND until buffet stops
- Roll (ailerons only) ShDir to W/L (when approaching horizon)
- Thrust and SpBrk (check down, tactile)
- Don’t change config
- Check IAS, thrust, pitch att. - Rebuild - Include PLIs in scan to avoid secondary stall!
- Return to normal flight - add thrust when above yellow speed bar.
- Maintain lateral control with aileron only
- Don’t use F/D
- Higher alt-higher thrust settings. Need to bring power quicker as slower to accelerate
- If high thrust - reduce to reduce AoA
Do all recoveries from approach to stall as if an actual stall has occurred.
Immediately do below at the first indication of stall (buffet or stick shaker).
Note: Do not use F/D guidance
Pilot Flying
Pilot Monitoring
Initiate recovery:
- Hold the CC firmly.
- A/P + A/T OFF
- Smoothly ND elevator until buffet or stick shaker stops. (Roll 45-60*; Rudder)
(ND STAB may be needed) - PM Monitor H and V.
- PM Verify actions and call out omissions.
- PM Call out any trend toward terrain contact.
Continue recovery:
- Roll in SD to W/L if needed.**
- Advance thrust as needed.
- S/BRK Stow.
- Do not change config, except during liftoff, if FU => F1. Do not follow F/D
- PM As above + Set the FLAP
Complete the recovery:
- Check V and adjust thrust
- Establish Pitch ATT.
- Return to the desired flight path (CMD HDG, ALT, SPD).
- Re-engage A/T and A/P.
- PM As above
WARNING: *If the control column does not provide the needed response, stabilizer trim may be needed. Excessive use of pitch trim can aggravate the condition, or can result in loss of control or in high structural loads.
WARNING: ** Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder can aggravate the condition, or can result in loss of control or in high structural loads.
RTO, how do you do
As briefed in EMERG brief, additionally:
- CPT - PA to CC when stopped either:
“Cabin Crew Standby” - if not immediately life-threatening, but EVAC may become necessary
“Cabin Crew Standby” - if not immediately life-threatening, but EVAC may become necessary
- If FIRE - during Memory actions - for F/O - rotate the fire switch to the stop and hold for 1 second, then immediately rotate to discharge the remaining bottle. DO NOT wait 30 seconds on the ground.
- Look at the door panel before leaving the cockpit - if doors are not opening repeat evacuation command
How would you react to the GPWS Cautions below:
Correct the flight path or the airplane configuration.
G/S alert can be inhibited for LOC approach/CTL from an ILS/ conditions - deliberate APP below G/S (day VMC only)/ Unreliable G/S signal (day VMC)
How would you react and what manouever would you accomplish for a GPWS
- OR Other situations resulting in unacceptable flight toward terrain.
Do not use F/D
Pilot Flying
Pilot Monitoring
- A/P + A/T OFF
- Aggressively MAX THR
- {Roll W/L, +20° NU}
- S/BRK stow.
- If terrain remains a threat, continue rotation up to PLI/ shaker/initial buffet.
- Assure maximum* thrust.
- Verify all needed actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
- Do not change gear or flap configuration until terrain separation is assured.
- Monitor RADALT for sustained or increasing terrain separation.
- When clear of terrain, slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate.
- Monitor V/S and H (radio for terrain and baro for MSA)
- Call out any trend toward terrain contact.
How would you manoeuver for a TCAS TA?
Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide. Call out any conflicting traffic
If traffic is sighted, maneuver if needed.
Note: Maneuvers based solely on a TA can result in reduced separation and are not recommended.
How would you manoeuver for a TCAS RA?
Normal Config
- Disco All + Adjust
Landing Config
- Disco All
- Max Thrust
- ASk for F15
- Gear Up on (+) RoC
WARNING: Do not follow a DESCEND (fly down) RA issued below 1000 feet AGL.
- For RA, except a climb in landing configuration
- If maneuvering is needed, A/T + A/P off , follow the planned lateral flight path unless visual contact with the conflicting traffic requires other action.
- For Climb RA in landing configuration
Pilot Flying
- A/P + A/T OFF
- Thrust levers - maximum + FLAPS 15.
- @ + RoC - Call Gear UP
- Smoothly follow RA unless visual contact requires other action.
Pilot Monitoring
- Verify maximum thrust set. Position flap lever to 15 detent.
- Verify a (+) + “GEAR UP.”
- Set the gear lever to UP.
Attempt to establish visual contact. Call out any conflicting traffic.
Nose High UA recovery
Pitch - Thrust - Roll
- Unload (elev ND/trim/Roll 45-60 lift vector) + Roll to W/L (maint. +G)
- Reduce thrust
- Limit AoB to 70*
- Increase Thrust when above amber speed bar
- Approaching horizon - coordinated roll to W/L and slightly nose low attitude
- Adjust thrust and pitch
- Use minimal pitch trim during initial recovery.
- Careful use of rudder to aid roll only if roll control is ineffective and the airplane is not stalled.
- These actions assume that the airplane is not stalled. Stalled condition if
- Stick shaker
- Buffet that can be heavy at times
- Lack of pitch authority
- Lack of roll control
- Inability to stop a descent.
- If stalled, first recover from the stall - ND elevator until recovery is complete and stick shaker stops.
Pilot Flying
Pilot Monitoring
Recognize and confirm the developing situation
A/P + A/T OFF Recover:
- ND Elevator as much as needed to obtain a ND pitch rate
- Apply appropriate nose down stabilizer trim*
- Reduce thrust
- Roll (adjust bank angle) to obtain a nose down pitch rate*
Complete the recovery:
- Approaching the horizon, roll W/L
- Check V and adjust thrust
- Establish pitch ATT.
- Call out ATT, V and H throughout the recovery.
- Verify all actions have done and call out any continued deviation.
WARNING: * Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder can aggravate an upset, result in loss of control, or result in high structural loads.
Nose Low UA recovery
Roll - Pitch - Thrust (drag)
- Recover from the stall, if needed
- Reduce Thrust+SpBrk (if needed)
- Roll to W/L (reduce Thr if high AoB)
- AoB
- >90* neutral/fwd yoke pressure + Top Rudder (pitch-roll-thrust)
- <60* - Back pressure
- Adjust Thrust and Drag as needed
- INVERTED - Unload + Roll, then PULL
- Need to be prompt and gentle (high energy, overstressing airframe). Don’t be agressive!
- Use minimal pitch trim during initial recovery.
- Careful use of rudder to aid roll only if roll control is ineffective and the airplane is not stalled.
- These actions assume that the airplane is not stalled. Stalled condition if
- Stick shaker
- Buffet that can be heavy at times
- Lack of pitch authority
- Lack of roll control
- Inability to stop a descent.
- If stalled, first recover from the stall - ND elevator until recovery is complete and stick shaker stops.
Pilot Flying
Pilot Monitoring
Recognize and confirm the developing situation
A/P + A/T OFF Recover:
- Recover from stall, if needed
- Roll in the shortest to W/L. If AoB> 90*, unload and roll.*
Complete the recovery:
- Apply NU elevator
- Apply NU trim, if needed*
- Adjust thrust and drag, if needed.
- Call out ATT, V and H throughout the recovery.
- Verify actions have been done and call out any continued deviation.
WARNING: * Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder can aggravate an upset, result in loss of control or result in high structural loads.
How would you manoeuver for a Windshear Caution “MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY” alert?
Maneuver as needed to avoid the windshear.
How would you manoeuver for a Windshear Warning
- TOGA + Max Thrust + chk S/Brk Retracted
- Roll+Pitch to 15*
- (Follow F/D)
- Do NOT change configuration
- Rebuild - set thrust to 90%, Config?/ Bug Up?/ Reset Brain
Verify Thrust, Actions, Call out Altitude (RA) / V/S, Terrain, Speed changes
Windshear during takeoff roll:
before V1, reject takeoff
- < V1, there may not be sufficient runway remaining to stop if an RTO is initiated at V1. At VR, rotate at a normal rate toward a 15 degree pitch attitude. Once airborne, perform W/S Escape.
- Near the normal rotation speed and airspeed suddenly decreases, there may not be sufficient runway left to accelerate back to normal takeoff speed. If there is insufficient runway left to stop, initiate a normal rotation at least 600 meters before the end of the runway, even if airspeed is low. Higher than normal attitudes may be needed to lift off in the remaining runway. Ensure maximum thrust is set.
- after V1, perform W/S Escape
Predictive windshear warning during approach
(“GO–AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD” aural) - W/S Escape / normal G/A
Windshear encountered in flight - W/S Escape
Note: The following are indications the airplane is in windshear:
- unacceptable flight path deviations.
Note: Unacceptable flight path deviations below 1000 feet AGL, in excess
- 15 KIAS
- 500 fpm V/S
- 5° pitch ATT
- 1 dot displacement from the G/S
- unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time.
Note: Unacceptable flight path deviations below 1000 feet AGL, in excess
Pilot Flying
Pilot Monitoring
- A/P OFF.
- TO/GA switch.
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust*
- {Roll W/L, Rotate 15° NU}.
- Follow F/D TO/GA guidance (if available) **
- Verify maximum* thrust.
- Verify all needed actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
- Push either TO/GA switch***
- Verify TO/GA FMAs.
- Verify G/A thrust.
- Monitor system performance****
- Verify GA* thrust.
- Verify all needed actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
- Do not change flap or gear configuration until W/S is no longer a factor.
- Monitor V/S and H.
- Do not attempt to regain lost V until W/S is no longer a factor.
- Monitor vertical speed and altitude.
- Call out any trend toward terrain contact, descending flight path, or significant airspeed changes.
Note: **Do not exceed the Pitch Limit Indication.
Note: *** If TO/GA is not available, disengage autopilot and autothrottle and fly manually.
Circling approach
Aborted Engine Start, what do you do and what are the conditions to abort?
- Engine start lever (affected engine) . . . . CUTOFF
Captain is PF, so he calls for Memory Items, his area of responsibility?
Conditions to abort:
- No N1 rotation before the engine start lever is raised to IDLE detent.
- No oil pressure indication by the time the engine is stabilized at idle.
- No increase in EGT within 15 seconds of raising the engine start lever to IDLE detent.
- No increase in, or a very slow increase in N1 or N2 after EGT indication.
- EGT rapidly approaching or exceeding the start limit.
Airspeed Unreliable
Condition: Airspeed or Mach indications are suspected
to be unreliable. (Items which might indicate unreliable airspeed are listed in the Additional Information section.)
- Autopilot (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- F/D switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
- Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust:
- Flaps extended . . . . . . . . . . 10° and 80% N1
- Flaps up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4° and 75% N1
Condition: Fire is detected in the APU.
1 APU fire switch. . . Confirm. . . .Pull, rotate to the
stop, and hold for 1 second
2 APU switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
Rapid Depressurization ( )
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- A cabin altitude exceedance
- In flight, the intermittent cabin altitude/configuration warning horn sounds or a CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) illuminates.
- Don oxygen masks and set regulators to 100%. :
- ### Establish crew communications.
- Pressurization mode selector . . . . . . . . . . . . MAN
- ### Outflow VALVE switch . . . . . . . . . . Hold in CLOSE until the outflow VALVE indication shows fully closed :
If cabin altitude is uncontrollable: :
- ### Passenger signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
- ### PASS OXYGEN switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
►►Go to the Emergency Descent cx ( )
■ ■ ■ ■
EMERG Descent
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- Cabin altitude cannot be controlled
- A rapid descent is needed.
1 The pilot flying will advise the cabin crew, on the PA : system, of impending rapid descent or confirm that : the Emergency Descent PA has been made by PRAM. The pilot monitoring will advise ATC and obtain the area altimeter setting
2 Passenger signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
- ## Without delay, descend to the lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher.
- ENGINE START switches (both) . . . . . . . . . CONT
- Thrust levers (both) . . . . . . . . . Reduce thrust to
minimum or as needed for anti-ice
- Speedbrake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLIGHT DETENT
If structural integrity is in doubt, limit speed as much as possible and avoid high maneuvering loads.
- Set target speed to Mmo/Vmo.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Engine Severe Damage or Separation ( )
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- Engine fire warning
- Airframe vibrations with abnormal engine indications
- Engine separation.
- Autothrottle (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Thrust lever
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . . . Close
- Engine start lever
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . CUTOFF
- Engine fire switch
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . . . . Pull
To manually unlock the engine fire switch, press the override and pull.
- ## If the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light is illuminated:
- Engine fire switch. . . . . Rotate to the stop and
hold for 1 second
If after 30 seconds the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated:
- Engine fire switch. . . . . . . .Rotate to the
other stop and hold for 1 second
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Engine Limit or Surge or Stall
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- Engine indications are abnormal
- Engine indications are rapidly approaching or exceeding limits
- Abnormal engine noises are heard, possibly with airframe vibration
- There is no response to thrust lever movement or the response is abnormal
- Flames in the engine inlet or exhaust are reported.
- Autothrottle (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
Thrust lever (affected engine) . . . . Confirm. . . . . Retard until engine indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is closed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Condition: An overheat is detected in the engine.
- Autothrottle (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Thrust lever (affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . . . Close
- If the ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated:
►►Go to the ENGINE FIRE ( ) or Engine Severe Damage or Separation checklist on page 8.2
■ ■ ■ ■
Engine FIRE or Severe damage OR separation
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- Engine fire warning
- Airframe vibrations with abnormal engine indications
- Engine separation.
- Autothrottle (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Thrust lever
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . . . Close
- Engine start lever
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . CUTOFF
- Engine fire switch
(affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm. . . . . . . . Pull
To manually unlock the engine fire switch, press the override and pull.
- ## If the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light is illuminated:
- Engine fire switch. . . . . Rotate to the stop and
hold for 1 second
If after 30 seconds the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated:
- Engine fire switch. . . . . . . .Rotate to the
other stop and hold for 1 second
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Landing config
Assure correct airplane landing configuration
■ ■ ■ ■
Loss Of Thrust On Both Engines
Condition: Both of these occur:
- Both engines have a loss of thrust
- Both ENG FAIL alerts show.
Objective: To restart at least one engine.
- ENGINE START switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . FLT
- Engine start levers (both) . . . . . . . . . . . CUTOFF
- ## When EGT decreases:
Engine start levers (both) . . . . . . IDLE detent
- ## If EGT reaches a redline or there is no increase in EGT within 30 seconds:
Engine start lever
(affected engine) . . . . Confirm. . . . . CUTOFF,
then IDLE detent
If EGT again reaches a redline or there is no increase in EGT within 30 seconds, repeat as needed.
Rapid depressurisation

Condition: One or more of these occur:
- A cabin altitude exceedance
- In flight, the intermittent cabin altitude/configuration warning horn sounds or a CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) illuminates.
- Don oxygen masks and set regulators to 100%. :
- ### Establish crew communications.
- Pressurization mode selector . . . . . . . . . . . . MAN
- ### Outflow VALVE switch . . . . . . . . . . Hold in CLOSE until the outflow VALVE indication shows fully closed :
If cabin altitude is uncontrollable: :
- ### Passenger signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
- ### PASS OXYGEN switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
►►Go to the Emergency Descent cx ( )
■ ■ ■ ■
Runaway Stabilizer ( )
Condition: Uncommanded stabilizer trim movement occurs continuously or in a manner not appropriate for flight conditions.
- Control column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold firmly
- Autopilot (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
- Control column and
thrust levers . . . . . . . . . . . Control airplane pitch
attitude and airspeed
- Main Electric
Stabilizer trim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reduce control
column forces
- ## If the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged:
Do not re-engage the autopilot or autothrottle.
■ ■ ■ ■
- ## If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged:
STAB TRIM cutout
switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CUTOUT
If the runaway continues:
Stabilizer trim wheel. . . . . . . . . . Grasp and hold
Take-off configuration
Assure correct airplane takeoff configuration.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
■ ■ ■ ■
Left Forward Panel Right Forward Panel
Condition: One of these occurs:
- In flight, at an airplane flight altitude above 10,000 feet MSL, the intermittent warning horn sounds or a CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) illuminates
- On the ground, the intermittent warning horn sounds or a TAKEOFF CONFIG light (if installed and operative) illuminates when advancing the thrust levers to takeoff thrust.
- ## If the intermittent warning horn sounds or a CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) illuminates in flight at an airplane flight altitude above 10,000 feet MSL:
Don the oxygen masks and set the regulators to 100%.
Establish crew communications.
►►Go to the CABIN ALTITUDE WARNING ( ) or Rapid Depressurization ( ) checklist on page 2.1
■ ■ ■ ■
- ## If the intermittent warning horn sounds or a TAKEOFF CONFIG light (if installed and operative) illuminates on the ground when advancing the thrust levers to takeoff thrust:
Assure correct airplane takeoff configuration.
■ ■ ■ ■
Which chapter is
Which chapter is
Airplane General, Emergency Eq., Doors, Windows?
Which chapter is
Air Systems?
Which chapter is
Anti-ice, Rain?
Which chapter is
Which chapter is
Which chapter is
Which chapter is
APU, Engines?
Which chapter is
Fire Protection?
Which chapter is
Flight Controls?
Which chapter is
Flight Instruments, Displays?
Which chapter is
Flight Management, Navigation?
Which chapter is
Which chapter is
Landing Gear?
Which chapter is
Warning Systems?
What checklist would you ask for as PF when you see ANTI-SKID INOP light on the Main panel? What are the implications?
“Antiskid INOP” QRH CX, 14.1, “My radios”
- NW on GND
- S/BRK Manually raise
- Man BRK as you slow down, increase effort, do not pump brakes
What checklist would you ask if the L/G lever does not come up? When would you do it? Would you clean up?
“L/G lever will not move up” QRH CX 14.14, “My radios”
Do it after cleaned up, enroute, and > MSA.
After, do VNAV, Set STD, ATOCx
What CX would you ask for if you have a HYD pump low pressure?
“HYD pump low pressure” QRH CX 13.1, “My Radios”
What CX would you ask for if you have HYD SYS A failure? What are the implications?
“Loss of System A” QRH CX 13.3, “My Radios”
L/G free fall, Slow roll, REV slow on Eng 1
What CX would you ask for if you have HYD SYS B failure? What are the implications?
“Loss of System B” QRH CX 13.6, “My Radios”
ALTN flap Extension, delay setting bug until flaps are at position, REV slow, Roll slow
What CX would you ask for if you have F/CTL low Pressure indication?
“FLT CTL low pressure” QRH CX, 9.8, “My Radios”
What do you do if you see “DSPLY SOURCE 1/2” in bottom left corner of PFD? What does it mean? Which CX would you call for?
DEU Failure 1/2, “Display Source” QRH CX 10.16+”My radios”
“EEC Alternate mode” QRH CX 7.14
What do you do if you see “Start Valve Open” in top right corner of Upper DU?
“Start Valve Open” QRH CX 7.38, “My Radios”
What do you do if you see “LOW OIL PRESSURE” in top right corenr of UPPER DU?
What CX do you ask for if you see the “SPEEDBRAKE DO NOT ARM” Light?
“Speedbrake do not arm” QRH CX 9.22, “My Radios”
What are the specifics of a SRA approach and how do you fly it?
- If Radio fail - G/A
- Fixes - /10 , /exp. DES point
- Mins = Baro => Revised MDA
- Use HDG sel + V/S
- Leave platform alt. in LDG config
- PM - alt vs dist callouts + “Approaching DES” 2nm to go
- Gear Down, F15 1nm before DES
- LDG Flap 0.5nm to DES
What are the specifics of a Timed NPA approach and how do you fly it?
- Can only fly it if it exists in FMC DB
- Use LNAV and VNAV (VNAV only if MAPt is at or before RWY THR point AND/OR G/P angle is in LEGS)
- Config @ 5nm to go
- IAF @ F1, max 220
- Inbound @ F5, Max 180
What are the specifics of a Visual approach and how do you fly it?
- Create RX point in FMC w 3* G/P. Make it a hard altitude
- Use LNAV and VNAV
- When cleared visual APP - DIR to RX point
- Do not turn final unless +/- 400’ of profile
- Land gate Land alt + 500’ (set as Baro min). GPWS “500” acts as “minimums” call
Describe the complete CLB,CRZ and DES profile and actions and trigger points

Rapid depressurisation
Condition: One or more of these occur:
- A cabin altitude exceedance
- In flight, the intermittent cabin altitude/configuration warning horn sounds or a CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) illuminates.
- Don oxygen masks and set regulators to 100%. :
- ### Establish crew communications.
- Pressurization mode selector . . . . . . . . . . . . MAN
- ### Outflow VALVE switch . . . . . . . . . . Hold in CLOSE until the outflow VALVE indication shows fully closed :
If cabin altitude is uncontrollable: :
- ### Passenger signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
- ### PASS OXYGEN switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
►►Go to the Emergency Descent cx ( )
■ ■ ■ ■
Captain (PF)Co-Pilot (PM)
Mask – On + communications - Establish
Assumes PF role
Emergency descent - Initiate
Mask – On + communications - Establish
Assumes PNF role
If cabin altitude is uncontrollable:
signs + oxygen - ON
Emergency descent - Initiate
Pilot incapacitation, what do you do?
- Ask Qs (2Q and out)
- Take CTL, check position of switches
- “ATTEND” + “N1 to the F/D”
- ATC - Mayday
- Re-organise for Landing (PIOSEE-NITS-PA) - NRST suitable
- ATC - advise stopping on RWY and medical assistance
- Autoland
- ATC - RV req.
- Start APU
- Land - Stop, APU on busses, shutdown engines, medical onboard
Crosswind landing, what’s the procedure?
De-Crab during flare
- Downwind rudder during flare (20’) to eliminate crab and align with C/L
- Upwind aileron for W/L
- Crossed controls maintained during landing
What are your Speed and altitude gates during approach and landing?
- @35nm /FL100 / 250kts
- @20nm/ 5000‘aal / 250 decelerating (800fpm or less to be slowing down)
- @15nm / 4000‘aal / UP speed or F1 speed
- @10nm 3-2-1 (10nm rule) / 3000’aal / 200kts / F1
- 9nm / 190 kts
- 8nm / 180 kts
- G/S capture / F5 speed
- 7nm / 170 kts
- 6nm / 160 kts
- 5nm /150 kts
- 1000/500’ gates - on profile w LCX complete to Lights
What do you do if during descent you’re above or below profile?
Below Profile
- Use V/S until you INTCPT VNAV profile, then VNAV
Above Profile
- >FL100
- *LVL CHG/VNAV SPD INTV** - Increase speed (max 330/.81) + update FMC speed target (for big changes) OR S/BRK out (small changes)
- Use LVL CHG, not VNAV. Limited by 250/FL100 so 250/S/BRK OR 220/F5/S/BRK (assess) THEN 180/F10/S/BRK
(Don’t ARM APP when high on G/S)
What’s the preferred mode for small altitude changes
When visual and with AFDS on, what’s the correct sequence to transition to Visual landing?
- A/T off. Stabilise N1 at correct APP setting
- Push shoulders back. Look at TDZ point. Memorise
- Disco A/P. From now on you only make small changes!
ENG fail on final. What do you do?
- Need to be quick w Rudder (+Yoke)
- Thr levers - both FWD (57% to 82%). Rudder towards live engine. Keep C/L with feet, W/L with aileron
- Keep V>Vref if keep land flap. If retr to F15 - Bug Vref +20 (white bug)
- Leave F15 until MFRA if G/A
- Pitch 2.5*-3* for G/S. Fly top bug + 5kts
- EGPWS flap override
- Field length OK?
- Flare for F15?
- Delay Recall items until on GND and full stop. Is it a fire ? EVAC? Taxi on our own? Fire brigade? Ask ATC to visually confirm
How do you do the rotation manoeuvre?
- @ “Rotate” - look at end of the runway. Count to 4s when lifting the nose - MORE
- When the nose starts rising, reduce BP - LESS
- @4s/8-10* “Dead band” Increase BP - MORE
- After the Dead Band - decrease BP - LESS
- Pause at 15* and follow F/Ds
whole manoeuvre takes 6s @ 2.5*/s rotation rate
If Xwind
- Keep C/L with rudder - increase aileron into wind w speed for W/L up to 1.5 units
- Once airborne - slowly neutralise rudder + aileron
What’s the correct sequence for trimming?
- Pitch
- Thrust
- Trim to maintain ATT
- Release to assess trim
Change in thrust = Change in Pitch + change in trim
What 2 conditions have to be met before you can order to “Set STD”?
- Cleared above TA (to a FL)
- A/C is > 3000’ aal
What checklist would you call for if you have
Engine vibrations (only)
QRH [High Engine Vibration]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
N1 and N2 and EGT decreasing
QRH [Engine Failure or Shutdown]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
No response to thrust lever movement
QRH [Engine Limit or Surge or Stall]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
Unusual engine noises
QRH [Engine Limit or Surge or Stall]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
N1 or N2 fluctuating up/down
QRH [Engine Limit or Surge or Stall]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
N1, N2 or EGT near or exceeding limit
QRH [Engine Limit or Surge or Stall]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
N1 or N2 zero RPM
QRH [ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
QRH [ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation]
“My Radios”
What checklist would you call for if you have
“My Radios”
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Wheel well fire?
ATC: PAN call (Mayday?) + Request inspection of RWY + Request towing + Inspection of landing gear by
tower- Cabin: Prepare cabin crew and pax for evacuation upon landing
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Door lights & Depressurisation?
ATC: Advise ATC
Cabin: Advise cabin crew, Supply oxygen to pax
needing it, If cabin door: direct
pax away from door.
Cabin: Advise cabin crew, Supply oxygen to pax
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Emergency descent?
ATC: Mayday call + Medical assistance in function of cabin report
Cabin: Cabin report (No. of wounded pax, No. of pax needing oxygen) + Give diversion &
remaining flight time
Cabin: Cabin report (No. of wounded pax, No. of pax needing oxygen) + Give diversion &
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Loss of both IDGs?
ATC: PAN call, Mayday if busses can not be restored + Radar vectors + Possible loss of all communications
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew + No lights in cabin + Pressurization problems + Diversion
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Transfer bus off?
ATC: PAN call + Advise possible brake problems
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew + Some cabin lights are U/S
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Electrical fire & Smoke?
ATC: Mayday call + Radar vectors for immediate landing
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew + request to locate smoke source if applicable
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Flaps up Landing?
- ATC: Advise ATC high speed
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Asymmetrical trailinq edge flaps?
- ATC: PAN call
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Jammed Stabiliser?
- ATC: PAN call, high speed start of approach
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew (pitch movements)
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Loss of System A+B (Manual reversion)?
- ATC: Mayday call + Request to keep runway free for LDG
- Cabin: Prepare cabin crew and pax for evacuation upon landing
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Loss of System A?
ATC: Advise ATC, May be committed to land
due to fuel status (unable to retract the qear) - Cabin: Advise cabin crew
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for a Loss of System B?
- ATC: Advise ATC, longer final 20 nm (2min to extend Flaps)
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for an lnextinguishable APU FIRE?
- ATC: Mayday call + Confirm fire by ATC
- Cabin: Prepare cabin crew and pax for evacuation upon landing
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for an lnextinguishable ENG FIRE?
- ATC: Mayday call
- Cabin: Prepare cabin crew and pax for evacuation upon landing
What calls would you make
to the ATC and the Cabin
for an Eng failure?
- ATC: PAN call
- Cabin: Advise cabin crew
EGPWS “Obstacle, Obstacle”/ “Pull Up” manouever
- DISCO all
- Aggresively Full FWD Throttles
- S/BRK retracted
- Rotate to 20* NU first (Roll + Pitch)
- If needed - rotate up to PLI/Stick Shaker/Initial Buffet
- Include Radalt in Scan
- Do NOT change configuration
- Rebuild
- Assure MAx Thrust
- Verify actions are complete
- Monitor V/S and ALT (radalt)
- Call out trend toward terrain conflict
What are the Pitch Datums for a G/A AEO (OEI)
for 60t A/C?
- (154kts) 15-18* (12-13*) / G/A Thrust - 90% (>90%)
What are the Pitch Datums for a G/S Intercept AEO (OEI)
for 60t A/C?
- @ G/D F15 (160kts): 2.5* (3*) / 52% (70%)
- F30 (152kts): 1* / 57% (84%?)
- F40 (144kts): 0* / 62% (??%)
Pitch for Rate, Thrust for speed
Flaps = Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
What are the Pitch Datums for a Level Flight AEO (OEI)
for 60t A/C?
- >FL100 6-2-8,
- @ FU (204kts): 5.6* / 58% (70%)
- @F1 (184kts): 5.6* / 60% (80%)
- @F5 (164kts): 6* / 60% (80%)
Platform F5 - 5* / 55% - @ G/D F15 (154kts): 6* / 70% (92%)
Flaps = Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
Describe how you land a 737-800?
Scan Technique
ATT (1/0)- SPD - ATT (1/0) - VSI - ATT (1/0) - THR (57% F30/ 63% F40)
Below 500’ becomes
- DISCO A/T first - stabilise N1
- Push back in your seat
- DISCO A/P last - only small corrections from now on! When back on profile , return to datums
- ‘1000’ - 75/25 split. Aiming point should be 35-40% up the bottom of the Windscreen
- ‘500’ 50/50. Don’t overcorrect for PAPIs close in!
- >‘200’ 25/75
- ‘100’ - 100% outside
- ‘50’ - Look at far end of RWY
- >‘20’ - Check ATT +2-3* to ~5*NU (visual manoeuver) (-1* for every 5kts above Vref). Flare higher if RoD higher.
- ‘10’ -Close gradually THR and HOLD (all flare 4-8s)
- T/D @ around 150fpm
- On GND after stopping assured - transition to manual braking smoothly
Bounce Recovery
- Shallow - reestablish OR hold pitch AND add thrust as required to check RoD
- Big bounce - G/A. MAN G/A THR. Maint Gear + Flap until (+) RoC
What is a rejected landing and how do you recover from it?
G/A below minima, but before T/D. 30’ lost in manoeuver.
- G/A as usual. Might have to Manually advance to G/A the THR (TOGA sw inhibited near GND or on GND)
What is a balked landing and how do you execute it?
Occurs when G/A after T/D but before REV selected
- DISCO A/P + A/T + advance to G/A thrust + SpBrk Down
- Maintain Flap config until climbing away unless sufficient RWY rem to select F15
- Rotate to 15* = maintain Vref or higher
- Follow G/A procedure
Describe the CTL STN RNP 04 profile

How do you do Steep turns on the 737-800?
- Use 35-35* AoB
- Add PITCH for ALT (larger Nose Up for larger deviations) - 1-2*
- Add THR (+5%) for SPD (as you go past 30* or you see spd trend vector)
- Rollout 15* before HDG
- Decrease THR
- Decrease PITCH
What’s the Crosswind takeoff technique on the 737-800?
- Visualise W/V. Tilt yoke slightly towards wind to help visualise (Rudder away fm wind, yoke toward wind)
- On GND - maint C/L with Rudder
(slippery RWY PM - Symmetrical thrust) - Begin T/O roll with Yoke centered - gradually increase displacement into wind only enought to maintain wings level. Use as much aileron as you need (unless perf limited)
- At liftoff - crossed controls - Wind will pick up upwind wing - more aileron required. Airborne and established in a crab - slowly neutralise conrols
- Use higher thrust setting on gusty/windy days
What’s the Crosswind Landing technique on the 737-800?
2 used - De-Crab During Flare and T/D in a Crab (wet)
- Whenever a crab is maintained during X-Wind APP, offset F/Deck on the upwind side of C/L so that Main gear touches in the center of the RWY
- Maintain W/L and track the point in (1)
- While flaring (20’) - downwind rudder to align with C/L and aileron for W/L
- Both MLGs touch down at the same time
- Keep Upwind aileron throughout rollout
Take off profile using VNAV 737NG

Take off profile using VNAV 737 MAX

GA and MApp (all approaches)

How do you perform Non-standard G/A
- Look at your altitude/speed and Flap setting first
Altitude (is MAA set?)
- > MAA - no TO/GA
- Flaps
>F15 - G/A, F15 and Normal G/A.
Set thrust FWD
Note Speed Restrictions, leave flaps if needed - - leave them as they are. Note Speed Restrictions, leave flaps if needed
- (Gear Up) on (+) RoC
- Do not turn before MAPt
- >400’ - select roll mode
- Tune radios for MAPP
- Bug UP
- If MAN G/A - ask for F/D first, before calling for Roll Mode
Thrust UP - Gear UP - Roll UP (MAPt) - Bug UP - Clean UP - Radios <>
What is the standard Pitch + Thrust for Climbout (no F/Ds) at fixed climb thrust (60t)?
- Rotate to 15-18* / V2 - V2+20
- Bug Up - 8* / Accelerating to -UP
- Climbing 12.5* / -UP speed
- Accelerate to 250 - 6* / Accelerate to 250
- Climbing - 10* // 250/280
Engine Failure on Final, what do you do?
- Quick! Rudder UP + Thrust UP + Trim
- Thrust UP - Maintain Above -Vref
- Trim
- If IMC and < 1000’ agl - G/A F15 (BU @ 1000’)
- If VMC - continue.Flaps?
- F30/40 - Maint Vref (if G/A - G/A F15, BU @ 1000) More Rudder
- F15 - Bug white bug (Vref+20) (if G/A - G/A F1, BU @ 1000’) More Rudder
- If time and if essential - memory items
How do you calculate your drift?
Drift = TAS / SPD nm/min
- 120 - 2
- 150 - 2.5
- 180 - 3
- 210 - 3.5
- 240 - 4
Change of RoD - how do you calculate change of RoD with change in BAtt?
Change of RoD = chgBA*(TAS//Mach)
How do you calculate your Roll out angle for turns?
Roll out = AoB / 3
What AoB will you use to adjust your heading by a small amount?
AoB = Chg HDG required
What’s the correct sequence for trimming in the 737?
- Change config (if reqd)
- Change Thrust
- Change pitch
- Recheck
- Trim
What is the severe turbulence penetration procedure?
- CWS (no ALT HLD)
- N1 => CON (FMC)
- A/T OFF => Set Thrust from FMC
- 280//76 (lower)
- Trim , W/L and Leave
- Start switches CONT
What speed are diversions flown at? What about other routes?
Other routes are flown at CI (eFL) or Fixed Mach (ATC)
How do you do a OEI G/A?
- Press TO/GA, “G/A, F1”. Set thrust FWD
- “Set G/A Thr”
- Gear UP (+RoC on ALT, G/A att. set) PM checks TMA,FMA and PFD
- @ 400’ Roll mode - “LNAV or HDG sel”
- Maintain Vref15+5, VrefICE+10 and AoB 15* if < MFRA
- Tune radios for MAPP
- @ MFRA (1000’agl) - Bug UP (speed restrictions?)
- @ FUNL - LVL CHG, MCT, A/P + clb @ -UP to MSA/MAA
What 7 things do you need before the OEI Land Cx?
- Memory Actions complete
- QRH complete
- PA
- Deffered items to OEI Land CX
When would you configure if there’s a tailwind on base?
Early (late for H/wind)
What should “Plan to land at the Nearest Suitable airport” trigger you to do?
Start a PIOSEE-NITS-PA-DALTA (if time=fuel available)
ENG FIRE on Taxi In - what do you do?
CP - Stop + Set P/B + “CC SBY”
F/O - F40 (P/B) + ATC (mayday)
CP - State malfunction
As RTO from then on
What are some of the APP + LDG implications of a Loss of HYD B?
- Using ALTN Flaps - takes 2 minutes to extend to F15
- Need 5 min cooldown period if you stop
- Need to lower gear with other hand OR PF to lower it himself
- Hence ask for 10nm final
What are the APP + LDG implications of Loss of HYD A?
- L/G freefall - cannot be retracted, hence
- Lower flaps to F30 first to check for asymmetry (gera warning horn)
- Then lower L/G.
What NNC will you ask for an “IAS disagree” Alert on PFD?
“Airspeed Unrealiable” QRH + “My radios”
What NNC will you ask for an “AoA disagree” Alert on PFD?
“Airspeed Unrealiable” QRH + “My radios”
What airmanship considerations must you have for the “Airspeed Unreliable” QRH CX?
Don’t just compare all 3 indications. Compate them against known datums of Pitch + Thrust (QRH PI)
What are the conditions for an orbit?
- >3000’ agl
- >10nm fm T/D
- <=F10
On the GND if there is an abnormal situation, who is PF/PM?
CP automatically becomes PF
When and who will set the PRIM and SBY ALT to QNH?
What happens if you have to Level-off due ATC?
PF, when cleared to an ALT
Revert to STD
What AFDS modes will you use for ATC Radar Vectoring ?
How will you comply with ATC “Descend now instruction” if under VNAV?
MCP - lower ALT + ALT INTV
What 3 things fo you need to do when cleared for an ILS APP?
- PROG 4/4
- Correct Sensing of LOC (+pointers shown)
- Arm APP
What 3 things do you, as PF, need to check @ FUNL?
- Ask yourself “Am I clrd to FL?” when >3000’ agl
- Set cleared ALT on MCP (if CLRD FL)
- Clear SID ALT Restr
- “VNAV”
- Set STD
What 2 things do you need before the Landing Checklist?
- FRISC completed
- VSD ON (PM side)
What is the VHF freq change procedure?
- PM on radios to ATC
- PF puts new freq in VHF 1 SBY - “Set”
What would you do if you get a NNC in the climb?
Level off 1000-200’ above present altitude to start troubleshooting.
What’s the Datum for
3* ILS at F40?
Flaps - Drag
What’s the Datum for
3* ILS at F30?
Flaps - Drag
What’s the Datum for
3* ILS at F15?
Flaps - Balooning
What’s the Datum for
Level Flight at F15?
Flaps - Balooning
What’s the Datum for
Level Flight at F5?
Flaps - Balooning
What’s the Datum for
Level Flight at F1?
Flaps - Balooning
What’s the Datum for
Level Flight at FU?
What’s the Datum for
Level Flight at 250kts?
What’s the datums for
ILS @ F15?
T 3-5
Flaps - Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
Catch trends on perf instruments first (IVSI, G/S, LOC) before they become visible on F/D
What’s the datums for
Level flight @ F15?
T 5
Flaps - Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
What’s the datums for
Level flight @ F5?
T 3-5
Flaps - Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
What’s the datums for
Level flight @ F1?
T 3-5
Flaps - Balooning
Thrust - Attitude - Trim
What’s the datums for
Level flight @ FU?
73% (75-80%)
T 3-5
What’s the OEI G/A datums?
>90% (+Rudder)
What’s the AEO G/A datums?