Reversal, overturning, experience of downfall (OEDIPUS and BACCHAE)
Recognition of truth (OEDIPUS and BACCHAE)
Oracle of Themis
Visited by Deucalion and Pyrrha
Hera’s persecution of Dionysus
o Athamas, delusional, hunted his elder son Learchus who he thought was a deer and killed him
o Ino cast herself into the sea, together with her son Melicertes
Ino is Dionysus’ blood relative Aunt, Athamus is his uncle
Festival Consualia
Rape of the Sabine women
Cadmus and Europa
siblings (Europa has Cretan kings, Cadmus makes Thebes)
The numen of bridges, gates, entrances
Numen of the items in the household
Numen of the people in the household
Son of Hephaestus - rape attempt on Athena
father of Pentheus (Agave is mother)
Female followers of Dionysus
Female followers of Dionysus
Male followers of Dionysus
Collective name for Dionysus’ followers
violates Eleusinian mysteries in 415
Socrates, Pentheus, Alcibiades
All question the gods and are punished for it.
Socrates: gods
Pentheus: Dionysus
Alcibiades: Eleusinian mysteries
Another name for Dionysus
Does Dionysus appeal to democratic or aristocratic people?
Wolfy guy
Swollen foot
Iulus: Ascanias
Ilia: Rhea silvia
Ilium: Troy
In the Oresteia, who commands Aeolus to prevent the ships from sailing from Aulis? In Aeneid, who commands Aelous to shipwreck them?
Oresteia: Artemis
Aelous: Juno (doesn’t want them to make it to Carthage)
Used to describe Dido, unlucky
What does Dios mean?
Sky father
What is Zeus the divine champion of?
- Xenia
- Suppliants
- Justice
Who is Poseidon married to?
Who is Hera the mother of?
Ares (+Zeus), and Hephaestus (asexually)
Where was Ganymedes from?
Marriages are ____ and ____
Exogamous: female leaves her father’s house
Virilocal: female enters the house of her husband
What lie does Aphrodite tell Anchises?
That her family is from a nearby town, and that she has already heard all about him. She says that Hermes abducted her from her family.
King of Eleusis
Queen of Eleusis
A Titan—the mother of Aphrodite in Homer
A flower, wondrous and bright
Persephone picks it from a field (it is Hades) in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
In what 2 stories was Hephaestus born disabled? In what story was he injured by Hera/Zeus?
Born disabled in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo and in Theogony.
Became disabled in the Iliad, explains the story when he was acting as a peacemaker
Bribed by a necklace
Eleithyia - goddess of childbirth who Hera tried to ban
Parents of typhoios?
Theogony: Gaia and Tartaros
Homeric Hymn to Apollo: Hera asexually
Who has to serve the mortal Admetus?
Apollo, for killing some of the cyclopes that produce Zeus’ lightning bolts. Admetus is married to ALCESTIS
Son of Callisto and Zeus, Zeus raped Callisto when she was a Vestal virgin, Artemis turned them into bears and they were hunted. Catasterization.
In which stories are Hephaestus born lame?
Homeric Hymn to Apollo, Theogony
Who is Maia the daughter of?
Atlas, who is the son of Iaepetos and Clymene (Titans)
Where does Hermes get the golden whip?
From Apollo to herd his cattle
Who in Dionysus’ family raised him and was persecuted by Hera?
Ino and Athamus (raised him as a girl)
Athamus was driven mad to hunt his soon Learchus as a deer.
Ino was driven mad to cast her and her other son Melicertes into the sea
Mt. Nysa
Where Dionysus was raised by nymphs, who turned him into a goat
According to Orphic tradition, how was Dionysus born?
Born to Zeus and Persephone. Titans eat him (omphagia)
Rights of Cybele
Biggest opposing force of Dionysus
Apollo - they share Delphi
Out of Tantalus, Sisyphus, Ixion, and Tityus, which was a son of Zeus?
According to Orphic tradition, where did humans come from?
From the ashes of the Titans
Took satyrs and maenads hostage and attacked Dionysus. Dionysus sought refuge in the sea with Thetis. Dionysus drove Lycurgus mad. He thought he was cutting a branch of ivy with an axe, but he was really killing his own son and cutting off his extremities.
Wrote the song of the Phallace bearers
3 cults offer hope of an afterlife
- Orphic cult
- Eleusinian mysteries
- Rites of Cybele
Out of Tantalus, Sisyphus, Ixion, and Tityus, which was a son of Aoleus?
Teaches Herakles the lyre
Tiryns and Mycenae
Perseus becomes the king
Who becomes king: Aeson or Pelias? Atreus or Thyestes?
Pelias and Atreus
Bride of death. Daughter of Hecuba and Priam. She was sacrificed to the ghost of Achilles after the fall of Troy.
Modesty and shame
Greater commitment to the family/household than the community
______ for an early death in war, ______ in the form of war spoils.
Kleos (glory), timé (honour)
Diomedes and Patroklus’ excellence
Meets Diomedes on the battlefield - they realize their grandfather’s knew each other and stop fighting
Of Ethiopia, a Trojan ally killed by Achilles, son of the Dawn Goddess
Who drives Ajax crazy?
Athena - he is planning on killing Agamemnon and Odysseus, but Athena makes him kill their cattle instead. He is so embarrassed he commits suicide.
Athena favours Odysseus.
Shame–Ajax experiences it after losing Thetis’ contest for Achilles’ armour and Athena driving him to kill the sheep
statue of Athena, must be captured before Troy’s fall, located in Troy. Diomedes and Odysseus obtain it from Troy.
Amazon queen killed by Achilles - trojan ally
Who does Helen expose her breast to?
What takes Hecuba as captive? (time)
3 conditions for Troy to fall?
- Neoptelemus must fight for the Greeks
- Bow of Herakles must be retrieved from Philoktetes on Lemnos
- Palladium (statue of Pallas Athena) must be retrieved from Troy
Who tries to rape Cassandra?
Lesser Ajax - she is Agamemnon’s timé
Who took Andromache as time?
Who kills Achilles? Who is present?
Paris - Apollo is present
Polyphemus’ parent
Who came to Nausicaa in a dream?
Ciconian women
Attack and kill Orpheus with stones
A crime against time
Incest with mother
Obliteration of origin
How did Aeneas get access to the underworld?
He uses the golden bough to convince Chiron to ferry him across the River Styx
Helen tore his household apart‚ he was a son of Priam (brother of Hector)
Who guided Aeneas in the underworld?
The opposite of Tartarus: where Anchises was, where the Age of Heroes went.
Amata name meaning?
Who is Hector in the Aeneid?
Who is Patroklus in the Aeneid?
Pallas, son of Evander of Arcadia
Who is Penthisilea in the Aeneid?
Camilla, Amazon-like queen allied with Turnus, killed by Aeneas
Is Latinus of Latium unwilling to submit to fate?
Who tried to set the Trojan ships on fire?
Turnus, same as Hector but to the Greeks
What is in the centre of the shield of Aeneas?
A “STRIPE OF ACTIUM”, which depicts the Battle of Actium, where Cleopatra and Marc Anthony were defeated by Octavian/Augustus Caesar
How many times is Hector chased around the city of Troy by Achilles? How many times is Turnus chased around Latium by Aeneas?
3 and 5
What Egyptian can Dido be compared to?
Whose side is Hera on in the Iliad? Aeneid?
Iliad: Achilles/Greek
Aeneid: Turnus’/Dido’s/NOT the Trojans
Why did the name “Troy” fall, and become replaced with “Latin”?
It was Juno’s one request, when Jupiter asked her to allow Aeneid to defeat Turnus at Latium
What finally causes Aeneas to plunge his sword into Turnus, even after Turnus begs for a proper burial?
Aeneas spots the golden belt of Pallas
Euripidean difference in the Agamemnon?
Agamemnon plays a trick on Clytemnestra, has her dress up Iphigeneia, saying she will be married to Achilles, instead she is a bride of death