Term 1 - Lecture 7 Flashcards
How is the way that Hermes prepared a meal for the gods different than the way that Prometheus does?
Hermes: prepares 12 evenly distributed proportions for the Olympian gods Prometheus: unevenly distributes the food between gods and humans
Who gives Hermes the title of “psychopomp”?
Zeus does
In which stories are Hephaestus born lame?
Theogony, Hymn to Apollo
How was Erikhthonius born?
Of Gaia - Hephaestus tried to rape Athena, and ejaculated on her thigh/ground and Erikhthonius grew
What does Hephaestus oversee for Zeus? Why?
The Cyclopes producing Zeus’ lightning bolts. He is an excellent craftsman and inventor
What is the significance of Athena’s temple—the Parthenon—being on top of the Acropolis?
It is in a place of prominence and honour
Who especially does Athena contrast (not Poseidon)? What is their relationship?
Artemis (wilderness, rather than polis) They are essentially sisters
How is the fact that Hermes stole Apollo’s cows settled?
They go up to Olympus to settle the issue. Apollo tells the truth, and Hermes makes up an elaborate lie, then swears an oath that he was telling the truth. Zeus doesn’t even care that he lied. He just laughs, and tells Hermes to show Apollo where he hid the cattle.
What did Apollo and Hermes exchange?
Apollo gives Maia the future that Hermes promised her on Olympus, and allows Hermes to be the messenger god. Hermes gives Apollo his lyre, his sacred instrument. Apollo also gives Hermes a golden whip to care for the cattle herds
Who is Athena the divine protector of?
Herakles, Perseus, Odysseus
In the Iliad, whose soul does Hermes take to the underworld?
Sarpedon’s, a mortal son of Zeus, killed at Troy
What is Hephaestus’ roman name?
What did Athena invent that contrasts Poseidon?
Way to tame nature. Poseidon is the Earth shaker. Bridle Ships Weaving Olive harvest
What is Hermes the patron of?
Messengers Travelers Orators (people who persuade others) Merchants (do not follow the Aristocratic model)
Why is Hermes divine status questionable?
Because he craves meat, which is a characteristic of animals (hierarchy). Hermes is a god and should be consuming nectar and ambrosia only.
When Hermes returns from the cow escapade, what does Maia say?
She says she knows Hermes was being troublesome. Hermes claims that he is just trying to make a better life for the two of them.
Who are the parents of Hermes?
Zeus and Maia
Who is the versatile one?
“Bonds would not hold him”
About Hermes - the crosser of boundaries
What is Hephaestus’ sacred temple?
The Hephaisteion, Athens
Did anyone know that it was Hermes that stole the cows?
Yes, a shepherd watched, and Hermes made him promise not to tell. Apollo approached the shepherd and asks if he’s see them. An eagle flies overhead, indicating that it was a son of Zeus.
Who is Maia the daughter of?
Atlas (has to hold up the whole world on his own). Atlas is the son of Iaepetos.
Where does Haphaestus live?
In a volcanic house
How did Hermes take Apollo’s 50 cows? What did he do with them?
He snuck out of his cave to steal them. He wore his sandals, and made walked backwards with the cows so his footprints would be misleading. He butchered them and uses a branch of laurel on fire to cook them on spits. He prepares 12 portions—almost as if he’s preparing a meal for the Olympian gods.
How does Hermes travel back home after stealing and cooking the cows?
Through a keyhole
What two instruments did Apollo invent?
- Lyre 2. Panpipes
Where does the Parthenon get its name from?
Parthenos - Athena is an eternal virgin aka parthenos
Compare Hermes and Prometheus in terms of the way they are punished.
All of the gods think Hermes is so funny, they can’t get mad at him. Prometheus on the other hand, is a pinnacle of pain and torture and punishment.
Who is the lame smith?
Why did Hermes weave sandals?
So that he could steal Apollo’s cattle
Who is the citadel goddess?
Who is Hephaestus married to?
Aphrodite - but she cheats on him with Ares (see the Odyssey)
Where is Hephaestus’ cult site?
Lemnos, the volcanic island (fire is his special gift)
What type of strategies are Athena especially good at?
Military defence
Who tries to rape Athena? What is the result?
Hephaestus. He falls in love with the virgin goddess and attempts to rape her. He ejaculates on her thigh, and some semen falls to the earth - Gaia bears the child Erikhthonius
Do Artemis and Athena have divided loyalties?
When does Apollo forgive Hermes for stealing his cows?
Hermes plays a song on the lyre that he invented, and Apollo finds it so beautiful that he says it was worth 50 cow –> HOW APOLLO GOT THE LYRE
What do other stories in which Hephaestus is not born lame associate his lameness with? Who cared for him?
An injury by Zeus or Hera. Ex. Hera throwing him into the ocean following birth, making him lame. He was supposedly cared for by Thetis.
Where does Maia live?
In an obscure cave, away from the Olympians
Who invented the lyre?
Who is the crosser of boundaries? Who is the dissolver of boundaries?
Hermes and Dionysus
How did Hermes invent the lyre?
In the middle of the night with Maia in the cave, he crawls out of his crib (crossing a boundary) where he finds a turtle. He uses the shell to invent the lyre.
How is Athena recognizable?
She often has snakes on her, and is shown wearing armour, as the defender of civic life
Artemis is the virgin goddess of ____. Athena is the virgin goddess of ____.
- Wilderness 2. City
Are Prometheus and Hermes related?
Yes - Prometheus is the great Uncle of Hermes
What do Prometheus and Hermes have in common?
Both are tricksters
What two things are Hermes associated with in images?
- Traveller’s hat 2. Caduceus
Where is Athena the patron goddess of?
What is the sacred temple of Athena?
The Parthenon, on the Acropolis
Who is the baby trickster?
Who sings the Homeric Hymn to Hermes?
Hermes himself, with the lyre that he invented
How does Hermes prove himself as an Olympian?
He wants to eat the cow meat so badly, but he restrains, because his food is nectar and ambrosia
How was Hephaestus born?
Asexually to Hera, from her thigh
How was Athena born?
Zeus has sex with Metis and out of fear of being overthrown, he swallows Metis (taking in intelligence). Athena was born out of the top of his head with the help of Hephaestus.
Where did Hermes get his sandals?
He wove them for himself