Limitations Flashcards
Maximum TO and landing tailwind component
15 kts (approved airfields only), otherwise 10kts
Maximum speeds
- Vmo 340kts / Mmo.82
- Observe gear placards
- 1 - 250 | 15 - 200
- 2 - 250 | 25 - 190
- 5 - 250 | 30 - 175
- 10 - 210 | 40 - 162
- Observe flap placards
- Extend - 270/.82
- Retract - 235kts
- Extended - 340kts/.82
Maximum operating altitude
41.000 ft
Maximum TO and landing altitude
8.400 ft
Maximum demonstrated TO and landing crosswind? Max SFC W/V?
For DRY or WET(GOOD) - 33 kts
25 for T/O if not
- => F5 T/O
- => 25%
- RWY =>45m
Max SFV wind (or gust) 60 kts
Maximum Taxi Weight
B737-800: YF501 78,217 kg
B737-700: YA573 69,625 kg
Maximum TO Weight
B737-800: 77,900 kg
B737-700: 69,399 kg
Maximum Landing Weight
B737-800: 65,317 kg
B737-700: 58,059 kg
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
B737-800: 61,688 kg
B737-700: 54,657 kg
Maximum cabin differential pressure
9.1 psi Note: With engine bleed air switches ON, do not operate the AC packs in HIGH for TO, approach or landing
When do you need to put engine thermal anti-ice (TAI) on?
When icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise below -40 SAT. There is a low risk of icing at these low temperatures due high compressor power of the engine and low humidity.
When A/P is engaged, may you use aileron trim?
No! That is prohibited
From which altitude may you engage A/P?
From 400 ft AGL onwards after take off
What is the minimum use height (MUH) for single channel A/P operation?
B737-800: 158 ft AGL
B737-700: 140 ft AGL
Engines and APU: Which colour are maximum and minimum limits? And caution limits?
Max and min: RED Caution: AMBER
When do you need to have engine ignition ON?
Engine ignition must be on for:
• takeoff
• landing
• operation in heavy rain
• anti-ice operation.
Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is prohibited. True or false?
APU bleed + electrical load at which max altitude?
10.000 ft
APU bleed at which max altitude?
17.000 ft
APU electrical load at which max altitude?
41.000 ft
When may the APU bleed valve be open?
During engine start, but avoid engine power above idle
When must the APU bleed valve be closed?
When ground air is connected and isolation valve is open When engine no. 1 bleed valve is open When isolation and engine no. 2 bleed valves are open
Maximum flap extension altitude?
20.000 ft
Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited. True or false?
Below which radio altitude may you not deploy the speed brakes in flight?
RA less than 1.000 ft
What is the maximum detent for the speed brakes during flight?
Do not extend the lever beyond the FLIGHT detent
Is a landing with flaps 15 a normal or non-normal procedure?
Flaps 15 normal landings are prohibited. A Flaps 15 landing may be performed when required by a non-normal procedure.
Scheduled lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 and 2 must be…?
Random fuel imbalance during taxi, TO, flight or landing must not exceed … ?
453 kg
Do not apply brakes until after touchdown. True or false?
Normal bank angle
Between 25-30 degrees of bank More than 35 degrees of bank are steep turns.
When flying without A/T, which power settings do we use? Take off Climb Go around Max cont (AEO) Mac cont (OEI) Max thrust
Take off 95% Climb 90% Go around 95% Max cont (AEO) 90% Max cont (OEI) 95% Max thrust 100% In case of high TOM, use 100% for take off and 95% for climb.
What are the EGT temp limits?
- Redline: 950*C
- Start limit: 725*C
What is the sever turbulence air penetration speed?
280 KIAS / .76M whichever is lower (CLB & DESC only)
What is the maximum operating latitude?
82 deg N and 82 deg S in most areas
Can you operate HF radios during refuelling?
No, you are not allowed.
Does the standby alt meet the accuracy requirements of RVSM airspace?
No, it does not.
Can you take-off with one or both engine bleed air switches ON and the air
conditioning packs in HIGH?
What about approach or landing?
With either one or both engine bleed air switches ON, do not operate the air
conditioning packs in HIGH for takeoff, approach or landing.
Name the maximum headwind, tailwind and crosswind components, when conducting a dual channel Cat II or Cat III landing predicated on autoland operations?
What about glideslope angles and flaps used?
Maximum allowable wind speeds, when conducting a dual channel Cat II or Cat III landing predicated on autoland operations, are:
• Headwind 25 knots
• Crosswind 20 knots
• Tailwind 10 knots.
Maximum and minimum glideslope angles for autoland are 3.25 degrees and 2.5 degrees respectively. # Autoland capability may only be used with flaps 30 or 40 and both engines operative.
Which VHF radio antenna do you use on the ground for ATC comms?
Use the VHF radio connected to the top of fuselage antenna for primary ATC communications on the ground.
After which amount of max consecutive starts do you need to let the starter cooldown?
After three consecutive aborted start attempts, a fifteen minute cooling period is
What is the Alternate flap duty cycle?
- When extending or retracting flaps with the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch, allow 15 seconds after releasing the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch before moving the switch again to avoid damage to the alternate flap motor clutch
- After a complete extend/retract cycle, i.e., 0 to 15 and back to 0, allow 5 minutes cooling before attempting another extension.
Beyond which latitude must you not attempt ADIRU alignment?
ADIRU alignment must not be attempted at latitudes greater than 78 degrees 15 minutes.
What is the maximum runway slope?
-/+ 2 degrees
Above with flap setting do speedbrakes need to be retracted?
Flaps 15 or more