Term 3 - Lecture 2 Flashcards
What universal taboo is an obliteration of origin?
What three cities are involved in Oedipus?
Thebes, Delphi and Corinth
Who is the god of healing, purification, and prophecy?
What hero does Oedipus supplicate?
Theseus, the king of athens. Oedipus is seeking refuge. He has just arrive in Coronis - the place where the oracle of Delphi said he would die.
What does Oedipus’ name mean?
Swollen foot - refers to his exposure at birth. His parents bound him at the ankles and left him on the mountainside.
What does “philosophy” mean?
Love of knowledge
Who was Socrates? What did the Delphic oracle have to say about him?
Socrates was a philosopher in Plato’s dialogues. The Delphic oracle proclaimed him as the wisest person. The only thing he KNEW was that he didn’t KNOW. Socrates was put to death by the Athenians in 399 BCE.
Does Oedipus know the acts that he is committing? Is he still stained with miasma?
He does them unconsciously, and thus he is innocent. He is still stained by ritual pollution.
How does Oedipus Rex begin?
With Oedipus confronting his city, they are acting as suppliants. He calls them CHILDREN.
In Plato’s dialogues, who was an early hero of Philosophy who challenged accepted truths?
Socrates. Socrates annoyed everyone so much by contradicting them that they wanted him executed
What is the Riddle of the Sphinx? What happens if the riddle is not solved?
What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, three legs in the evening? (answer is a person). If the riddle is not solved, then the person is killed. If the riddle is solved the Sphinx is killed.
What universal taboo is the confusion of cause and effect?
Incest with mother
How was Oedipus a philosopher?
He was a lover of knowledge. As a philosopher he tried to understand the truth about the world and the nature of knowledge itself, including its limitations.
How many plays did Sophocles write? Which concerned the house of Laius?
He wrote 7 tragedies. Three concerned the house of Laius: 1. Antigone 2. Oedipus the King 3. Oedipus at Colonus (between 496–406 BCE)
Who are the actual parents of Oedipus? Where are they from? What is their lineage?
Labdacus has a son, Laius. Laius marries Jocasta, Jocasta and Laius have Oedipus. Oedipus and Jocasta have children together - Eteocles, Polyneices, Antigone and Ismene They are from Thebes
What does Sigmund Freud have to say about Oedipus?
That Oedipus’ destiny moves us because it might have been ours - sexual impulse towards the mother, and murderous hatred towards the father.
What does the oracle to Thebans tell him?
That after Oedipus dies, whoever have possession of his bones will prosper in battle.
Who was Sophocles? When did he live?
An ATHENIAN tragedian. He lived from 496–406 BCE.
Where does Oedipus come of age?
Away from home, in Corinth
What two acts are Oedipus fated to commit?
Incest with mother and parricide
What does the oracle to Oedipus tell him the first time?
The he would kill his father and marry his mother. He tries to avoid this, but fails because he thinks King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth are his true parents.
What are the 2 universal taboos presented in Oedipus?
- Parricide: an obliteration of origin 2. Incest with mother: a crime against time, confusion of cause and effect
What tension is there in Oedipus Rex?
The human drive to KNOW about himself, and the HORROR of the truth. Oedipus himself is the answer to all of his questions
What does Aristotle say about Oedipus in Poetics? (384–322 BCE)
That Oedipus the King is the perfect tragedy. Both Anagnorisis and Peripeteia occur spontaneously in Oedipus the King
What does the oracle to Laias tell him?
That if he has a son, he will kill him. Oedipus tries to avoid this by leaving Oedipus to die on a mountainside
What does the oracle to Creon say?
Tells him about the miasma in Thebes and how to stop the plague.
What is Anagnorisis?
Recognition of the truth
What is Peripeteia?
Reversal, overturning, experience of downfall
Who was the Sphinx? What was it doing?
A foreign being: part lion, part human, part animal, part bird. Foreign and from Egypt, but is causing blight on Thebes.
Who wrote Oedipus Rex?
Who are the adopted parents of Oedipus? Where do they live?
Merope and Polybus, they are from Corinth
Who is Creon in Oedipus Rex?
Of the same time as Labdacus, living in Thebes. He has a son named Haemon.
How does Oedipus kill the sphinx?
He solves the riddle, winning KLEOS
What does the oracle to Oedipus tell him the second time?
About the place of his death (Colonus). Said that he would die at a place sacred to the Furies.
oracle: Laius, Oedipus, Creon, Oedipus, Thebans
What is also known as a “crime against time”?
Incest with the mother
What ruler does Oedipus displace?
His own father, Laius
What are the 5 Delphic oracles in Oedipus’ story?
- Oracle to Laius 2. Oracle to Oedipus 3. Oracle to Creon 4. Oracle to Oedipus (AGAIN) 5. Oracle to Thebans
Who is the prophet of Apollo, and where does he live?
Tiresius, he lives in Thebes (before the time of Odyssey)
What is the irony in Oedipus?
Speech has one meaning for one audience and a different meaning for a different audience. (ex. internal and external audiences). Irony highlights the limits of knowledge. Mythic plots are known by the Athenian audiences—sense of inevitability.