Theories Of The Famuly 2 Glossary Flashcards
What is the bourgeoisie
Ruling class
What is the conflict theory
Believes society benefits certain social groups at the expense of others
What is the consensus theory
Belief that society benefits all members equally as people share values and culture
What is the culture of dependency
They depend on welfare benefits
What is the expressive role
House wife
What is false conciousness
particular state of mind that prevents a person from recognizing the injustice of their current situation.
What is the functional fit theory
Idea that the family and it’s functions will adapt to fit needs of society
what is the individualisation thesis
Traditional structures have lost influence and have the freedom to choose how to live out lives to meet our own needs.
What is the instrumental role
Male breadwinner
What is male stream
Society focused on concerns of men
What is means of production
Factories, technology, machines
What is the negotiated family
Where partners enter on an equal basis and negoatiate to ensure the family works otherwise people will leave
What is neo conventional family
Chester said it’s a dual-earner family in which both spouses go out to work and not just the husband
What is organic analogy
Functionalists think that society is like a human body
What is patriarchal
Make dominated society
What is proletariat
Working class
What is pure relationship
Giddens- based on confluent love - mutual satisfaction of partners
Millett said it’s the only solution
Separate men and women
What’s social action theory
Individuals shape society as we ahve free will and choice over our actions
What’s social order
Maintenance of a stable society
Social solidarity
Sense of belonging and sense of community
Stabilisation of adult personalities
Parsons said to Provide comfort and emotional support for adult members and allow adults to indulge in childish behaviour when with children . Femal expressivke time should be responsible and male instrumental role needs stress relieving
Structural differentiation
As society changes the family loses some of its functions
Structural theory
Society shapes individuals and determines our behaviour through socialisation process
Warm bath theory
Family is like a warm bath immersion in family life relieve pressures of work