Performance Flashcards
To know your Performance
For performance purposes, how is a DAMP runway considered?
With Anti-Skid inop and a wet runway, is take-off at full thrust (26K) permitted?
Anti-skid INOP is allowed on DRY rwy only. (is in OPT)
Departure EMA RWY27, wind 210/20G30 visbility >10KM, OAT 1degC QNH 997 and MOTNE 88350037.
From the TALPA matrix, what is the braking action?
And is take-off permitted? If not, why not?
0.37 Good to Medium.
Take-off is permitted, cross wind is 17 kts, limit is 22kts. Calculate Xwind with steady windcomp for performance.
Landing dispatch: EI-SIM, BFS, RWY35, WET (GOOD), Flap 40, Wind 300/10, QNH 1019, OAT 23.
What is the maximum landing weight?
What is the maximum landing weight with Manual Speedbrakes?
Determine the cross wind limit for landing?
Max landing weight: 64736 kg (OLD: 64524kg)
Max landing weight, manual speedbrakes: 61352 kg (OLD: 61143 kg)
Crosswind limit: 33 kts (OLD: 30 kts)
A runway covered with dry snow to a depth of 24mm. What is the equivalent depth of slush?
24/8 = 3 mm
Min in OPT is 4 mm.
For landing on a runway covered with standing water, depth 5mm and temperature +8degC.
Use the TALPA matrix to determine braking action.
What is the crosswind limit for landing?
Braking action: Medium to Poor
Crosswind limit: 17 kts
Landing dispatch: EI-SIM, landing at Granada (GRX), RWY27, with a 3.0% MACG, QNH 1006, OAT 39 degC DRY. Wind is calm.
Calculate the limiting landing weight?
For an actual landing weight of 62,500KG, find the inflight LDR using flap 30, autobrake 2 and full reverse.
Limiting landing weight: 64478 kg
LDR: 3102 m (exceeds LDA) (OLD: 2696 m)
Take-off performance: EI-SIM, Salzburg (SZG), RWY33, DRY, Flap 10, Wind 180/13, OAT 21degC, QNH 1010, ATOW 64000kg.
Determine the:
B. The optimum thrust setting
C. RTOW for the thrust setting in B.
D. Assumed temperature
E. V-speeds (V1, VR, V2)
A. 71523 kg (OLD: 71741 kg)
B. R-24K
C. 66840 kg (OLD: 67046 kg)
D. 31 degC (OLD: 32 degC)
E. V1=135, VR=137, V2=143
Take-off performance: EI-SIM, Charleroi (CRL), RWY06, Runway cond: WET, Flap 5, Wind 340/12, OAT 9degC, QNH 983, Eng Ant-Ic ON, ATOW 69100 kg.
Determine the:
B. The optimum thrust setting
C. RTOW for the thrust setting in B.
D. V-speeds
A. 77230 kg (OLD: 74990 kg)
B. not possible (OLD: R-24K)
C. not possible (OLD: 73477 kg)
D. not possible (OLD: V1=135, VR=144, V2=149)
What is the correction to normal landing distances for Autoland approaches with Flap 40?
140 m or 260 ft
Landing dispatch: Landing at Bristol (BRS), RWY27, wind reported: 210/10G20, rwy condition 100% contaminated, 4mm slush.
A. What is the crosswind?
B. What is the crosswind limit for landing?
C. Can you land or must you divert?
A. 17 kts (OLD: 13 kts)
B. 17 kts (OLD: 12 kts)
State the wind limits (hw, xw, tw) for CAT II/III landings
Max headwind: 25 kts
Max cross wind: 20 kts
Max tailwind: 10 kts
Friction measurement (braking coefficient) can be used to downgrade the TALPA BA when the surface contamination is:
See Talpa Matrix
Landing dispatch: EI-SIM, landing at Carcassonne (CCF), RWY10, contaminated 100%, Frost, Braking co-eff 0.37, Flag 40, Wind 040/20, OAT 1 degC, QNH 981. Manual speedbrakes. LW 64000 kg.
Find the permitted landing weight. Can you dispatch?
Max Landing Weight: 63411 kg (OLD: 63413 kg)
Dispatch: NO
In-flight planning: EI-SIM, LFBL, RWY21, Wind 220/10, MOTNE: 21490728, Flap 40, OAT 2degC, QNH 1001, Full reverse, Anti-ice: engine + wing. LW 65,000 kg.
A. The LDA
B. The autobrake setting you would use
C. The LDR for the autobrake setting you chose in B.
A. 2440 m
C. 2115 m (OLD: 2308 m)
When using the OPT for Inflight Planning for LDR: on a wet/slippery runway with crosswind > 15 kts, use the NO REVERSE increment. True or False?
The minimum cleared width of a runway is?
- absolute minimum: 30 m
- narrow is defined as width < 45m
- when < 40 m:
- reduce cross wind limit by 1 kt per 1 m narrower than 40 m
- For take-off on a narrow runway V1(MCG) is increased by 5 KT when required. OPT calculates this.
The company standard MFRH is?
1000 ft above airfield elevation
For freight calculations, cargo equivalent bags use a standard bag weight of…
Which hold are the always loaded in?
13 kg
(freight weight is reversed engineered into cargo equivalent bags at 13 kg each)
Always loaded in aft hold 3
The following bags are already loaded:
Hold 1: empty
Hold 2: 150 bags
Hold 3: 220 kg of freight
Hold 4: empty
If 13 free gate bags now need to be loaded, where should they be placed?
10 in hold 2 and the remainder in hold 1
Or Hold 1, 2 or 4.
When calculating en-route landing performance using the OPT with one reverser inoperative:
Select “ONE INOP”.
Ldg Enroute On Wet/Slippery rwy and Xwind>15kt use “NO REV CREDIT”
Credit for a one reverser in operative take-off may only be given “ONE INOP” on a WET runway (in OPT)
Landing Dispatch is always F40 en REV “no credit”
For a departure from RWY 28, with wind 340/20G30, visibility 10km, broken at 500ft, OAT -2C, QNH 986 and MOTNE 88851033.
From the TALPA matrix, what is the braking action?
Is the takeoff permitted? If not, why not?
Braking action: Medium
Take-off NOT permitted, max crosswind is 20 kts
Landing dispatch: EI-SIM, BFS, RWY35, WET (GOOD), Flap 40, Wind 350/10, QNH 995, OAT 12C. A/Ice OFF
What is the maximum landing weight?
What is the maximum landing weight with Manual Speedbrakes?
Determine the cross wind limit for landing?
Max landing weight: 64709 kg (OLD: 64721 kg)
Max landing weight, manual speedbrakes: 61359 kg (OLD: 61371 kg)
Crosswind limit: 33 kts (OLD: 30 kts)
For landing on a runway covered with wet snow, depth 4mm and temperature +1degC.
Use the TALPA matrix to determine braking action. What is the crosswind limit for landing?
Braking action: Medium
Crosswind limit: 25 kts (OLD: 20 kts)
Landing dispatch: EI-SIM, landing at Granada (GRX), RWY27 DRY, with a 4.0% MACG, QNH 1008, OAT 35 degC, Flap 40. Wind is calm.
What is the limiting landing weight?
At that weight, what is the inflight LDR for A/B 2 with full reverse?
Limiting landing weight: 62095 kg
LDR: 2775 m (OLD: 2412 m)
Take-off performance: EI-SIM, Salzburg (SZG), RWY33 DRY, Flap 10, Wind 180/15, OAT 18degC, QNH 1010, ATOW 64000kg.
Determine the:
B. The optimum thrust RTG
C. RTOW for the thrust setting in B.
D. Assumed temperature
E. V-speeds (V1, VR, V2)
A. 71158 kg (OLD: 71393 kg)
B. R-24K
C. 66514 kg (OLD: 66736 kg)
D. 31 degC
E. V1=135, VR=137, V2=143
Take-off performance: EI-SIM, Charleroi (CRL), RWY06, Runway cond: 100% slush, depth 6.0mm, Flap 5, Wind 340/15, OAT 4degC, QNH 983, Eng Ant-Ic ON, ATOW 62500 kg.
Determine the:
B. The optimum thrust setting
C. RTOW for the thrust setting in B.
D. V-speeds
A. 67750 kg (OLD: 67492 kg)
B. F-24K (no ATM contam rwy and tail strike prevention)
C. 64618 kg (OLD: 64319 kg)
D. V1=119, VR=136, V2=144 (OLD: V1=118)
Landing dispatch: RWY16, wind reported: 090/10G20, rwy condition 100% contaminated, 4mm slush.
A. What is the crosswind?
B. What is the crosswind limit for landing?
C. Can you land or must you divert?
A. 19 kts
B. 17 kts
In-flight planning: EI-SIM, LFBL, RWY21, Wind 270/10, MOTNE: 21590629, Flap 40, OAT -2degC, QNH 1020, Full reverse, LW 65,000 kg.
A. The LDA
B. The autobrake setting you would use
C. The LDR for the autobrake setting you chose in B.
A. 2440 m
B. Setting 2 (OLD: setting 3)
C. 2432 m (OLD: 2385/2373 m (2=2598/2586m and 1=2760/2747m))
For a takeoff from a WET runway with 1 reverser inoperative, reduce crosswind limits by …
5 kts
Credit for a one reverser in operative take-off may only be given “credit” on a WET runway (in OPT)
Free Gate Bags will be loaded …
ONE OFF THESE: Always kept together in the same hold, Always in the AFT hold, Always in Hold 2 or Always spread between Holds 1 and 2.
What signifies a runway has an Emergency Turn Procedure in place?
The letters ET after the runway designator on the OPT runway selection (Looks like this is no longer the case with EOSID)
What are the line-up adjustments for TORA/TODA and ASDA?
- TORA / TODA +19m from main wheels
- ASDA +35m from nose wheel
What are the contaminated RWY performance and OPS implications?
What about slippery?
- Assumed Temp Method not permitted
- TO or LDG not permitted in slush, wet snow >13mm
- TO, LDG limit for dry snow 101mm
Slippery RWY when t*=3* or less, and DEWP spread 3 degrees
What are the narrow RWY performance and ops implications?
- Narrow when <45m
- No Autoland
- No ops when slippery / contaminated
- Xwind limit - reduce 1kt/1m<40m width
What is the normal take-off screenheight? And in WET conditions?
Clear all obstacles by:
- DRY: 35ft
- WET: 15ft
- Net to gross climb gradient adjustment: 0.8
What is the maximum tire speed?
- 225 miles per hour
- 195 kts
What can you say about flap and reduced thrust take-off in relation to tailstrikes?
// As a tail strike prevention policy, when crosswind exceed 10 knots for takeoff:
Flap 5 is the normal departure flap setting and, in addition, when the crosswind component is in excess of 10 kts assumed temperature thrust reduction is not permitted.
What conditions do you always select for LDG dispatch planning, unless INOP?
- 2.5% MACG (unless told otherwise)
- Flap 40
- No reverse credit
Dispatch OK if LLW > estimated LW
If HWC > 10 kts, how do you calculate the Vref additive?
Minimum of:
- 0.5 * HWC + full gust increment
- Vref + 15
- Flap placard speed (F30: 175kts, F40: 162kts)
When using the OPT for landing enroute, NNC LDR, what factor do you need to apply? Do you have other LDR considerations?
Factor (i.e. multiply) by 1.3
Minimum NNC LDR = 1900 m