Thermoregulation Flashcards
Use internally generated heat to maintain a steady internal body temperature, regardless of environment.
Dependent on external heart sources and sinks to manage body temperature. Their body temperature will fluctuate dependent of the environment.
What is the primary type of method ectotherms use to manage their body temperature:
Behavioural strategies:
What are the different processes in which an organism gains heat:
Waste heat from respiration, Conduction from surroundings, Convection from surroundings, radiation from surrounding.
What are the different processes in which an organism loses heat:
Evaporation of water, conduction to surroundings, convection to surroundings, radiation to surroundings.
Example of an ectotherm using a behavioural strategy to increase their body temperature via conduction:
Pressing their body against hot stones to increase body temperature by conduction.
Example of an ectotherm using a behavioural strategy to increase their body temperature via radiation:
Basking in the sun to orient their body to maximise the surface area exposed to the sun.
Example of an ectotherm using a behavioural strategy to decrease their body temperature:
Minimising movement to reduce the generation of metabolic heat.
Example of an ectotherm using a physiological strategy to increases their body temperature via radiation:
Colour of reptiles. Reptiles with darker colours absorb more heat. However this adaptation might not be too prominent due to the selective advantage of camouflage.
Thermoregulation is an example of what kind of response?
a negative feedback response.
Heat Loss Centre
- Activated when the temperature of blood flowing through the hypothalamus increases.
- Sends impulses to autonomic motor neurones to effectors in the skin/muscles to lower the core temperature.
Heat Gain Centre
- Activate when the temperature of the blood flowing through the hypothalamus decreases.
- Sends impulses via autonomic motor neurones in skin/muscles to increase the core temperature.
Active Techniques of thermal regulation:
Internal exohermic metabolic activities to keep warm - e.g respiration. Physiological responces to keep cool.
Passive techniques of thermal regulation:
- basking
- wallowing
- huddling
- digging burrows
- hibernation
- Aestivation
- Adding clothes.
Increasing Heat Prodution (thermogenesis)
Endotherms - various ways of incresing metabolic heat production.
Deliberate movements- shivering and rubbing hands.
What is brown fat?
Fat tissue containing more capillaries, mitochondria and special proteins that directly release energy as heat, smaller fat droplets -> with less channeled into the formation of ATP.
Why does brown tissue have more mitochondria?
To have a greater ability to release energy through metabolism.
Explain how white fur is a good adaptation for endotherms in artic environments:
White fur reflects infrared radiation produced by the body back to the body. The white fur also provides camouflage.
Arterioles near the skin surface dilate and the arteriovenous shunt constricts, forcing blood through the capillaries closer to the skin surface to increase heat loss by radiation or conduction (when pressed against a cold object.)
Arterioles near the skin surface constrict and the shunt vessels dilates, diverting blood flow away from the skin surface, to reduce heat loss by radiation.
Insulation - skin hairs/ feathers:
Contraction of erector pili at the base of hairs, causes hairs to erect. This traps a layer of air, by reducing air movement which provides a layer of insulation, reducing heat loss.
Why is the high sensitivity of thermoreceptors important?
It allows for the hypothalamus to pre-empt changes and more effectively manage the core temperature.
Where are thermal receptors located?
They’re located in the hypothalamus and in peripheral epithelial tissue (skin).
Why is maintaining a stable temperature important?
To maximise the rate of metabolic reactions by providing them with kinetic energy and providing the optimum temperatures for enzymes.