THINGS SHE STRESSED PT 1 -From Steve's Study Guide (Lectures 2/13 & 2/20) Flashcards
the ability of blood vessels within organs to maintain a relatively constant blood flow regardless of changes in arterial pressure.
auto regulation
____ Blood pressure leads to stretch that results in constriction of arterioles and precapillary sphincters. _____BP results in vessel dilation in order to increase flow.
high; low
In the ______system obstruction manifests as distal ischemia in the _______system obstruction manifests as edema
arterial; venous
__________ is a stationary blood clot formed within a vessel or a chamber of the heart. (pl thrombi)
Inflammation in vein –_______ and with a clot–_______
phlebitis; thrombophlebitis
During a thrombosis in the _____ system, patients will experience intermittent claudication, cool, cyanotic blue, painful ulcer in big toe. _______thrombosis – could be no s/s or could be life threatening (pulmonary embolism) calf/groin tenderness, swelling and Homan’s sign. Another way you can tell if a patient has a DVT is to do a _____. It’s not specific but it could start the work up for a PE
arterial; venous; d dimer
Embolis traveling to _____ventricle will go to the brain and will cause an ischemic stroke also known more specifically as an embolic stroke, that occludes a cerebral artery. An embolus leaving right ventricle gets into ______artery and causes a _____ embolis.
left; pulmonary 2x
Patients will present with sudden onset of SOB, Tachypnea, chest pain – this can cause sudden death, sometimes also back pain or scapular pain in a _____
pulmonary embolus
IVC / SVC or Greenfield filter – used to prevent a _________
pulmonary embolus
Clinical manifestations: often women more than men, organ specific – prinzmetal angina, in the brain can cause spasming and rupture of cerebral artery causing hemorrhagic stroke, migraine headaches would be another S/S.
insufficiency of the deep veins is _________.The legs become hyperpigmented, they swell, not enough flow in venous system
chronic venous insufficiency
Venous stasis ulcers will occur on the ________
medial malleolus
cholesterol calcium plaques deposited in the arteries
___________weakening of the blood vessel where it pouches out. Predisposes to rupture and bleeding
___________abnormal communications between arteries and veins – most commonly found in brain and GI tract.
Arterial venous fistulas
People who have atherosclerotic plaque do not just have it in one location they have it everywhere. They get ____ in the legs – stroke and CVA, myocardial infarction.
_______ studies these are both ultrasounds that use sound waves to determine whether there’s an obstruction). ________ test done to determine if a pt ankle systolic over brachial systolic. If less than _____ it’s considered PAD. Lower number lower the index more ____ PAD
Doppler/Duplex; Ankle Brachial Index; 0.9; severe
due to vasoconstriction or vasospasm. Interferes and blocks blood flow leading to color changes.
CLINICALLY MANIFESTED as intermittent claudication. Lack of adequate perfusion to the legs – atrophy potential. Cool to touch extremities, weak or absent pulses, hair loss – the skin will look shiny.
More invasive, accurate diagnostic way to diagnoses PAD is _______ –when the vascular provider or cardiologist injects dye into the arterial system of lower extremities
Aneurysms: ______ increasing intracranial pressure, it might be hemorrhagic stroke. ______ sudden severe stabbing, tearing pain, radiates into back/abdomen, shock state
Cerebral; Aortic
_______would have widening of pulse pressure 160 over 60
cerebral hemorrhagic stroke
_________-send a probe through the esophagus and take pictures of aorta via ultrasound most diagnostic and invasive for dissecting aneurysm
________medical emergency treated medically with vasodilators it’s important to keep BP low – as low as possible to maintain perfusion, b/c the shearing force from the pressure will make the ripping of layers apart even worse.
Aortic aneurysm
_______measures tissue profusion. Greater than ____ is considered tissue profusion. Surgeons can also put a graft in to repair.
MAP; 70
________ absence of arterial circulation may result from thrombi, emboli, or mechanical compression
Pallor Paresthesia Paralysis Pain Polar Pulseless Pistol shot
Chronic venous insufficiency will lead to _____. They will have _________which will occur on the medial malleolus and pain.
edema; venous stasis ulcers
normal lymphatic flow is altered – usually secondary to mastectomy, radiation, or lymph node removal. You cannot draw blood or do blood pressures from this arm.
amount of blood ejected with each contraction of the ventricle. The amount of blood that is squeezed out of LV on systole.
Stroke volume
stroke volume formula
Normal Stroke Volume is______% anything between 40 and 54% is considered _____dysfunction – meaning LV a little weak.
55-80; systolic
_____ is the immediate source of energy for myocardium to move. But it needs to be converted to ATP by the enzyme ______, when there is damage to the myocardium it will be released. One sign of ____ is the elevation of the enzyme.
Anything that increases the HR has a __________
chronotropic effect