SOPs Flashcards
To know your SOPs by heart!
During a normal ILS approach in VMC conditions the flaps are not in landing configuration. What is the call at 500ft AAL?
“500 Go Around”
Prior to crossing or entering a runway, either active or non active, crews must make a ‘Two Phase call’ (inter cockpit). The first phase of the ‘Two Phase Call’ requires the Captain to establish with the RHS pilot that they are cleared to cross/enter the runway, the second phase requires the RHS pilot to respond:
“Affirm cleared to enter” or “Affirm, cleared to cross”
What is the standard callout by the PF after he hears, ‘Flaps Up, No lights’ during normal operation?
“After Takeoff checklist”
The ‘Immediate Level off Procedure’ is?
“ALT HOLD”, reset MCP altitude, engage “LVL CHG”
Prior to taxi the F/O should call?
“Clear right”
A runway covered with more than 3mm of ‘Slush’ is considered for performance reasons to be a:
“Contaminated Runway”
What is the signal to the Cabin Crew that it is safe for them to move around and get off oxygen after rapid decompression?
“No.1 to the Flight Deck” over the PA and a ding on the cabin ATTEND button
The standard callout by PF when cleared to an altitude during descent is:
The standard call in the event of a ‘Passenger Evacuation’ is:
“This is an Emergency. Evacuate the aircraft using all available exits””. This call is to be repeated once
PF response to RAAS “On Runway” (cleared for take-off) is:
The standard callout at V1 when taking off on a wet runway is?
The standard callout, from the PM, at 500 feet AAL on an ILS CATI approach is:
“500 continue” or “500 go-around”
When setting minima on the PFD for an RNAV Approach to LNAV minima, what adition is made to the MDA?
+40 ft
During ILS CATII/III approaches the maximum allowed deviation is: Select one
1/3 dot Localizer (2/3 from center to dot on the localizer expanded scale)
When capturing the ILS glideslope from above, the MCP altitude may be selected no lower than: Select one
1,000 feet AFE
A NPA using VNAV must be stabilised by:
1,000 feet in IMC conditions, 500 feet in VMC
The ‘Landing Gate’ for an IMC approach (Precision or Non Precision) is?
For RNP:
- <> .15 XTK
- ^v +/- 75’
- Vref-Vref+20
- Land CX to lights
- RoD as Req (NB! 1000fpm)
What is the earliest point at which the Autopilot may be engaged on NADP2 departure?
1,000 ft AAL
When should the PF “Bug Up” on a standard departure using NADP2?
1,000ft AAL
When is the missed approach altitude set on a Non Precision Approach?
1,000ft AAL (Top of the white band)
After landing if the turnoff is 90 degrees, what is the maximum allowed speed? Select one:
10 knots
The maximum headwind, crosswind and tailwind component on a CAT II/IIIA Autoland is?
Max headwind: 25 kts Max cross wind: 20 kts Max tailwind: 10 kts
What is the latest point to select flap 1 on any approach?
10 nm from touchdown // 10 nm from RW xx point
Minimum engine oil quantity for dispatch (as displayed on the lower DU) is: Select one
12 Litres
What is the latest point can the autopilot be used during a single channel approach?
158ft AGL
The maximum allowed crosswind component (winglet aircraft) for takeoff on a slush/standing water runway is:
15 knots
To avoid exceeding flap limit speeds on the approach the maximum approach speed additive is?
15 knots
The Maximum taxi speed on the apron in dry conditions is:
15 knots
Second officer (2 stripes) shall not conduct the landing when the crosswind is in excess of?
15kts during normal operations
How long should the APU be running prior to using it as a bleed source?
2 min
The minimum brake accumulator pressure with the hydraulics pressurised should be?
2,800 PSI
If the ambient temperature is below -35°C how many minutes must the engine be idled before changing thrust position?
2 minutes
When performing a NPA using VNAV, at what point does the PM call “Approaching Descent”?
2nm before the nominated descent point
What is the normal landing flap setting for the Boeing 737?
30 & 40
When setting airspeed bugs with no operative FMC, what is the default weight? Select one
32,000 kgs
The Maximum crosswind, dry runway, for takeoff and landing a winglet equipped aircraft is:
33 knots
If the LNAV/VNAV minima published on the chart is 350ft, what minima is to be set on the PFD (assuming no cold temperature corrections needed)?
350ft (no addition required)
When a T/O Alternate is required, the planned alternate should be based on one hour flight time at the one engine inoperative cruise speed according to the AFM, in still air the distance is:
- 427 nm (B737-800) and
- 416 nm (B737-700).*
@ M.79/330 Kts.
What range ring must be entered for the landing runway in the fix page on the RWxx point when planning a circle to land?
4.2 nm
During the D.A.L.T.A setup for a circling approach, when setting the range rings for the approach and landing, the pilot should set 10 NM range ring and 4/5 NM ( VMC/IMC) range ring from the approach runway and…
4.2 NM including abeam radial from the landing runway
The earliest point that flap retraction from F15 to F5 may be commenced on a two engine Missed Approach is at…
What is the diversion distance (maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two-engined aeroplaneswithout an ETOPS approval) for the RYR B737-800?
427 nm
What is the recommended taxi speed when engaging a RET (Rapid Exit Taxiway) after landing? Select one
For all ILS approaches, G/S capture must be achieved no later than: Select one
4 or 5 miles DME / 4 or 5 nm from the RW point
Standard callout from the PM at 500ft AAL on an ILS CAT I approach is:
500 continue / 500 go around
“Five hundred continue/go-around” (PM), “Check” (PF)
The Enhanced GPWS will issue an automatic 500ft aural call at:
500 feet Radio Altitude on an approach that has NO Glideslope
During a normal ILS approach in VMC conditions the Flaps are not in landing config. What is the call at 500ft?
500 Go Around
Maximum ground speed whilst taxiing on a contaminated taxiway is:
5 knots
You are on ILS CAT I approach with a cloud base of 600ft and visibility of 2000m, what is the latest point to select the landing gear down on approach?
The correct point to select Landing Gear Down and Flap 15 on a VS NPA is?
5nm prior to RWxx
Max motoring occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in approximately how many seconds?
5 seconds
In the event of an engine failure at V1 where an Emergency Turn (ETP Type 1) is required, what are the parameters that must be flown?
Accelerate and maintain V2 (magenta bug) and limit bank angle to 15° during the turn
During flap retraction, the speed must not only be at the manoeuvring speed for the existing flap setting, but also showing an…?
Accelerating speed trend vector
When using the ‘Rx’ point for a visual approach…
A distance of 4nm or greater shall be selected
Which statement is true regarding takeoff flap settings?
A flap 1 departure must be performed by the Captain
During any Go-Around when is ATC called if required? Select one
After calling “SPEED CHECKS, FLAPS UP”
The Audio Switch to I/C for Hot mike usage is required:
After pushback and prior to obtaining taxi clearance. It shall remain ON until completion of the TEN Checks Climbing, after which it will remain crew discretion to either turn the I/C On or Off and shall be on prior to the Descent checks and remains On for the remainder of the flight until Park Brake set at stand.
During the Preflight Procedure, as PF, when do you check that the Brake Accumulator and Hydraulic System A and B pressure are within limits?
After selecting the System A and B Hydraulic Pumps ON.
When is the transponder mode selector set 2000, then STBY, during the taxi in procedure? Select one
After the airplane has come to a complete stop.
Engine Start: The PF calls, ‘Monitor Number__’
After the Start Valve Open light extinguishes and the PM calls, “Starter cut-out”
When will the First Officer press the cabin attend button during the before takeoff checks? Select one
After the take-off briefing has been reviewed by the CP.
Which of the following is correct regarding the Emergency Turn (ET) procedure – ETP1?
After the turn is completed and at or above the MFRA, the PF calls “Bug up”accelerates, retracts flaps, then selects level change and MCT
Regarding IRS alignment:
A full alignment is only required for the first flight of each duty period
An ASR must be filed if:
A Go-Around has been executed below 1000ft AGL
Continuous Descent Approaches (2 engines) are standard on?
All approaches except V/S NPA and SRA”s
A double briefing has to contain the following:
- QNH+minima
- Temp Corr
- Sequence (flaps,configure)
- AFDS + A/T
- Visual - actions if visual
- Not visual - actions if not
- Gate - landing gate
CDA – Continuous Descent Approaches are: (OPS A)
Allowed for ILS
Not Allowed for SRA and V/S NPA
When you are planning to travel on the jumpseat you must:
- Make yourself known to the handling agent, flight crew and get the Captains approval
- Be travelling in uniform since you are travelling as passive crew
- Be in possession of a valid Ryanair ID, have a valid licence and passport
Items to be reviewed with the takeoff briefing, as part of the before takeoff checks are:
- Bleeds position
- Speeds
- SID initial turn requirement and stop altitude
Entering the runway, which lights do you turn ON?
Fixed Landing lights
Retractable Landing lights
When using LNAV/VNAV minima, cold temperature altitude corrections are NOT applied to:
Altitudes from the FAF to the MAPT.
Before obtaining engine start clearance the transponder should be positioned to?
Wing anti-ice shall be used:
Always on the ground when icing conditions exists unless the aircraft is or will be anti-iced using type II or type IV fluid
If APU operation is required on the ground and the aircraft buses are powered by AC electrical power, then:
An AC powered fuel pump from left side of fuel manifold should be ON
When starting the engines, the first step is:
Announce engine start sequence. Plan to start engines to result in minimum fuel consumption
The taxi briefing on departure must always include:
A review of the expected taxi routing to the runway of departure
What criteria must be met to allow selection of V/S with flaps extended on departure? Select one
A SID speed restriction results in delaying the flap retraction schedule and the aircraft has accelerated to the assigned speed restriction and the climb rate needs to be reduced in order to comply with Ryanair policy on V/S when approaching stop altitude and AFDS is engaged above MFRA.
When should the EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS be armed?
As part of the Preliminary Flight Deck Procedure – PF
When performing a cross bleed start, when do you disconnect the ground power:
As stated in the supplementary procedures SP 7.4
There is a cross wind in excess of 10kts, is assumed thrust reduction allowed?
Assumed thrust reduction is not allowed
During an NADP 2 departure, when would you put in the respective autopilot?
At 1,000ft AAL
During a normal NADP 2 takeoff with 2 engines operative, when does the PF call “BUG UP” Select one
At 1,000ft AAL
Select which statement is true with regard to a NADP1 departure. Select one
At 1,000 ft AAL PF will select CMD A or B and call “COMMAND A or B” when annunciated on the FMA.
What is the earliest point at which the AP may be engaged (RYR Procs) on departure?
At 1,000ft AGL
What is the latest point at which the autopilot has to be disengaged on a NPA using VNAV?
At 158ft or E/D
On an ILS approach in VMC, PF should call Gear down, Flaps 15: Select one
At 4nm, but not later than 3.5nm
When is the gear down and flaps 15 selected during a NPA using VNAV?
At 4 or 5 nm (VMC/IMC) to the Runway.
Flight crews, during a climb out, will reduce rate of climb to 3000 FPM if in excess at 3000 feet to level off, 2000 FPM if in excess at 2000 feet to level-off and 1000 FPM if in excess at 1000 feet to level-off. This restriction will be observed:
At all times. VNAV performance shall be used and monitored if within the above limits
During an NADP 1 departure a SID requires a 3000ft QNH level off, when is it acceptable to accelerate and retract flaps?
Which statement is true regarding Monitored NPA?
At EGPWS call “minimums” with no visual contact a go-around is mandatory
Cruise altitude speed must be:
At least 10 knots above the lower amber band when not in LNAV
When should the LOGO lights be ON?
At night below FL100
An ‘Emergency Turn’ (engine failure on takeoff) must be flown
At V2 (magenta bug) and 15° bank. The turn does not need to be completed before level acceleration unless specified in the ETP
The V1 aural call on take-off must
Be complete by V1
When should the wing and engine anti-ice switches be turned off after landing in freezing/icing conditions?
Before entering the parking area.
When do we have to adjust all published altitudes using the Altimeter Cold Temperature Corrections?
Below corrected MSA when the surface temperature is at or below 0 degrees Celsius.
The PF during the Preflight Procedure places the pack switches to?
Which statement is most correct? The runway is wet for departure.
Both De-rated and assumed thrust reduction are allowable
What should the packs switch position be before connecting the ground conditioned air cart? Select one
Both OFF. Packs can be damaged if they are operated while ground condition air isconnected.
During the climb as PM you see a FMC scratchpad message: Select one
Both pilots must acknowledge the message before it is cleared
Which statement is correct regarding the circling procedure? Select one
Both pilots shall time the crosswind leg.
Which statement is correct regarding the recirculation fan switches during the preflight procedures:
Both should be left in the AUTO position
During a 2 engine go around, the PF calls for gear up. What should the PM crosscheck before positioning the gear up?
Both VSI and altimeter indicate a positive rate of climb
As part of the Route Check the PF will:
Call “Checked” and states estimated fuel remaining
If an automatic switch over to a departure frequency is required after take-off, unless otherwise instructed by ATC, the PM selects the frequency once airborne and:
Calls should be initiated to ATC as specified in NADP1 or NADP2.
During the post flight procedures who annunciates “Disarm Slides and Open Doors”?
Preflight: Initial Emergency Briefing: The section detailing what the crew will reject the take-off for is briefed by the:
Whilst the aircraft is being pushed back from stand, who handles all communication with the ground crew?
During the taxi-in, the first officer will:
Check the hydraulic and brake pressure
A Monitored Approach does NOT apply to:
Circle to land approaches
In the event of a ‘Engine Failure’ on Take-off one should:
Climb straight ahead unless there is an “Emergency Turn” and inform ATC
Visual Approaches are
Considered Non Precision Approaches and therefore require a Double Briefing.The “Ten Mile Rule” (Flaps 1) also applies.
During your walk around you see a missing security seal?
Contact Maintrol or get an on duty engineer to replace the seal
A runway covered in more than 3mm of ‘Slush’ is considered for performance reasons to be a:
‘Contaminated Runway’
The response the GPWS “MINIMUMS” is: Select one
Standard Autobrake setting is OFF. Autobrake must be selected to a minimum of “2” when:
Crosswind in excess of 15kts
When cleared to final cruising level, the PF shall call ‘FL___ SET, THREE TIMES’ checking the MCP Alt, FLT ALTand the FMC. Which FMC page shall be referred to?
CRZ Page
When operating in freezing conditions and taxiing for take-off on surfaces covered with slush and/or standing water:
Delay flap selection until reaching the holding position
If you encounter Severe Turbulence during high altitude cruise flight: Select one
Disconnect Autothrottle and set turbulence penetration N1 as highlighted by TURB N1 on the Cruise page.
The check of the intermittent warning horn (TO Configuration) is done when?
Done during the pre-flight checks for all flights as part of the “Speedbrake” check. It is done by the PF
The After T/O checks are:
Done silently, except for “Air Conditioning & Press” which is called aloud & the “Altimeters” check, which is challenge & response
Regarding to the NO ENGINE BLEED TAKEOFF, what action shall be taken after completing the engine startprocedure with both engines stable, parking brake set, tug and towbar disconnected, bypass pin removed andhand signals received from the ground crew?
Do not perform any action from memory and complete the NO ENGINE BLEED TAKEOFF checklist as instructed.
Which statement is correct If an engine failure occurs during a NO ENGINE BLEED TAKEOFF? Select one
Do not position the engine BLEED switches ON until reaching 1500 ft or until obstacleclearance height has been attained.
When flying in severe turbulence:
Do not use ALT HLD, use CWS
If ice crystal icing is suspected during flight: Select one
Do the Ice Crystal Icing non-normal checklist
When do the pilots need to do a Takeoff Emergency brief?
Each pilot on their first flight of the day as PF
The minimum visual reference required to safely continue an approach below DA/MDA is at least:
Elements of the approach light system including at least two cross bars
The Cabin Crew must be advised of refuelling when passengers are?
Embarking, disembarking or on board
What is the correct method to calculate OPT performance for take-off in gusty headwind conditions?
Enter wind direction and full gust value to check that crosswind is within limits. Then enterthe steady wind direction (without gust value) to complete the performance calculation
What altitude should be set on the MCP prior to ATC clearance being received?
Expected SID plus 100ft
Which of the following callouts is correct for a CAT II/IIIA autoland?
F/O: “Passing ___radio, flare armed”
A full test of the GPWS is carried out by the?
F/O, first flight or crew change only
The TCAS OFF flag must always be called as part of the instrument X-Check?
True or False: The engines are always started by the Captain.
True or false: The TR units output, on the electrical panel, should be checked as part of the after start scan?
P-RNAV arrivals terminate at:
Final Approach Waypoint.
Which statement is correct with regard to tail-strikes?
Flap 5 is the normal departure flap setting and, in addition, when the crosswind component is in excess of 10 kts assumed temperature thrust reduction is not permitted
During the preflight Flight Deck Access System Test the correct action after the Emergency Access Code is entered and the AUTO UNLK light illuminates is:
Flight deck door lock selector to DENY
Which statement is true regarding the Flight Director:
Flight director cannot be used for guidance during rotation
What Cost Index (CI) is to be entered in the FMC pre-flight?
Flight plan specified Cost Index
Which pilot handles all ATC communications whilst the aircraft is on the ground?
Which statement is true regarding weather related missed approaches?
Following two weather related missed approaches, a third approach should only be commenced if weather information indicates an improvement to double the previously given weather
During the pre-flight planning phase, what weather criteria should be used for the destination alter
For a CAT I approach; use Non-precision RVR / Vis and ceiling minima
What is the planning minima for destination alternates and enroute alternates?
For NPA (Non Precision Approaches) – NPA minima PLUS 1000m/200ft is required